Chapter 12

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AN: Sorry about the delay. Ugh. I'm so done with school.




~•~Chapter Twelve~•~

--Riley POV--

I'm not sure why Riss wanted to go over to her house but I didn't have a valid reason to argue so we just went over.

"You want something to eat?" She looks at me as she pulls me into her house. I shake my head.

"Nah, I'm good... Why did you want me to come over? Or to come here in the first place?" I tilt my head.

"I forgot to film a video for my channel." She pulls me to her room, I hadn't been in her room in quiet a while between the tours and house parties, recording and other performances, I hadn't really even been over to her place. We enter her room and I look around, mouth open slightly.

"What?" She looks at me. Her room was different. I hadn't seen it in a few years and it had changed, a lot.

"Yeah... I just haven't been up here in a while." I smile at her and she leans up and kisses me softly.

"We probably shouldn't act all coupley in the vid. I don't want you to get hate mail." She smiles softly.

"Got it. So, what are we doing?" I raise a brow.

"Girl singer versus boy singer. I've got the questions on my phone." She hops over to the camera on the tripod. "Sit!" She points to her bed and I sit down obediently and smile at the camera. She walks over and jumps on her bed nearly nocking me over.

"Wah!" I call out in surprise.

"Heyo! What's up guys!? It's Riss... But you knew that." She sits, legs crisscrossed. "This is one of my very good friends, Riley McDonough!" She holds her hand up like she's holding a microphone. "Tell us a little bit about yourself." She moves her hand so the invisible microphone is in front of my face and I pretend to take a bite of the fake mic. "Whale den." I laugh and then talk normally.

"Hi I'm Riley, I'm 18 years old and I'm in a band with my brothers, Toby and Connor, and together with a few of our friends we are Before You Exit." I smile happily.

"Thank you Riley. Now today we are doing female singer versus male singer. I have a few questions that both of us will answer and we'll go on from there." She unlocks her phone. "Okay first question." I look over at Riss and zone out on her face, not hearing the question.

--Narissa POV--

I sat there for a few minutes.

"Uh, Ri? You oka-" I was cut off by his lips on mine, I move my hand instinctively to the back of his neck and kiss back. I have no fucking clue where that came from but hell, I wasn't going to turn down a kissy session from my Ri. Besides, I can edit all this out later. Riley sets one hand on my hip and brushes his fingers along my jaw line with his other hand. I make a soft noise and he smiles as he kisses me again and I pull him closer. I guess he wasn't expecting me to do that because he fell forward onto me, causing me to fall back and him land on top of me. Or maybe that was his plan. I feel my face heat up when I remembered I was still only wearing my pajamas. "Riley," I murmur.

"Hmm?" He hums softly as he pulls back slightly.

"Nothing, never mind." I kiss softly. "But video, Ri..."

"Right..." He blushes and clears his throat. "Sorry."

"It's fine. I didn't mind." The corner of my lips twitch up into a smile and he laughs softly. It took us a little while to finish filming the video. "I'll edit that later." I say as I turn off the camera.

"We should take cute couple photos." Riley says as I sit next to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Or we could just cuddle." I suggest. He nods.

"Cuddling sounds good." He smiles at me and then all of a sudden everything goes white then black.

"Ri?!" I call out and he wraps his arms around me as a loud clap of thunder sounded.

"I'm here, you're alright." He nuzzles into my neck and I relax. "Everything's okay." I exhale deeply and nuzzle him.

A Soldier Between The Raindrops {Before You Exit FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now