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I entered the hall with my arm looped in Sam's.The air in the room was cheerful relatives and businessmen standing in groups talking.

As soon as we entered the hall curious gazes of people turned to me I knew it was because they knew who I was as the 'young girl's'face was all over the newspapers.

I looked around for Vic,Jo and Jake.Soon I spotted Jake's blonde mob of hair,he was standing at the bar beside Vic and Jo sipping what looked to be a champagne.

He saw me before I reached him and looked me up and down "You look like a girl."He commented and Sam laughed at his comment.

"I'm a girl."I said rolling my eyes.

"C'mon Alice I want to introduce you to some important people."Vic said and we went to some groups and talked some business while Jake and Jo decided to stay at the bar itself.

It had been an hour since we had been moving around talking to people by now Sam's hand had slipped to my waist and Mr.Anderson hadn't pulled any stunt.I was talking to Mr.Hastings when someone said from behind us."Victor."

We turned around and Mr.Castle's familiar face came into my view.Sam looked so much like him same dusty brown hairs,same nose and same face cut.He had his arm around a woman who looked to be Sam's mom although they didn't have anything in common except for the blue eyes which I loved so much.

"Steve,long time no see."Vic said grinning widely and they did a man hug.They were on first name basis?How?

They broke the hug and then Mr.Castle noticed us his widened when he saw Sam."I thought you were having the Christmas at your friend's."he said frowning.

"Yeah and he's the friend's dad and the friend is over here and there."Sam said pointing at me then Jake who was talking to a girl.

He nodded his head and muttered a"Small world."

His mother looked at him and then his arm around my waist and then at me.She smiled warmly at me in return I just gave her a small smile and looked at Mr.Castle"Mr.Castle."I said nodding my head.

"Ms.Anderson."He said doing the same.

"You know her Sam asked his eyes widening a bit.

"Yes.Our company is signing a deal with her."he said amusement dancing in his eyes."So Vic is she your daughter from another sperm?"He asked.

"Yup"Vic said.

"You describe me like that?"I asked my nose scrunching up Vic just looked at me sheepishly while Sam just laughed at me."Stop laughing at me."I muttered and looked at them all"I'll leave you all catch up."

"I'm coming with you too."Sam said looking a little worried.

"Me too.I'm not leaving you alone when he's something up his sleeve."I said.

"Vic you should stay and enjoy.I'll look out for her."Sam said and my heart fluttered seeing him care for me.

"But-"I was cut off by Sam puling me with him saying"C'mon."

I just went with him.We're making our way to Jake when I was stopped by Mr.Knight calling my name.I turned around to look at him."I'm glad that you could make it."

"I'm glad too."I said.

"I want you to meet my son.Come with me."He said and we walked across the hall and stopped behind a couple who were definitely bride and groom judging by their attire.

Mr.Knight tapped on the groom's shoulder he turned around and my eyes widened and my heart stopped when I looked at him.My whole body froze and my hands were suddenly sweaty.

"This is my son Alexander Knight and his wife Chloe."

No this is not possible,he's dead but he looked just the same from when the last time I'd seen him.The only difference was he was no more a teenage boy now he was more of a man.I couldn't believe my brother was standing alive in front of me.

Thousands of questions were bustling in my head.How is this possible?His son?How?Has he been here all this time when I was alone popping anti depressants and feeling guilty?

"Are you okay?"Sam asked his arms tightening around my waist.

I nodded and gritted out "Nice to meet you."He was still staring at me and Sam was glaring at him.

He noticed Sam's glare and said"I'm sorry you just remind me so much of someone."His eyes had a sad look.He still didn't recognize me.

I just forced a smile and excused myself polietly.We walked away from there."Al are you okay?You need to breathe"Sam said worried.

I nodded my head and looked around to see where was he now,unfortunately my eyes connected with Mr.Anderson and he smirked at me.So this is what he had planned.

My anger had no bounds I was angry at everyone at Xander,at Mr.Anderson.Why did they hid this?

"Sam whatever happens just don't let me leave before this is over,okay?"I asked and he nodded his head at me he still looked worried.

"Are you sure you're okay?"He asked again.

"Yeah I'm fine."I said.

I thought that may be I should go to him and confront him about it.I walked with Sam to where they were standing when I heard a familiar voice call out"Honey"My eyes widened she was alive too.Mr.Knight's back was to me while she was facing me.So she is his wife and that is why he was calling Xander his son.

So this is what they are doing living their life happily?Leaving me their to rot with my ass of a father. 

My head snapped to where the voice was coming eyes widened looking at the person and my heart broke into million pieces. A gasp escaped my lips when her eyes connected with mine.

"Mother."I muttered and I felt Sam's arm tighten around me.

She was looking at me with wide eyes Xander and Mr.Knight turned around to look at me when they noticed that she wasn't paying attention to what they were saying.

"Alice."She said and Xander's eyes widened."Let me explain."She said.

"No.I thought you loved me.How could you do that to me?"I asked a lone tear escaped my eyes.

I turned around without waiting for her answer and stormed off.Sam followed me to the bar and I stood there taking deep breaths"Alice it's okay."Sam said."Look at me."he said I looked at him,his eyes filled with concern.H e hugged me tightly and rubbed my back soothingly.


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