Chapter 25

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~•~Chapter Twenty-Five~•~

--Riley POV--

We walk to the living room quietly, Riss giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. The corner of my lips twitch up into a half smile and squeeze her hand back.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Thomas asks, still completely oblivious to what is actually happening.

"Ye-" my voice cracks and I clear my throat. "Yeah. We're good." I glance at Riss and she leans into me slightly.

"You sure?" Connor asks sceptically, arms crossed over his chest and Toby sighs loudly.

"Connor drop it." He grumbles and stands walking over to us. Toby smiles softly at Riss and she let's go of my hand to hug him. "Did you talk some sense into my idiot brother?" He smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Yes I did." Riss laughs softly.

"Good, someone needed to and you're the only one he'd actually listen to." Toby smiles normally again as Riss pulls back carefully.

"We had our chick flick moment." She laughs softly.

"I can tell by his hair." Toby laughs and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"You mean the lack of product in it. Eh." Riss reaches over and ruffles my hair. I burry my face in her shoulder and she smiles, wrapping an arm around me. I peek up at her every so often and she traces soft patterns on my back. They all talk quietly, Riss continuing to trace patterns on my back. I make a soft sound by accident, realising that I was falling asleep am I feel my cheeks heat up again.

"What was that?" I hear Thomas ask and I peek up at Riss who smiles.

"Someone's tired." Riss speaks quietly. "Paul will be here soon, he said he just left the airport." I wrap my arms around her, eye closed, half asleep. I feel her wrap an arm around my shoulders and I nuzzle into her. Next thing I know we're sitting on the couch. I grumble softly. "Ri, hey, time to get up sleepy head."

"Five more minutes." I mumble out and Riss kisses the corner of my mouth and I sit up. "I'm up. I'm up." I blink.

"Paul's here, love." Riss brushes my hair back and I lean into her touch.

"Okay. Everyone ready?" I ask tiredly.

"Packing everything into the SUV." She murmurs and I nod. I start to get up and she stands, taking my hand and pulling me up.

"Thanks." I smile groggily at her and she kisses me softly.

"You're so cute when you're all sleepy." She intertwines her fingers with mine and pulls me outside. "Paul!" She calls and a man who was in his late 30s, early 40s jogs up.

"This him?" He looks me up and down as Riss nods. "You've been good to Nessie right." I swallow thickly and nod, straightening up my back. "Good."

"Be nice Paul. He's had a rough day." Riss rolls her eyes.

"Fine." He sticks his hand out. "'M Paul, you've probably heard of me." He smirks and I nod. I shake his hand.

"Riley, and you seem to know me." I speak, mouth feeling dry.

"Riss doesn't spare details." He says simply.

"We ready to go?" Riss asks and he nods and we all load up in the SUV. Luckily it's got an extended cab or we'd never be able to fit. We drive in circles before we finally park and unload. I look at Riss who sighs as she looks at the plain house.

"You okay?" I whisper and she shakes her head.

"Not really." Silence. "Let's go in." She grabs my hand and pulls me in. She leads me back to the master bed room, setting her stuff on the foot of the bed.

"Is this your room?" I glance at her.

"Nah, it's our room." She looks up and holds her hand out. I take it carefully and hum softly. "You okay Ri?" I look over and she looks at me.

"I think so. Come here." I hold my arm out to her and she nuzzles into my chest. "How bout we take a nap. How does that sound?" She nods and I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my hips. I blush lightly and kiss her neck softly. She rests her head on my shoulder and carry her over the bed.

"Do you wanna change?" She shakes her head tiredly. "Okay." She tightens her arms around me and I lay down with her and she whimpers softly. "Shh, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"I know." She murmurs in response. She nuzzles into my neck and I rub her back softly. She holds the other side of my neck and I hold her close and we hear a quiet knock. "No." She groans.

"Just try to sleep." She nuzzles into my neck more and I rub her side softly and she exhales deeply.

"Guys, can I come in?" Riss looks up as Braiden speaks softly from the other side of the door and she nods.

"Yeah, come on in." I say softly but loud enough so he can hear me. He sticks his head in.

"You want anything to eat?" He asks kindly.

"No thank you, Brai. Can you turn off the light please?" Riss speaks softly.

"Got it, holler if you need anything." He nods and turns off the light and leaves.

"Get some sleep." I kiss her softly.

"You make that difficult." She grumbles before kissing me back.

"Hm. Sorry." I mutter and Riss kisses me again.

"Just... Shush." She mumbles.

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