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Jack Lawrence

     I get in my car and race to Lina. I get to the house in ten minutes. I try the door and it opens. Marco comes out and looks at me.

      "She said her lungs are to tight." He says and I nod before walking to his room. I close the door before Marco can come in and walk over to Lina.

      "Lina?" I say and hear her breathing. Fast and shallow. Like Marco said. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. She whines and I look at her. She looks at me and looks away. She cries harder as I step closer.

     "No. Don't. Please." She says as I step closer I frown and she moves farther away from me.

      "Lina what's wrong? It's me." I whisper and she hides her face.

       "Where's.. where's Marco?" She gets out and I sigh.

        "I closed him out." I say and she looks up at me. She slips off the bed and runs to the door.

        "Lina talk to me." I say and she cries more.

        "No. Please. Stop." She says and runs out the door. I follow her out and see she ran to Marco. He has his arms tightly around her as she cries into his chest. He looks at me alarm in his eyes.

        "It's okay angel. Relax. Your okay. It was just a dream." He whispers to her and she nods muttering something incoherent under her breath. A light turns on and Luke looks at us.

         "What's going on? Why are you all wet? And why is Lina crying?" He says quietly and I look down before realizing it was raining.

      "It was raining outside." I say. At that Lina looks up and pushes away from Marco. She walks over to the door before she opens it. And steps outside.

      "Angel?" Marco says and steps to walk after her. I grab his arm and he looks at me before I shake my head. He looks at me confused.

       "What.." I put my finger to my lips and he looks at the door. He looks at Lina. As she sits outside crying.

      "Why mom. Why did you have to leave me?" She screams. And I frown I run out to her as she screams at the sky again. She falls to the floor as I get to her and I grab her before her bare legs touch the wet ground.

     "No Jack!! No let me go!!" She screams fighting against my hold. Someone runs out and over to us. Arms wrap around Lina and she's pulled away.

       "Marco!" She says and turns into his arms sobbing. My eyebrows crease and I look at him. His eyes meet mine and his eyes show concern. Rain pours down on us and I look back at the house. Luke stands in the door way. Lucy behind him and I'm pretty sure their parents are behind them.

       "Angel let's go inside your gonna get sick." I hear Marco and he picks her up by her butt and she wraps her legs around his hips. He carries her up to the pouch and looks at me.

        "You aren't driving in this." He yells at me through the rain and I sigh before I walk back to the house. As I get closer I hear Lina still crying. I feel my eye brows crease as I hear her cry. She doesn't ever cry for no reason. And she wants mom. Realization crosses my face as I pull my phone out. September 3, 3:17 the top of my phone reads and I look down. I forgot. She didn't. I frown as I remove my shirt and ring the water out. One year anniversary of her baby.

      "Lina.." I say softly and Marco glares at me.

       "Lina I didn't forget... I know what today is. I'm sorry." I mutter and she slowly looks at me.

       "You. You remembered?" She says quietly tears still streaming down her face.

        "Of course I did. Today almost killed me two years ago." I say and she cries harder. Falling to the floor. I sit next to her and she looks at me.

       "It. It wasn't... Dean. It was my baby." She cries and I hug her.

       "Oh Lina." I say and Marco looks at me. I pull my phone and quickly type it. I hand him my phone and I can see his heart drop. He moves close and pulls Lina into his arms.

       "My babygirl. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what your feeling." He whispers in her ear and she cries. I sigh and she looks at the ground.

        "I'm.." She cuts herself off with a sneeze.

         "Let's get you out of these wet clothes and into a nice hot shower. He mutters and she shakes her head.

         "Jackie I'm sorry." She whispers and wipes at her tears.

         "Why?" I ask confused and she looks down.

         "Today two years ago almost killed you." She whispers still wiping her tears away.

         "Two years ago. I almost died because you were in a really bad place Lina. You are the only family I have left. I had just lost the rest the of my family. The only person I cared for was in a bad depression.. of course the day you lost him almost killed me." I say and she pulls away from Marco and hugs me.

        "You are cold and wet." I tell her and she nods.

       "I know." She whispers and let's Marco pull her away. Probably for a shower and warm clothes. Luke, Lucy, and Luke's parents all look at me.

        "Lost who?" Mrs. Sanchez asks and I look down.

       "Lina had a miscarriage one year ago." I mutter sadly and Mrs. Sanchez gasps.

       "That's why she was crying. I didn't want to ask cuz I didn't want to upset her more." She says sadly and Lucy looks at me.

        "Her over me. Every time." She says and I roll my eyes.

        "Are you f*cking kidding me?!" Luke beats me to speaking.

        "Do you realize that you just learned your best friend had a miscarriage and all you f*cking care about is Jack didn't tell you? Self centered person." Luke says and she looks down.

        "I'm done with you. I don't even care." He says to her and walks away from her. Her eyes water and I roll my eyes again.

        "It's always. Always gonna be her over you Lucy she's my sister. I will do anything for her. She's the only family I have left." I growl at her and she starts crying no one moves to comfort her.

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