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After the school I went for my new job at library and went for a race to earn some money.Now I've to go to Samuel's place because he wants me to do some of his work.That jerk can't he do it himself.Urgh I hate him so much.

He texted me his address and time.So I went to his place and holy shit its not a house it's a freaking mansion.He's rich that explains why is he so full of himself.

I walked to the door and knocked two times an old lady opened the door who I assume is the housemaid she told me to sit in the living room while she called Samuel.

I sat there staring at rich interior.The architecture was modern and the house was well furnished.

"Hey baby."someone said huskily near my ear his lips touching my ear.I turned around to find it was Samuel.

"Stop calling me that."I hissed irritated because he was giving me those weird sensations again.

"Let's go."he said and started walking towards a hallway and then climbed the stairs.I followed him through number of hallways until stopped in front of a door.

He opened the door and we stepped into a big room on the LED a game was paused,his room was the typical bad boy room and room was a mess.Clothes were all over the place,two pizza boxes lying on the floor.

We walked in the middle of the room"you've to clean all this stuff and put on the new posters."he said and plopped on the bed.

"Tell your maids to do this stuff."I said.

"My mom had strictly informed all the maids to not clean up my room because as she said and I quote'You're growing up I want you to become responsible so from now on you'll do all your stuff by yourself.'" he said so cutely.

"So do it yourself!I said.

"Nah!I'll give you the pleasure to do it."he said and got back to playing his game.

I huffed and started doing it.After an hour or so I was done with cleaning up.I plopped on bed beside him.

"You can't rest remember you've to put the posters on the wall."I sighed and got up.

He gave me the posters which were rolled together I opened them and froze.Why was Samuel pasting his posters?!

"Samuel why are you pasting his photos?"I couldn't help but ask.

"Do you know him?"he asked.

"No."I lied.

"He's a business man and I'm a big fan of him.I want to become like him one day."he said.Only if he knew what Mr.Anderson really was.Yes was a fan of my pathetic excuse of a father and he's a fan of a business man!Do business man have fans?!

I started pasting the posters and soon was done with it.There were posters of football players and basket ball players.I didn't knew he was a fan of basketball.

After I was done it was already seven in the evening so I started leaving.

"Alice!"Samuel called for me.

"What?"I asked irritated.

"It's already late and I'm going to grab a bite so come with me."he ordered.

"I'm not going."I said.

"I'm not asking you,I'm commanding you to come with me."he said smirking.

"Let's go."I said.

I sat on my bike and he sat behind me "Why do you always have to take the bike?"he asked,I didn't bother to reply and started the bike.The engine roared to life and suddenly his hands went on my waist,I shivered under his touch."When I ask you something,I want you to reply."he whispered in my ear.

"I pr-prefer b-bi-bike ov-over car."I said.I don't know his touch were giving me weird sensations again and we always go on bike but he never clutches my waist.

"Did you just stuttering?"he asked amused.At hearing that my eyes widened in shock and at the same time we reached the restaurant.I didn't answer him and when I was going to hop off my bike his hold on me tightened"Answer Al"he said.

"No.I didn't stutter."I said and he let go of me.Oh god what I'm doing?Letting him control me but its my fault I agreed for being his slave.

"Whatever you say."he said smirking.

We entered the restaurant and quickly ordered our food."So we're going to play twenty questions and you're going to answer them all honestly"he ordered again and I sighed knowing that I've to do that.

"Your favourite color?"he asked and I started thinking what is my favourite color?I started thinking and it's already been two minutes and I don't know the answer.Then I remembered when I was a kid I used to like black and blue.

"Black and Blue.Your's"I asked.

"Black and Red.Since when do you know Jake?"he asked.

"I was six months when I met him."That's true we're neighbours and my mom and her mom used to be best friends.Samuel looked shocked at my answer.

"It's your chance."he said.

"I don't have anything to ask."I said.

"I too don't have anything to ask.So you can ask me another nineteen questions whenever you want and I can ask you another eighteen questions whenever I want.What's say deal?"he suggested.

"Deal."I said.

Soon our food came and we ate our food silently.After sometime Samuel was finished and I wasn't even half way through.After half an hour I was finished he paid for us but I paid for myself and started to leave.

"Why won't you let me pay for you?"he asked.

"I don't like anyone paying for me and you now have seventeen questions."I said and sat on bike,he too hoped behind me.His arms clutched my waist and again I shivered under his touch.

Soon we reached at his place and he started to leave but stopped and turned to me."Goodnight Al"he said as he leaned in to kiss my cheek.I felt tingles and electricity in my whole body."Al,I want you to reply."he said and that pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Night."I said and left.

When I reached home I showered and took my sleeping pills.I went to my rooftop I turned on the fairy lights and laid outside my library and stared into the sky.

That night I passed there itself with only one person in my thoughts Samuel.What was he doing to me?


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