30 SCHOOL (Part 2)

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Marco Gray

My angel looks at her nachos before eating more of them.

"Hey guys." Jack says as he walks over. My angel looks at the girl he's walking with curiously.

"Jackie?" She says and he looks at her.

"Uh. Um Carter this is my sister Lina." He says and the girl smiles at my angel and she's smiles back. They sir and my angel finishes her nachos before yawning.

"How long did you sleep last night?" I whisper in her ear and she looks at me.

"I'm just tired." She says and I pull at her hand. She sits laying her head against my chest. She falls asleep and Tyler looks at a girl two tables over. I frown before looking at my girl. Maybe he doesn't like her.

"..so cute." I hear pulling me out of my thoughts. Her breathing is even and I realize she's sleeping. I look up and Carter is looking at her.

"And this is Marco the one that was day dreaming." Jack says and Carter smiles and nods her head at me. Tyler stands and looks at all of us before turning.

"I'll be right back." He says and walks away. The girl he was looking at looks over before walking out too. Odd. They come back in and Tyler looks upset.

"I'm leaving I'll see you guys later." He say and grabs his garbage.

"Tyler wait! I'm sorry." The girl says and he just shakes her head and leaves. I pull my phone out and look at it.

'Who's that girl man?' I send a text and wait a minute my phone vibrates.

'My girl. She doesn't want to met you guys.' He texts back and I feel guilty.

'I'm sorry.' I text him and my angel moves and I look at her.

'Why? You didn't do anything.' He texts and I frown. My angel moves again before sitting up. She yawns and stretches out.

"Hey baby. You okay?" I say and wrap an arm behind her.

"I'm fine." She says and lays down against me again. Her breathing is a little fast as she lays against me again but I turn back to my phone. She stands up and walks away from me. I frown but don't follow her. Carter looks at me then at Angel's back. She huffs before standing and walking after her. I look at my phone before frowning.

'I thought you were after Evangelina.' I tell him honestly. And he doesn't text back. I sigh because I know I'm in the wrong.

'No man. Anthony is. I hate that he is but that's what's happening. I just put myself in the middle cuz that's what people would expect of me.' He texts back and I look at Anthony. I sigh again and stand before walking out to the track. My angel of course running around it.

"How did you know she was out here?" A voice says and I roll my eyes.

"Because. I'm not stupid. I know my girlfriend. Which is why I didn't run after her." I say and hear a noise behind me. She gets close and I throw myself over the railing separating the track and the seats. She stops and puts her hands against her knees breathing deeply on through her nose and then out through her mouth.

"Feel better now?" I ask her quietly and she nods.

"Yeah." She says still breathing deeply. I sigh and she looks at me.

"Sorry. Stupid no rule." She says and I nod.

"Come on." I say and pull her away from the school and to my bike. I unlock Lucas's car and grab the helmets my angel takes hers and I pull my phone out.

'Taking her to the place. Bring our stuff home?' I send a quick text to Lucas and get on my bike before starting it. And take off to the place. We're there for some time before the guys walk in with Carter in tow and Tyler's girl. Short blonde girl with blue eyes. Carter is average height with blue hair and sliver eyes. Neither of them are tooth picks. And they don't look stuck up either. My angel stops hitting the bag before walking over. She takes off the gloves and then the wrap. Her breathing even but deep. She nods at the boys before looking at Carter and Tyler's girl who looks kind of uncomfortable to be here. He snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her closer. She sighs and relaxes slightly. My angel looks at Carter and I grab her pulling her back slightly.

"I know you." She finally says and anyone can see Jack tense. He must want my angel to like Carter. She smiles and hugs Carter. Carter laughs and hugs her back.

"You guys know each other?" Jack finally says and both girls nod.

"Art." They both say and smile at each other.

"See I always wondered where you got the idea of drawing fighters. Now I know." Carter says and My angel nods.

"Fighter. Artist. Badass. You are all kinds of things aren't you. Glad we officially met before school ended." Carter says and my angel smiles. She stops and puts her hands on her knees again. She starts to control her breathing. I sigh before rubbing her back. She breathes in holds it for four beats and breathes out before doing it again.

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good. Just started to feel light headed." She says and pushes herself back up. I grab her and pull her to me. She turns and lays her head against my collar bone. Her breathing still a little fast. She turns her face and I rub her back. She sighs deeply before pulling back.

"I'm good." She says and I nod. She turns to the other girl and holds her hand out.

"I'm Lina." She says and I roll my eyes at her strange behavior. She smiles at me and I smile to myself.

"I'm Luna." The girl says and smiles shyly and my girl's approach.

"Nice to meet you Luna." My girl smiles at her.

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