Chapter 19

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AN: This chapter might be crappy cuz I'm writing bc I can't sleep but I'm still tired. Yeah. Don't hate me if it suckkksss and don't be afraid to comment. I would promise I don't bite but... I kinda do. :3 No but really, feedback is always nice. And if you like this chapter but don't want to comment you could still vote :3 thanks loves. Merp. I'm tired. Haha halp.


~•~Chapter Nineteen~•~

--Connor POV--

I woke up Valentines day morning. A few dozen twitter notifications from fans asking if I'll be their valentine. I groan and get up and go to the kitchen. I pass by the living room and stop and do a double take.

"Big bear." I mutter as I stare at the large stuffed animal. I look around then go over and poke it's nose. What? I was still half asleep. "I need coffee." I walk to the kitchen and pull out my left over Starbucks and put it in the microwave. I pull it out when the timer goes off and I hear Toby in the living room.

"Very large stuffed bear. Uhm... Okay?" He shuffles to the kitchen. "Bear?"

"Bear." I nod and he shrugs.

"Okay." He grabs a bowl and cereal and pours the cereal into the bowl then gets milk.

"Riley." I say before I sip my Starbucks.

"The bear is or is from."

"Is from." Toby nods and eats his cereal.

"Where are they?" He asks once he swallows his mouthful of cereal.

"I don't know, probably making out somewhere."

"Ew! Connor, eating! I don't need to picture that!" He throws a piece of dry cereal that missed the bowl at my face. I blink as it hits my cheek.

"You asked..."

"You didn't need to give details, bro." He shakes his head and continues eating his cereal. I shrug and throw out my trash and stare out the window. "Whatcha thinking about?" Toby asks as he chews.

"I don' know. Nothing, everything. Tour." I shrug again then lean against the wall and look at him.

"Same I guess." Toby nods and puts his dishes in the sink. "When's everyone getting home?"

"Mom and dad are home in a couple days. I don't remember when Maizey is coming back." I run my fingers through my bangs.

"Oh right." He nods. "I'm posting a picture of the big bear." Toby pulls out his phone and goes to the living room.

--Riley POV--

My phone goes off.

-@tobymcdonough tagged you in a post.

"Oh gosh." I roll my eyes and go on Instagram. There is a picture of Riss's bear with the caption. 'For me? @rileymcdonough you shouldn't have!' I roll my eyes and glance at the comments. 'Cute' 'who is it really for?' 'Love you guys, happy v-day.' 'Same! Happy singles awareness day.' I snort and lock my phone.

"What? Did I miss something?" Riss walks in with popcorn.

"Toby's up. He posted a picture of your bear." She laughs and sits next to me and feeds me a piece of popcorn. "Hmm. Thank you." I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she nuzzles into me, nodding slightly.

"Sure thing, love." She hums happily. I smile wide and kiss the top of her head. "You never chose a movie dear." She looks up at me. "You said you'd chose a movie while I made popcorn. The TV isn't even on." She laughs and I blush lightly.

"Sorry. I forgot. I'll go choose something." I kiss her forehead as I get up and look through the movies. "A-ha!" I show her Titanic.

"Absolutely not." She laughs at me.

"Aren't chicks into this movie though?" I look at her confused.

"Since when am I like every other girl in the world? Put in A Midnight In Paris. I like that one." She smiles.

"Only because Tom Hiddleston."

"Oi! Rachel McAdams is in there too so shoosh!" We laugh as I put in the disc and sit next to her again. "Let's try this again shall we?"

"We shall." I nod.

"The TV still isn't on." She says deadly serious then looks at me and we both crack up laughing. "And you left the remotes up there! No more valentines for you, you get all scatter brained."

"I thought I already was." I laugh as I get up and grab the remotes, turning on the TV.

"It got worse." She smiles at me and eats a handful of popcorn.

"You say that like you aren't surprised."

"Is it bad that I'm not?" We laugh and I sit back down as the movie starts.

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