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Happy Reading



I got back to home did my routine,taking a cold shower,changing into my PJs,going to the rooftop,lighting it up,continue reading the which I was reading the other day,after 2a.m. going back to my room,taking pills and finally rolling in  the bed.

In the morning I got up from a very bad nightmare and was breathless due to it.I hurried to the nightstand's drawer and fidgeted through my stuff and got my anti depressants and took it in a go with a glass of water.

Today it's a Friday and as per our gangs rule the weekend is spend together movie night,dinner,going to cinemas,malls and places.We all hangout at my place.They eat the pastas made by me and the only thing I have ate since five years.

I quickly got ready and drove to school and soon was in corridor walking towards my locker and there they were the whole gang with an exception of Jake not being there and also Mr.Insane as per told by Jake 'He is the member of the gang and will be there in hangouts with us.'So I assume that he is going to be there tonight too.

It is new they never let anyone in our gang then what is new in Mr.Insane.

I listened to what Austin was talking about"I am glad that the practice is starting from today, I got to know that coach was not well"he said.

"Yeah I am glad too"Emerald said.

"Where is Jake and Sam?"Erin asked.

As if on cue Jake entered the corridor and with Mr.Insane by his side.How the hell have they become so close?

As soon as he got to us he was by my side and leaned towards my ear and whispered"A smile wouldn't kill you Lice"

I looked at him and everything from the previous day came rushing to my mind.

I starred at him for some seconds and walked away to my first class for the day without saying anything.

I really don't like the words he used for me yesterday.

The day went by quickly and soon it was lunch time so now we were in cafeteria.The tables in cafeteria were round and I was sitting across Jake with Mr.Insane at his side.I was sitting beside Phil and watching Friends with earphones plugged in my ears while sipping my cold coffee.

Jake and Mr.Insane were starring at me.Well Mr.Insane was glaring,digging holes in my head while Jake starring intensely at me.

I was watching when someone pulled the earphones and I turned to the person and it was Phil.

I looked at him waiting for him to say something and then finally he cleared his throat and spoke"Thanks Lice I was very relieved that day when I reached home and then I spoke about my shifting and about my problems with them and they sorted it out.They are getting divorced with mutual understandings."

"Are you happy?"I asked him.

"Yes"he said.

I looked at the screen of my cellphone and it was just the two minutes before the lunch time gets over.

"Okay"I said,patted his back,got up and left.

I was on my wat towards the locker when the bell rang indicating the end of lunch break.

I got my books and headed towards my history class.

I reached the class and settled down slowly students started entering and taking their seats.

As soon as the warning bell someone entered the room and it was none other than Mr.Insane.

He looked around the class and then saw me and smirked.

He came towards me and took a seat besides me.

Mrs.Collins started teaching and Mr.Insane continued starring at me with his blue eyes filled with curiosity and anger.

"So you and Jake,huh?"he asked.

Why is he calling him Jake?I only call him that and why is he asking if we have something between us.

If he goes out and asks if we have a thing between us we are just friends.

I looked at him with my cold hazel-green eyes and said"It's Jack for you."

He looked at me in amusement"so you can speak Ms.Dumbo?"

I looked at him and said"I can but it seems to me that you can't hear Mr.Insane."

"What did you just called me?"he hissed angrily.

I guess he really has some hearing problem.He should go to a doctor and check it out.

I didn't care to reply him and he glared at him his electric blue eyes were no a shade darker filled with anger.

"You're such an ignorant bitch."he said when he didn't got any reply from me.

After the class got over I started heading towards the locker to have my books for the next lecture.

The day went by and soon it was time for our soccer practice.

I went to loo and change into my shorts and t-shirt which was plane black.

After changing I started going towards the ground where the cheerleading team was already practicing in there dresses while the leader glared at me.Her name was Bethany,her grey eyes were filled with anger and something like jealousy which was sure as hell directed towards me.

She never had a normal look on her face whenever she saw me her grey eyes would be filled with anger and throwing daggers at where as I would be the mature one her and ignore her.

I don't know what problem she had with me I didn't do anything wrong to her never talked rudely with her hell I never even talked to her. 

I headed towards the place where the practices were held the place was chosen by me because from here you can't see the cheerleading team,knowing the boys of our team I chose this place if it wouldn't be this place the boys would be glaring at them with there mouth wide open.


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