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Marco Gray

    "Jackie isn't talking to me." My angel says as I walk back into my room after a shower. She pouts as she lays on my bed and I roll my eyes at her.

    "Why's that?" I ask her as I pick her up and set her in my lap.

     "Your hair looks weird." She mutters and I smile at her.

     "Um thank you?" I say and she looks at me.

     "Oops. I didn't mean to say that out loud.." She whispers and I kiss her nose.

     "Why isn't Jack talking to you?" I ask again and she looks at me.

     "I don't know. He won't tell me." She says and pouts I bite her lip and she pulls back. Looking at me offended. I give her a cheeky grin and she sticks her tongue out at me.

     "You know. When we first met I thought you were this bad chick who was rude. But in the two weeks we've been dating I realize..." I say and push her back.

     "Your really childish." I say and she smiles at me.

     "Jerk. I am not." She says and stares at me. I watch her and she tilts her head.

    "Close your eyes act like your asleep." I whisper and she does that as I flip over to my side. She moves to laying on her stomach and her eyes towards me. She closes her eyes as someone opens the door. I look up and see Lucas. He looks at me then at Angel. My nickname for her. He puts his hands up as in a sorry motion and then closes the door again.

    "Wonder what he wanted." I say to myself and my angel moves herself and me.

     Pushing me so I'm on my back and she's laying on me. I shake my head at her but kiss her nose. Her fingertips running over my stomach. Her breathing slow and even. I look down at her face and see she has her eyes closed. I realize that for the two weeks we've been dating we seem to just chill out alot. Sure I took her on the first date and I take her out and show her off everywhere we go but she doesn't seem to want that. Instead it's usually laying around my house or her house with Jack. And at night she fights. Evan is still around and I refuse to let him anywhere near Angel she stopped crying about him being here when she forgave Jack for letting him in their home. Two days after he was at their house. But the dude is relentless. He won't stop. Angel pulls me out of my thoughts when I feel her lips on my skin. I freeze before she does it again.

    "Angel don't start." I whisper but that doesn't stop her from placing her lips on me again. I shiver under her touch and she moves so she straddling me.

     "Lina don't." I say trying again to stop her but that doesn't work when she leans down and presses her lips to my neck. I feel her teeth graze against my skin and I can't stop the low moan that comes out of me. Her lips curl up against my skin and I roll my eyes at her. She continues kissing my neck before I feel her teeth against my skin again. She must have decided that her lips on my neck wasn't torture enough because she hooks her fingers in the loops on my jeans and pulls me close to her. The soft moan that leaves her lips causes blood to rush down. She smiles at me when she's feels what she's doing to me and I flip us over before I rip her shirt and bra off her leaving her in just her jeans. I kiss her neck and leave love bites all over her. I go down her body and to her chest. Before I can even touch them someone lightly knocks on my door. I groan quietly and throw a blanket over her. Before I pull her to my chest so she looks like she's asleep again but so the fact that she doesn't have a shirt or bra on is hidden under the blanket also making sure to cover down there. My door opens and I feel her hand move down. I stop myself from reacting as Jack comes into view.

    "Oh she's asleep?" He says and her hand goes lower.

    "Yeah. I'll take her to school tomorrow don't worry about it." I say trying very hard to keep myself under control. Her hand stops at the top of my jeans and Jack nods.

    "Yeah okay." He says and her words from early ring in my ear. This is probably my only shot at asking when he thinks she's asleep.

    "Wait. Jack. Are you.. Are you mad at her?" I ask and her hands stops it's journey. I mentally sigh in relief and he looks at me.

     "No. Evan keeps talking to me. He said his father was sick and I don't know if I should tell her." He says and I nod slightly. Her hand moves again but to grab my side. I rub her back in a soothing way but the action draws Jack attention.
     "She's not up is she?" He asks and I shake my head.

     "No not at all. It's a natural habit now." I say quietly and he nods.

      "Yeah. Okay. Night." He says and walks out. I look at her and she looks at my eyes. She rolls her eyes and stands before stripping down to just her underwear and then steals one of my shirts. She puts it on and I look at her. Before I grab her waist and kiss her.

     "Don't look at me with pity. I lost my dad when I was 15." She whispers and I nod.

     "Okay fine but don't think your getting out of my revenge." I whisper in her ear and softly bite her neck. She shakes me off and I roll my eyes. I get off the bed and change my jeans for a pair of sweats before I lay down with my angel again. I kiss her forehead and then realize I left my light on. I stand up again and shut it off before I go back over to the bed and lay her down again. Then I pull her to my chest and she lays her head on my chest and her breathing is slow and even. I kiss her nose before I feel the energy leave her body. Showing me that she was asleep. I fall asleep with my little angel in my arms.

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