Chapter 25: Wrong Infinities

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1 month later

The rain fell like a dark gray sleet as they stood in front of the Polis tower, waiting. Clarke could hear the low deep rumble of the thunder blend with the faint strains of a grounder mourning song. Beside her, Octavia was comforting Raven, who was trying to sob as silently as she could. Clarke knew that the event hadn't yet registered with Raven properly.

Clarke looked back to see Lexa standing a few feet behind her, in complete warpaint and war gear, no hint of emotion on her face. Clarke felt rage boiling inside her. She couldn't look at her face.

The sound of the marchers came closer. At the head was Bellamy, holding an end of the makeshift stretcher to carry the body in. Lincoln, Jasper and Monty held the other ends of the stretcher.

Clarke looked at Bellamy's face as they lowered the body to the ground. It was tear stained and carried a heavy look of despair. Something looked broken inside him. Clarke could well imagine if it had been Raven or Octavia, she'd have been the same. He had been best friends with Bellamy.

Lexa's voice broke Clarke out of her reverie.

"We WILL avenge this. His death will not go in vain. Every single life counts. He was a good person, and he will be remembered that way. But, Azgeda will know what it is like, to hurt someone under my protection. Jus drein jus draun."

"Jus drein jus draun"

"Jus drein jus draun"

"Jus drein jus draun"

The chantings drowned the sound of the thunder. Amidst the rain, Clarke could see Raven break down beside her.

The covering around the body was opened and the body lifter to the pyre. Finn looked as youthful and pleasant as ever, even in death. A ghost of a smile was still etched in his face.

As Raven lit the pyre, Clarke and Octavia held on to her as tightly as they could, trying to give her strength. Lexa came and stood beside them.

"You said you would protect them." Clarke said in a low voice, so that only Lexa could hear her.

"Clarke I'm so sorry..."

"No you're not."


"Youre not sorry Lexa. You got what you wanted. He is an excellent cartographer and he got you the maps you need."

"He was. And his death-"

"Was completely unnecessary." Clarke finished the sentence. "You knew Azgeda was  closing in. You knew it was dangerous. You could have sent any of your other cartographers who are more skilled at fighting as well. And yet you sent him."

"I have to keep my more skilled warriors for the war. Finn died a hero's death.  You should be proud of him. War demands difficult decisions, Clarke."

"Don't teach me about difficult decisions Lexa. This is all your fault. Own it."

Lexa gave a long look at Clarke. "Take the day off, Gonaheda. Be with your friends. Come back for your duty tomorrow."

"Are you really dismissing me?" Clarke said in anger and incredulity.

Lexa raised a hand and silenced Clarke, who looked absolutely abashed.

Clarke pulled herself up straighter. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Heda. Give me a dossier of who else you mean to sacrifice next, then."

Clarke walked away. Lexa took a deep breath and walked towards the tower. War was coming, and with the Skaikru beside her, she was prepared.


1 month later

"Did we really have to have this meeting today, Lexa? It's our wedding day!"

"The war isn't going to wait for our wedding, Costia. We can face Azgeda with our combined armies."

"Such a romantic" Costia said sarcastically.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready? We are to be wedded in a few hours."

"Fine, I'm going to leave you alone for now, Lexa," she winked and walked out of the room.

Lexa sighed.

"Clarke!" she called.

Clarke lifted the blinds and entered the chamber. Lexa was sitting on a chair, rubbing her temple.

"I...Clarke I know that things haven't been exactly nice between us lately-"

"Nice", Clarke scoffed at the word.

Lexa ignored it and continued. "We've had our differences, Clarke, but none of it will ever change the way I feel for you."

"And so you'll go and get married to someone else. Nice plan, Commander." Clarke folded her arms and stared at Lexa.

Lexa closed her eyes and breathed out. "Clarke please," she said with an earnestness that made Clarke look up in surprise. She looked at Lexa's face carefully after a long time. Lexa looked tired. She looked perpetually tired nowadays. But today, the tiredness seemed to have spread to her soul as well.

"I love you Clarke. But our love is made of the wrong pieces.  Wrong timings, wrong promises, wrong  opportunities, wrong infinities. But loving you is probably the only right thing I've ever done, Clarke. And I will always love you no matter what." Lexa felt her throat choke, and fell silent.

Clarke's eyes swam with the tears she hadn't meant to shed. She felt days worth of anger and resentment melt away at the words. For the first time in her life, Lexa looked helpless. Her eyes showed a hurt that was too much for any twenty year old to bear. "Not today please Lexa, not today."

Lexa looked up at her."You don't have to attend today, Clarke. You are free of your duty."

"It's ok, Lexa." Clarke nodded earnestly. "I'll be around. I'll always be with you."


A/n: I'm back :)
Short Chapter. Next one is going to have a lot of things happening. Should round this story up in 5 more chapters.

P. S. Listen to the song  I've added in this chapter. It's a Clexa song I found on YouTube, and is, funnily enough, called Warpaint. It's a beautiful song.

P.p.s. Next chapter up in a day to two I promise! :D

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