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Marco Gray

I can't keep her out of my head. She's got me going crazy. Like that song. Yeah the one by Brett Eldredge. Something like Lose my mind.

"Marrco time to go!" Luke yells. I grab my bag and walk outside before getting into his car. He drives to school and we get out of the car. I walk to class and it's the same as yesterday. First period goes by uneventful then second. And finally third. I can't seem to sit still. I'm going insane. She's on my mind and I've only known her for a week! God I sound love sick. But she's gorgeous. She's small. She's fights back. Maybe that's why I can't seem to get her out of my head. She's got me going insane. And I can't say I mind.

"Marco! You coming to lunch?" Anthony says breaking me out of my thoughts I look up at him and realize the class left. I nod and quickly stand before following him out. We get to the lunch room and meet up with Tyler and Lucas. We get in line and get food before going to sit at the same table we've been sitting at for the last week.

"What are we doing this weekend?" Anthony says when we sit down. The boys all shrug and I sit quietly and eat my pizza.

"Hey! What are you.. Never mind. Don't know why I would ask." Luke says and I look up before realizing that Jack and Lina came over. Lina sits in a chair and crosses her arms over her chest. Jack rolls his eyes and pulls her arm. She huffs but stands and let's him hug her. I look down at my tray and hear some moving.

"Lina you have to eat." Luke says and I look up before realizing that she's sitting in Jack's lap again. Jack looks down at her before sighing and shakes his head.

"She fought some new guy that hit her way to hard. She hasn't been able to keep anything down." He says and I can hear her huff. He looks at her again and sighs again.

"You can try." He says. And she sighs deeply. He reaches forward and grabs the pizza of his tray and hands it to her she grabs it and nibbles on it. By the end of lunch she's finished to slice and lays against Jack's chest. He rubs her back and looks up at me. I look down at my hands.

"She says you like to fight too." Jack says still looking at me. I look up and nod.

"Yeah. I've fought forever." I say. And watch Lina as she opens her eyes. She looks at me and kinda just watches me. Teachers walk by our table and none of them say anything to Jack or Lina about how inappropriate they are being. I roll my eyes and look down again. Not caring to watch the two anymore. Finally the bell rings and it's been the longest hour of my life.

'They would never date.' I think to myself as I follow the sea of people out. Jack still has Lina against him and I roll my eyes before I feel a hand on my back.

"You are so whipped." Anthony says and I push him away.

"What are you talking about? I am not whipped." I say even though I think she does have me whipped.

"Really? So you wouldn't mind if I slept with little miss Lina over there?" Tyler says and I feel my blood boil.

"Tyler step off. You idiot." Anthony says and I push them both away.

"I'm going to class. Three more periods on Friday. Go away." I say and walk ahead of them. The next three periods are like an out of body experience for me. I don't even feel like I'm in school. She has me so whipped. She's on my mind all day. How it would feel to hold her against me instead watching her lay against Jack. I.. I don't hate him but I strongly dislike him. He said he would never date her. Obviously that's a big lie.

"...s issue is. He's been out of it all day." A voice cuts me out of my thoughts. I look up and realize Lucas, Anthony, and Tyler are all standing in front of me. We're the only kids in the classroom.

"Look who decided to join us. Come on dude we're going for burgers." Tyler says and I stand up and put my books in my backpack and follow them out.

"What's up with you today?" Lucas asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Liar.. He's got it bad for Lina." Anthony says and Lucas all but slaps on his brakes. We all go forward and he gets honked at by the car behind us. He steps on the gas and we continue moving.

"Stupid-est! Your lucky there was only one car behind us." Tyler yells at Lucas and he rolls his eyes.

"What the he'll does he mean you got it bad for Lina?!" He yells as he drives and I roll my eyes.

"Oh! I know! It means he has a crush on her. Like he like likes her." Tyler says again coming up the front. Lucas glares at him at a side glance and I push his face back.

"I don't know what he's talking about. I do not have anything for her." I say and Anthony makes that sort of "uh-huh" hum. And I roll my eyes.

"Right that's why you were glaring at Jack when he hugged Lina or when you saw that she was sitting on him? Or what about when Tyler said he was gonna sleep with her?" Anthony says opening his big mouth again.

"Tyler you idiot. And yeah I noticed that too Marrco. You like her don't you?" Lucas says.

"No I don't. I didn't glare at him when he hugged her and I didn't when she was on him. I just think they were being inappropriate for school. And obviously I got mad when Tyler said that because it's downgrading to girls." I say and the boys kinda just look at me quietly.

"Uh-huh. Sure whatever you say. All I'm saying is.. Let's get some burgers I'm hungry." Tyler finally breaks the silence and we all get out of the car.

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