Prologue: Part One

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--Part One--

Hi. My name is Narissa Barnes. Yes I know, odd name.

My story starts out much different from everyone else's.

My dad was a drunk, to make matters worse he was an angry and violent drunk. He didn't hesitate hurting my mom or I. Things weren't so bad until he lost his job. After that, everyday I got home from school he'd yell at me, already drunk. I did as he asked so he wouldn't have a reason to hurt me, my mom did not, however, follow my lead. When she'd get home she would be irritable, and my dad being the drunken bum he was, pushed her passed her limits. She'd pick fights with him after a long work day, typically resulting in them screaming and ending with him hitting her. While this went on I went in my room and blasted music to escape from everything.

One night the fighting went on longer than usual. So I went downstairs and sure enough my dad was screaming at her, what was different this time is he had a broken beer bottle in his hand. I hid, figuring they would settle things out and he wouldn't do anything too drastic. I was so wrong. Seconds later my mother's blood curdling screams filled the air, I knew what was happening but I couldn't move to help her. All I could do was sink to the ground and cover my ears, knees to my chest. I was so scared, my dad had never been like this, even on his bad days. Our next door neighbour called 9-1-1 and the police and an ambulance showed up. My mother was D.O.A. Or Dead On Arrival. A polite officer tried to ask me questions but I couldn't reply. I wrapped the bright orange shock blanket tight around my shoulders. It was a warm autumn night, but I still shivered. The officer had a soft voice and kind eyes, something I never really got to experience. He told me that "everything was going to be okay," that I was just "going to spend some time with my Aunt Maizey because Mommy was sick and Daddy got offered a job somewhere far away." Of course I was 7 at the time so what the hell did I know? Well, I knew that "mommy" wasn't going to be okay, that I wasn't going to be okay. I knew "daddy" was in trouble and I knew I was never going to see them again. However, what I didn't know is that those memories; the bottle, the angered voices, the screams for help, the blood, all of it, would still haunt me in my dreams 9 years later.

Maizey was nice, she was older than my mom. My grandparents got married right out of high school and didn't hesitate with kids. The only negative thing is that she lived all the way in Orlando, Florida, versus where I lived, which was Las Vegas, Nevada. The nice officer, Officer Paul Kerismen, took the flight with me to Florida, and handed me off to my aunt. She had a nice big house, with two wooden swings on a fat limb of the massive oak tree in her back yard.

Two years later, a family moved in across the street. They had three boys, all around my age. Maizey had me go over one day and offer them to come over for dinner, the two adults happily accepted our invitation and told me they would bring some dessert. They introduced me to their sons; Toby, Riley, and Connor. I made sure my sleeves were rolled down completely before formally introducing myself.

"Hi..." I clear my throat nervously. "I'm Narissa, Narissa Barnes." I stick out my hand to shake the three brothers' hands.



"Connor." All three of them spoke softly. Connor is the first to move to shake my hand, Riley second and Toby third. Then I turn back to their parents.

"Well, I'm Joan and this is my husband Mike. We're the McDonough family." I smile softly.

"I should get back so I can help Maizey with dinner. It was nice to meet you, see you tonight." I smile at the boys then run back across the street.


AN: so this is only the first part of the prologue/intro. I'll try you update again tomorrow.


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