695 17 0

Evangelina Lawrence

"You've done so well. I'm proud of you." Jack says and I roll my eyes.

"You're talking like they did Jackie." I mutter under my breath and he sighs and I just know he's rolling his eyes.

"Are you giving it to Ms. Faith?" He asks talking about the art teacher at school. I shrug.

"Maybe, you know I don't believe she likes that I draw the fighters because that means I go to the fight club and it's bad enough with the bruises I seem to always have." I say quietly.

"I've told you to cover them, you just refuse to." He mutters and walks out.

"Hurry up or I'm leaving you here!" He yells and I roll my eyes. Wiping my hands off with the towel I grab my bag and the picture before running out of my room and out the front door. I smoothly slide into the passenger seat and Jack starts the car before we head off to school.

"That last guy last night kicked hard." I murmur as I subconsciously rub my abdomen. Jack's eyes lock on my hand's movement for a second before returning to the road. Making me realize what I was doing then making me move my hand away from my abdomen.

"Maybe you shouldn't fight anymore." He says and I roll my eyes. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"I'm fine." I sigh and he sighs also but more in frustration. By now we've reached the school and I step out of the car. I walk over to the front of the car and Jack soon walks over too.

"Look I don't even have a bruise." I say and lift my shirt. His eyes flick down before his hand moves and he pulls my shirt down.

"I'll check when we get home." He says then kisses my head and walks away. I growl in frustration before I stomp my foot like an angry five year old and walk into the school.

"What a stupid jack hammer." I mutter to myself as I walk in the building. Grumbling to myself the whole way to my locker. No one notices me as I leave my books and walk to class. My first period doesn't have Jack or his minions so it's my safe haven pretty much. Plus it's my favorite class all day. Well first and fifth because I can draw and paint all class period.

"Hello Miss Lina how was your weekend draw anything new?" The art teacher says and I smile.

"I did. But I left it Jack's car." I say. She nods. A sign to go grab it. I walk out of the art room and walk over to Jack's math class. I quietly open the door and he looks up immediately. He sighs before he quickly but quietly walks over and hands the keys to me.

"Thanks I'll be right back." I whisper and let the door go before I run to his car. I unlock the door grab the drawing and race back into the school. Jack is standing outside his class and I toss him his keys before he grabs me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't have any right to get mad at you like that." He says and I just run back to my class.

"Here it is Ms. Faith." I say and hand it to her.

"Wow Lina this is gorgeous. Someone new?" She questions and I quickly nod.

"He was almost undefeated but a girl beat him in the very last fight of the night." I say praying she doesn't ask anything. Her eyes flick to me before she sighs.

"I'm going to pretend your not talking about yourself." She says quietly.

"Go hang it. Miko! Help her hang this please." She says and Miko comes over. He looks at it before he grabs it and walks out of the room with me trailing behind him.

"Someone new?" He asks. I look a little shocked before I nod.

"Yeah how'd you know?" I ask my voice quiet.

"I've never seen one like him. He's angry. You reflected that." He says as he steps up and puts a tack to keep the picture up. He steps down and we walk back into class. The rest of the day passes by uneventful.

'Don't forget we're going to Luke's.' I quickly glance over the text before I roll my eyes. I tuck my phone back in my pocket as I open my locker. Grabbing my books I need for homework.

"You!" Someone yells making me jump. I look to where the voice came, only to see it was the guy from the fight last night. He comes over and pushes me against my locker. His hand right where he kicked me last night. I whimper slightly. And look him in his eyes.

"Your hurting me." I say my voice low but strong. He puts more pressure against my abdomen. I suck in a sharp breath.

"Step off. I don't know what your issue is but anyone that's in high school and fights there know to keep the two separate." I say my voice still low. He growls and pulls back. He looks at me and moves closer.

"I will get you back for beating me." He growls and walks away. I sigh and place my hand on my stomach. Jackie walks over and looks me.

"Who was that?" He growls and I sigh.

"It was the guy from last night. He was mad that I won." His eyes flick down to my abdomen and I roll my eyes. I push off the lockers and roll my eyes again as he looks at me.

"Let's just go I'm sure Luke's mom will be happy to see me again." I say as I grab my bag and walk out of the school. I stand by the car waiting for Jack. Until finally he comes out with Tyler and Anthony.

"Luke left with someone. But said we can still go over. You ready to go?" Anthony says and I nod. I slide in the passenger seat. The boys get in the back and Jack gets in the driver's seat.

"I can't wait till Lucy comes home." I mumble to myself. We get to Luke's house in about 20 minutes. I say hello to Luke's father and mother. Luke comes up from the basement and hugs me.

"You can go lay down. I even left Jack's shirt out for you." He says in my ear. I nod and slip into his room. I strip from my jacket and jeans. Kicking off my shoes I slip Jack's shirt on and wiggle under Luke's blankets. Falling asleep almost immediately.

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