Chapter 23

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~•~Chapter Twenty-Three~•~

--Connor POV--

"Just hurry up dude!" I grip the steering wheel tight as Thomas complains.

"Okay okay! I'll be right back." He runs to his house, coming back out about five minutes later.

"She's gonna be alright." Braiden speaks softly. "She's a tough girl."

"I know but everyone has their breaking point. I just don't want to see what'll happen once she reaches hers." I finish the sentence quickly as Thomas gets in and I drive to Braiden's house, trying to relax. Once we pull up to his house he jumps out and runs in. I glance around the interior of my black Challenger, trying to put my mind at ease and Braiden gets back in.

"Okay. Let's go." He says as he closes the door. I shake my head and blink and drive home. Once we're all inside I hear Riss speaking softly on the phone upstairs. We walk into the living room and see Riley sitting on the couch and Toby on the recliner.

"There's sandwiches in the kitchen." Toby informs us and Thomas runs to the kitchen. Toby turns to Riley and speaks in a hushed voice. "You need to-"

"I know! I got it!" Riley shouts then clasps a hand over his mouth. I look at him shocked and he shakes his head. "Sorry, I'm sorry."

"Dude, what the heck was that?" I lean against the wall.

"It, it was nothing. Don't worry about it." Riley speaks sadly and tiredly. "I'm going to get Riss." He stands up and walks out.

"What's up with him?" I look at Toby confused.

"Really, Connor?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I ask, still confused. Toby sighs heavily.

"He's scared is all." Toby looks after Riley.

"We all are." I shift slightly.

"He's scared that he won't be able to protect her." Toby looks at me sadly. "He's so scared that he doesn't want anyone near her and won't let anyone help."

"But we can help. We want to help." I stand up from the wall. "That's stupid! He's being selfish and idiotic!"

"He's scared, Connor!" Toby stands as well. "He doesn't know what to do so he's pushing everyone away! Don't you get it? He needs his space, Riss will talk him into being reasonable so just back off!" He steps up to me and I flinch slightly as my younger, yet taller, brother talks down to me.

--Narissa POV--

I rub my arms and shiver as I pace in Riley's room. I open up his closet and pull out a peacoat-ish jacket and pull it on. A few seconds, or minutes, later Riley comes up.

"Riley?" I notice something's wrong as soon as he steps in. He takes a few steps towards me and collapses onto his knees, I run towards him and wrap my arms around him. I pull him close, his face nuzzling into my bosom, fingers digging into the fabric on my back and my back. He shakes softly. "Shh, I've got you." I bite my lip, blinking back tears. I play my fingers through his hair with one hand and rub his back with the other.

"I'm so sorry." He hiccups into my now tear soaked shirt. "I'm a screwup and I won't be able to protect you." He whimpers and I sniff.

"Shh Riley. Shh. You're okay. Just take a deep breath. Please."

--Riley POV--

I try to inhale, wincing as I do. I squeeze my eyes closed, everything hurts. I gasp, the tightness in my chest getting stronger and more painful each time. I pull Riss closer, whimpering softly.

"I'm sorry." I wheeze out.

"Riley, you don't need to be sorry." She sways slowly and I nuzzle into her more. "Can you stand?"

"I... I don't, don't know." I hiccup and try to stand, Riss wrapping an arm around me to support me. I never thought I'd fall apart like this, and I never thought it would be at a time like this in front of the one person I swore to always protect. She slowly leads me over to my bed, helping me sit down. She sits next to me and nuzzles under my chin.

"I love you, Ri." She whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper, voice coming out hoarse. The tightness in my chest slowly fading away. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I'll always be here for you. I promise." She says softly and I close my eyes.

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