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Chelsea "Luna"

'You were expected 15 minutes ago. Where are you?' Jorge texts and I'm screwed.

'Stuck with who you stuck me with. I'm trying. Give me 5.' I send back really fast and put my phone away.

"Hey baby want to a catch movie?" Tyler asks and I want to roll my eyes but I stop myself.

"Actually babe I gotta run. I'll text you later.?" I ask and walk away before giving him time to answer. I jump in my car and drive over to Jorge's house. I stop in the corner checking that no one else is there. I walk up to the door and Jorge opened the door before I could knock.

"You're late." I roll my eyes and walk in.

"You need me. If I break up with that dummy you'll never get him to date another girl. And the other one Luke broke it off with his girl not to long ago." I say annoyed.

"I own you!" He yells at me.

"Jorge stop." I say and he growls but stops.

"What's new then?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Literally nothing. It's the same as it has been." I say. My phone buzzed and I know it's Tyler.

'Going to the gym if you wanna come by after whenever, helping Lina work out.' I roll my eyes and Jorge clears his throat.

"What?" He asks and I roll my eyes yet again.

"Tyler is helping Lina work out." I say and he raises his eyebrows.

"When did that start?" He asks looking at me expectantly.

"I don't know before you stuck me with him. He's always helping her work out." I say and he looks down.

"Damn." He says under his breath.

"What why does that matter? You know she works out." I state and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Yes but if she's working out then I'm screwed because she's getting stronger and therefore will be harder to defeat." He says annoyed.

"Jorge you knew she fought and works out." I state. And he again rolls his eyes.

"Just go and video her working out so I can see what I'm working with." He says.

"Fine I'm on it." I say and he doesn't answer for a second.

"I want that bitch dead she's gonna come after us." He says quietly.

"Why would she come after us?" I ask confused and like always he just shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter." He says just like any other time. I roll my eyes at him again.

"It does matter if she's coming after us!" I say finally annoyed with his stupid answer.

"Chelsea. When you were born I made a deal with you're father. It doesn't matter. I promised him nothing would happen to you." He says and I look down.

"My father left when I was born he means nothing to me." I mumble and he sighs. He stands to hug me and I push him away.

"I'm fine. I don't care anymore." I say and for a split second I see regret flash through his eyes. But it's gone just as fast as it was there. My phone buzzes again and I look at it.

'Please I'm sorry if I upset you.' I roll my eyes and throw my phone in my purse.

"What happened now?" He asks and I look at my hands.

"He's texting again." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"He thinks I'm upset." I explain and he slowly nods.

"Okay. Maybe you should go over to him." He says and I nod slightly.

"Are you okay?" He asks as I stand.

"I'm a big girl don't worry." I say brushing his concern off as I stand.

"I think I should go now there's nothing new to report on.." I say and he nods.

"Okay. Until next time." He says and nods his head. We both turn as the door opens.

"I'm home!" Jorge's wife yells. I curse under my breath.

"Shit." Jorge says.

"Honey?" His wife calls out and I get up before she walks in.

"Hello ma'am." I say as she walks in.

"Oh um. Hello?" She says confused.

"I'm so sorry to have blocked you're parking I was looking for Evan for Tyler and didn't have his phone number so Mr. Lopez here said he could call him for me." I say making up a liar quickly. She nods slowly.

"Yes I was calling Evan for the young lady." He says and looks at his wife.

"Did you get a hold of him?" She asks and I nod.

"Yes he was closer to Anthony's house then here so we're meeting there thank you very much." I say and nod at both of them before running out the door.

'Make sure you video her workout.' Jorge texts and I roll my eyes. I pull put quickly and leave driving over the gym. I hop out and walk to the door.

Marco Gray

'Don't let Luna into the gym my mom texted that she was at my house looking for me but we don't talk. She was talking to Jorge.' I read the text and growl under my breath.

"Come on Lina harder!" I hear Tyler say and look at them fight. She throws her foot and he blocks.

"Lina! Harder!" He yells at her and she punches him in the gut.

"Shit. Okay stop Lina." Jack jumps in quickly as Tyler falls on the floor.

"Done for the day." He says as he checks Tyler.

"Tyler are you okay?" Jack asks as the door opens and I look up as Chelsea walks in.

"I told her harder." He says as Jack helps him up.

"He did say harder I hit harder." My angel states smugly.

"What happened?" Chelsea asks suddenly acting concerned.

"Nothing he was just helping Lina work out. We're done for today." I say trying to hide my annoyance. My angel walks over to me.

"Ready to go?." My angel asks looking at me. I nod and she runs to get her bag and we leave.

"I need a shower babe." She says smiling slightly to herself. And I wrap an arm around her so she doesn't go after Luna.

"Let's go angel." I say and kiss her head as we walk to her car.

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