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Marco Gray

"He and my parents left about 5 years ago. I was only 12. My parents got mad when they found out I was fighting and they left. Leaving me here with no one. Jack's family took me in. Jack is an only child. Everything was going great up until about a year and a half ago. It started when Evan came back.."

She says and I look down at her. Fresh tears in her eyes. Nose a rose pink color. And her hair a mess. I feel for her and now understand Jack's protectiveness over her. I'm starting to feel it to.

"Lina you don't have to keep going. I don't need to know." I say and she nods.

"I know but I need to get it out. No one knows. I have to tell someone." She whispers and I sigh.

"He was only here for a few days. And during this time period it was come and go with him. Made me hate him even more. Then one night I was fighting. Like any other night. Mama only had one rule. We couldn't stay out pass 11:45. One night I was pushing it a little close. But I started home anyway.." she continues and I feel my grip tighten on her.

"This guy followed me. I didn't realize he also had two other huge guys with him. He grabbed me and one put his hand over my month. I tried fighting. But you see how small I am. At that time I was smaller. I fought against their hold but it was no use. There was three of them and one of me. The leader I'm guessing throw a blanket on the floor. His two huge hunchmen had a tight hold on me and I couldn't get away." She starts to cry and I wrap my arms around her.

"Don't keep going." I whisper to her. She moves her hands and whips the tears away.

"Please I have to get it out." She whispers and I sigh before I nod.

"One guy tied a piece of fabric around my mouth and I couldn't scream. They held me down and the leader pulled my pants down then my underwear... He took his off and his goons cheered him on as he raped me. As he took my virginity. He came inside me before Jack came and found me. I wouldn't move. Jack called Mama and she came. She wrapped me in a blanket picked me up and took me home. I cried for weeks. And I had nightmares. I had missed my period that month and Mama took me to the clinic. I was pregnant. I got raped and ended up pregnant. Mama told me I had a choice to make. Abortion which I shot down immediately. I could never do that. Adoption which I thought about. Or I could keep it. And Mama said that they would all help. I didn't get to decide. I lost the baby before I had even met him.." She stops and I run my hand through her hair.

"How'd you know it was a baby boy?" I ask even if I don't want to know. I know she has to get it all out.

"I had a feeling.. Evan found out what happened but I made him swear he wouldn't tell... Wouldn't tell his parents. I didn't want them to find out. Evan tried to be a good brother but it didn't work out that way. He always.. Always called me baby. That was his nickname for me. He left before I lost the baby. And it's his fault they died.." She says before she turns her face into my chest and sobs.

"Hey Lina it's okay. I won't ever let him anywhere near you. Never again." I whisper to her as she sobs. I sit up and sit against her head bored. She sits on my lap. Jack comes in and sits on the edge of the bed. He sighs and Lina hiccups. He rubs her back and she jumps slightly. She looks at him and it looks like his gonna cry.

"You're telling him.. Aren't you?" He whispers and she nods.

"I have to tell someone. He was the one with me. He heard everything Evan said." She whispers.

"Keep going." I whisper and she looks at me before she lays against me again. She moves her hand and grabs Jack's.

"He. Uh he stayed to late one night and it was raining. He didn't drive yet and.. And Mama wouldn't let him walk home. Our dad didn't want Mama driving alone so they went. And took Evan home. It was pouring. Dad was being careful but a drunk driver hit them straight on. They.. Were killed instantly. Evan never came back and I went into a really bad depression.. Jack tried everything to get me to eat I only ate what the baby would need. I lost the baby a few weeks after. Doctors said due to the amount of stress and my young age. Evan would call but I refused to talk to him. Jack would always tell him I was okay. About 7 months ago the calls stopped. I threw myself into art and school and fighting. Never really having any free time. I hadn't seen or heard anything from Evan in seven months until tonight." She finishes and turns her face again. She let's go of Jack's hand and I feel it on my side. She sobs just sobs. And I feel so helpless. I can't do anything to help her. The three of us just sit quietly. Soon her sobs stops and the energy just leaves her. I realize she's asleep and Jack looks at her.

"She's asleep... Jack I'm never letting that guy anywhere near her. Ever again." I whisper and Jack nods.

"I feel the same way. Look.. Marco I see how you look at her. Jake was a d*ck. She's the only family I have left. Please if she let's you in don't hurt her. Please." He says and I nod as I wrap my arms tighter around her sleeping form.

"I don't think I could ever hurt her. She's been through a lot." I whisper and he nods.

"You guys are staying here tonight." He says as he leaves the room. I sigh and lay down trying to not move her much. I move her so she's laying down then take her shoes off and mine then my shirt and leave her. I turn the lights off and lay down with her again. It doesn't take very long before she molds herself to me. I grab her blanket and throw it over us.

"Thank you for listening Marrco." She whispers and just hug her tightly.

"Good night my angel." I whisper and kiss her forehead before falling asleep into one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time.

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