Chapter 21

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AN: so who likes the new cover? And thank you guys for 600 reads! Got some more intense stuff comin up for you! I think this chapter is a long one too. I'm not sure. It looked long on my phone.




~•~Chapter Twenty-One~•~

--Riley POV--

"Trust you." Riss murmurs repeatedly as we walk to back to my house.

"I know. Shh, you're okay." I whisper in response and she cuddles into my shoulder as we walk in.

"What's wrong?" Braiden asks softly, he's the only one that noticed we were back. Riss lets go of me to hug Braiden then she pulls us into the kitchen. "Riss, what is it?" Braiden spoke softly and Riss shows him the text. "How did he get your number?"

"I.." She clears her throat. "I don't kn... Oh my god. Paul." She looks at me frantically and rips her phone out of Braiden's hands and dials a number. "Please pick up. Please please please." She waits a few seconds. "Paul!? It's my dad. He has my number I don't know how he got it but he does and he texted me a little bit ago and I feel like he's using a disposable phone and I don't..." She stops to breathe and nods a few times. "Okay... Okay. Okay. See you soon." She hangs up and speaks softly. "Paul is flying out here. He's taking the jet. He says that I have to be under witness protection along with anyone else who might be targets or used against me."

"I'll tell everyone to pack their bags." Braiden nods and starts to walk to where everyone else is.

"Thank you, Braiden." She whispers.

"Of course, Riss." He smiles and she smiles for a second then begins to frown.

"I'm so sorry, Ri. I wish I could've stopped this from happening." She looks down and I pull her into a hug.

"Shh, I've got you. Everything will be alright I promise." She nuzzles into my chest and I talk into the top of her head. "I love you."

"I love you too, Riley." She mumbles into my chest. I carefully reach down and hold her chin softly, lifting her face to look at mine.

"No one's going to hurt you. I promise." I whisper and she smiles softly. "See, there's my girl." I smile back and kiss her nose.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I tilt my head.

"For being you." She nuzzles her nose against mine and I smile more.

"We're going to make it out of this. I promise." I speak softly and Connor come rushing in.

"Dude, what the heck?! We start tour soon, bro! Why do we have to pack a bag and where are in the world are we going?!" Connor asks confused and concerned.

"Connor it's not my decision." I reply calmly.

"Then why are we doing it?" Connor looks at me dumbfounded.

"Con, it's my dad." Riss speaks up. Connor's face turns stone cold. "He texted me, Paul's flying out and we have to go into witness protection."

"What?" Connor says flatly. "Does he know you're here?"

"I don't know. Connor..." He zones out as Riss talks to him, or at him. "Connor, stay with me." She pokes him and he blinks.

"Yeah, sorry I'm here." He shakes his head. "I think. Unless this is all just a nightmare."

"Sorry, bro. It's real and it's happening so go pack up some stuff okay?" I speak softly but clearly and he nods and runs up to his room. "We probably need to explain to Toby too."

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