Chapter 13

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AN: Writing during my free period. I want Starbucks.



~•~Chapter Thirteen~•~

--Narissa POV--

It's weird, I never have really been afraid of thunder and lightning, I honestly thought it was beautiful. It must've been the nightmare last night that swam through my mind again that scared me as the lightning struck, then the simultaneous power outage didn't help my nerves. I panic when I can't see anything.

"Ri!?" I call out and he holds me tight and nuzzles into me.

"I'm here, you're alright. Everything is fine." He coos softly and I relax. "Let's go get some candles okay?" He rubs my arm soothingly and I nod. He turns on the flash of his phone as a flashlight. He slowly gets up, pulling me with him. I lead him over to my desk where a large candle and lighter was and I light the candle. "There we go, feel any better." I nod again.

"Yeah, a little bit. There's more candles in the bathroom and kitchen." I look up at him.

"Let's go check it out." He smiles softly at me and I nod, grabbing the lighter and lead him to the bathroom. Once we get there I pull out the candles and light them.

"We should probably call Connor to let him know were oka-" I speak as I turn to Riley, who pulls me into a kiss. I quickly melt into the kiss, moving my lips with his. I lean into him and he pulls me closer and backs up so his back is against the wall, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. I pull back slightly and whisper, "Ri, candles..."

"Right," he grins, "candles..." He brushes my hair behind my ear. I lean into his touch and purr softly. My phone goes off and I answer.


"Omigawd you're okay!" I hear Connor gush out relieved on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, we're fine. What's up?"

"Nothing we were just worried." I hear in the background

"I wasn't." Thomas.

"Shut up Thomas!" Connor yells at him defensively.

"It's fine Connor. I'm fine. I'm with Riley, it's okay." I can't help but laugh.

"You want us to come over?" He asks concerned.

"It's fine Con. We'll be back in a bit. Kay?" I hear shuffling on the other end. "Did you just nod okay?" Another shuffle. "Okay, see you in a few." I hang up and smile at Riley. "Hey."

"Hi." He laughs, smiling softly.

"I'm tired. Let's take a nap." I grab a candle and walk back to my room and put it on the night stand. I turn as I'm about to pull off my shirt to change. "Hello again." My eyes lock with Riley's, my shirt just under my bust. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" His lips twitch into a smirk.

"Only slightly." I walk over to my closet and find one of his old shirts that I had "borrowed" when I "forgot" an extra shirt when I went over to the McDonoughs' to go swimming. I pull it on and grab a pair of sweats and change into them. I walk out and Riley is laying on his back on my bed, eyes closed. I sit next to him and paw softly at his nose and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me down, nuzzling me. "Riley!" I squeak and giggle.

--Riley POV--

"Riley!" Riss giggles and nuzzles me back, I smile wide and look at her. She's wearing one of my shirts. Wait. Where did she get my shirt from?

"Riss, where did you get my shirt from? Not that I mind you wearing it or anything. Just curious." I cock an eyebrow.

"You let me borrow it and I never returned it." She shrugs casually. I laugh and she cuddles into me, head against my upper chest.

"You'll come right?" I murmur softly, playing with her hair.

"What are you talking about?" She mumbles tiredly.

"When we go on tour. I don't want you to be alone. Or maybe I don't want to be without you." I mumble the last part under my breath.

"If it's what you want." She cuddles into me more. "I would love to but I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you into anything." Now she was half asleep and was still making perfect sense. How?

"I do want you to come. It'd be nice to turn to come off stage and one of the first things I see is your smiling face." I look at her and she smiles.

"Then I'll go with you. But only if you nap with me." She nuzzles into my chest and I giggle softly, bitting my lip to hold back the girly sounds.

"Okay." I smile and hold her close and wrap a blanket around us. "Let's take a nap." I smile wider and kiss the top of her head.

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