Chapter 28: For Her, A Thousand Times Over

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Maybe there was a life beyond all the duties and protocols.
Maybe there was a world where their people won't come first.
Maybe there was a world where she would be with Clarke and be happy.
Maybe there was a world where she would wake up to Clarke Griffin's smile every morning.
Maybe there was a world...

"My Queen, she isn't talking. We still have no information about the flame. We should have taken the Fleimkeepa too."

"If she doesn't talk till tomorrow morning, cut her head off. If I can't place Ontari on the throne, I will take over Trigeda myself."

"Yes, my Queen."

2 hour later

"What is it this time, Echo? Did Lexa talk?"

"No my Queen. The camps are on fire. More than twenty soldiers are dead."

"So? What am I supposed to do? Go sort it out yourselves!"


"Leave a guard with the girl."

"But she's too weak to even move. I don't think she'll attempt to break out."

"You underestimate her, Echo. She is more capable than you think. It's those skylings who you can stop obsessing over. They'll never make it all the way here. We will notice them if they do. There's nowhere to hide for miles."

Echo nodded and left Nia's camp. She had to go and help the other soldiers. Some dunderhead must have gotten drunk again and spread the fire somehow.


"There, Bell! Look, fire...That's Clarke's signal."

"We are sticking to the plan, right?" Lincoln asked.

The rest nodded.

"Good. Too much talking. Now we fight!" Indra said. "Jus drein jus draun!"

"Blood must have blood."


Clarke looked at the burning tents around her and smiled to herself. The plan had worked like a dream.

She wondered if the others had managed to extract Lexa safely. She hoped there would be no casualties this time. Too much blood had already been shed.

She pulled her scarf over her head and across her face, stuffed the spare molotovs into her satchel and sneaked out.

A second later, she felt the cold blade of a knife pressed to her throat.

"So it was you. I should have known," Echo hissed.

Clarke gulped. She was completely defenseless. She had let her guard down. The knife was pressed too tight against her throat and it was already drawing blood. She couldn't remember anything she had learnt, to help her out from that position.

She became still and tried to decide her best course of action.

"There's no use trying to do something smart,"Echo sneered. "This blade I cut you's poisoned. And your darling Lexa, we used this on her too."

"If you think I'm buying your bluff, you clearly don't know me," Clarke said with greeted teeth.

"I'm not asking you to, look left," Echo said. Clarke tried to look to her left. A bunch of around twenty Azgeda warriors were walking towards them.

Damn, Clarke groaned inwardly. She might be good at this, but there was no way she would be able to escape this. She  hoped the others would be able to get Lexa out in time and that her mother would be ale to save her from the poison.

"On your knees, warrior chief," Echo laughed.

Clarke sank down to her knees and closed her eyes. If this was how she was to go out, this would be a good death. She tried to picture Lexa's face the first time she saw her in that forest. The first time they kissed. It was a sort of poetic irony that she would go down, trying to save Lexa.

The sound of hooves started her, followed by the sound of cold blades cutting in through flesh.

"Trigeda doesn't give up one of their own!"

Clarke opened her eyes at Indra's words. Echo was splayed on the ground, clutching at her throat gurgling with blood. The Azgeda warriors were running towards them by now.

"Get on the horse, Klark kom Trikru!"

Clarke did not need any second telling. She hopped onto Indra's horse, her vision now swimming dangerously.

"Lexa?" she asked.

"Poisoned, but safe. Octavia and everyone is taking her to the camp now."

"And the others?"

"Everyone is good. You did good, Clarke!"

"Hmm," she nodded, "For her, a thousand times over!"

There was a brief silence as the horse galloped through the the woods.

Then Clarke spoke again,"You came for me."

"Of course I did! You're one of own own now."


A/n: Almost there, guys :)

Last chapter will be up in sometime. I donot want to drag this. But I should warn you guys that there's one stray gunshot left in this story too!

P.S. The 100's 4th season has already been previewed in some countries. Apparently the first three episodes has Clarke telling her mom and Bellamy about how much she loves Lexa. (YAYAYEYEYEYEYEEEEE)

And there's a sex scene on Lexa's bed too! It better be a Clarke Lexa flashback or I'm gonna hunt down Jrat and give him a death by a thousand cuts!

Well now, we can only hope Lexa's legacy stays alive!!

P.P.: The song I added here is Sleeping at Last's Saturn. I feel it's a completely Clexa song. More like Clarke's song for Lexa or even Octavia's song for Lincoln.

I'll add the lyrics here for you:

You taught me the courage of stars before you left.
How light carries on endlessly, even after death.
With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite.
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.

I couldn’t help but ask
For you to say it all again.
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen.
I’d give anything to hear
You say it one more time,
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes.

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