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Marco Gray

"Marco we gotta go. Mom wants us home." A voice sounds and I open my eyes.

"Luke?" I ask my voice thick with sleep and he nods.

"Yeah let's go. Or I'll leave you here and you'll be late for school." He says and I roll off the sofa and fold the blanket before I follow Luke out the front door.

"What time is it?" I ask as I rub my eyes.

"5:32. Get your seat belt on." Luke answers and I put my seat belt on.

"Hurry up or you're walking." Luke says as we walk into the house. I walk over to my room and change my clothes. Then walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth before running my hands through my hair a few times. I walk back to my room and put on my shoes.

"Marrco! Let's go!" Luke yells and I roll my eyes before I grab my bag. I run out to his car jump in the passenger seat.

"Let's go." I say and he drives to school. He meets up with Tyler and Anthony. I just walk to class. Classes pass by uneventful. My mind seems to stay on Lina. I sigh and ignore all the looks the girls keep giving me. First period passes over and done. Second passes a little more eventful considering Luke and Anthony have that class. Third passes and then Lunch. Lucas insist on me sitting with him but I'd rather sit alone. So we made a deal I eat with them and then I can go do what I want. Today however was different. Luke had a project to do. So I got to do what I want for the whole lunch hour. Which manly consisted of walking around. That is until I heard a voice.

"Jake! Let me go! I told you to get away from me." A girl's voice says and I can't help but think it's Lina.

"Jake! Stop!" The voice says again. I follow the voice but it seems to be moving farther away from me.

"Lina stop fighting me. I said I was sorry but I told you if you continued to fight we would have issues. I meant that." A male's voice says. I roll my eyes as I continue to follow the voices.

"Jake. I'm warning you if you don't stop I'll make you." The girl's voice says. And then I hear a series of grunts followed by a series of painful groans. I stop where I am. I hear some panting before I hear a set of footsteps coming towards me. Fast. Before I can think a small body crashes into me. I fall back and she lands on me. I wrap my arms around her without thinking and she tries pushing away. I sit up and she ends up straddling me. As I look at her I realize it is Lina.

"Hey. You okay?" I ask her quietly and she looks at me and stops fighting against my hold.

"Marrco." She says quietly rolling her R. I smile a little and look at her again.

"You okay?" I ask her again. She looks down at her hands that are against my chest and shakes her head a little.

"Not really." She says her voice low. And usually strong but right now it's not.

"Evangelina!" Jake yells and she jumps. I roll my eyes before I stand bringing her up with me. Once we're both on our feet I smile at her and pull her behind me as Jakes comes around the corner.

"Marrco I don't need to be protected. I can handle him." She says. Her voice so he can't hear.

"I'm not doing it for you." I say my voice strong as Jakes comes around the corner. He looks at me then at Lina.

"Who the hell is he?" He says and Lina grabs the back of my shirt.

"Jake leave him out of this. He has nothing to do with it." Lina says and steps around me. I grab her arm and she looks down at it and then at me.

"Please don't. Just let go. He can't exactly hurt me." She says and I have a hard time letting her go but I do. Jake looks at her before glaring at me.

"What happened? Jack get tired of your shit too wh*re?" He says and I look at her waiting for her to hit him but she doesn't.

"I do wonder what your supervisor would think if he knew you just called a lady that." She says a evil smile gracing her lips.

"You wouldn't. You're too nice b*tch." He says and she scoffs.

"You thought wrong." She says and points to a camera up on the ceiling.

"Only a fool would second guess me." She says. And turns to look at me. He moves behind her and I jump forward before kneeing him where it hurts as I move her away.

"I think it best if you leave her alone." I say as he falls to the floor.

"She's my girlfriend." He says and she scoffs.

"Not anymore. I'm a delinquent remember?" She says her voice really sarcastic.

"Leave me alone." She says and goes to walk away.

"Evangelina. You better not walk away from me." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I yell at him and he looks up at me.

"You are an idiot. And you will leave her alone. Or we as in you and I will have some issues. Am I clear?" I says and he looks down.

"That's what I thought." I say as I throwing my arm over Lina and walk away taking her with me. She looks at the ground and I frown slightly.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask quietly and she looks up at me.

"I'm okay." She says and stops walking. I remove my arm from her only for her to hug me.

"Thank you for that. That could have gotten bad." She says and I sigh before wrapping my arms around her.

"Marco. There you..." a voice says behind me but stops so I look at them.

"Did you need something Tyler?" I ask and Lina steps back.

"Um. I'll.. just. I'm gonna.. I go." Lina says unsure of what to do. She walks away and Tyler looks at me before he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Ooh get it." He says and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask sorta irritated that he made Lina leave. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

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