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Damn it!What is happening this days.Why do I keep bumping into people this days.

I was going to fall when two muscular arms wrapped around my body.I looked up to see it was Sam whom I bumped into.His fave was very close to mine his blue eyes stared at me in amusement.

I pushed him a little away from me and stood straight."I was looking around for you."he said.

"Why?"I asked.

"I wanted to give you this."He said showing my chocolate which he gave me everyday as Jake had told him.

I took it from him and opened it I started eating.

"So you got the gifts for the gang.What did you get for me?"He asked.

"I got you what I got for everyone and now you've eleven questions."I said.

"You mean you got same gift for everyone."He stated or more like tried to not ask.

"Yes"I said.

I thought to give him a smile at that and tried to stretch my lips but I'm sure it looked funny and to make my doubt clear Sam burst out laughing at my face.

"Why are you making that face?"He asked.

"I'm smiling and now you've got ten questions."I stated.

He looked at me seriously."Alice that was definitely not a smile.To smile you have to be happy."he said.My body went stiff at his words.Happy?I haven't felt happy in years."Hey it's lunch time let's go to the cafeteria everyone probably would've reached there."He said sensing the change in my mood through my body language.

One thing I got to know about him after spending so much time with him is that he's very observant about things around him.

"Yes,let's go."I said and bit a square piece of my chocolate bar.

When we reached the cafeteria we saw that Erina,Austin,Emerald and Chris were already there on our table with there food.Jake and Evan were missing I sat on a chair and Sam popped beside me.I was still thinking about Sam's words from earlier.

"You know you won't be sad or upset forever."Sam said leaning beside me.

I frowned at him.So he thought that I'm sad.Oh who I'm kidding I'm a sad and after what Sam said I'm a little more sadder.So that's the reason I didn't smile.I wasn't happy.To smile I have to be happy.

"Do you really think that I'm sad?"I asked.

"Yes I do."He said but then with a reassuring smile continued"But that won't last long you'll be happy soon."I looked at him and suddenly I remembered everything from the other night.

Him taking care of me,his genuine concern and him being concerned if I had the nightmares everyday and now him saying that I won't be sad forever,I'd be happy soon.

Unknowingly a smile spread across my face when I realized that he was not a jerk after all he was a genuine and a kind person from the heart.

His eyes went wide"See that's what I'm talking about."He said loudly with a wide smile across his face.It was only then that I realized that I was smiling.

Everybody on our table turned to look at us Jake and Evan who I didn't notice coming at our table were also there everybody's eyes went wide looking at me and then I felt a little awkward but still the smile didn't vanish.

It was pin drop silence at our table until Erina broke it"This is the first time in three years I'm seeing you smile Lice."

"Your dimple is cute."Evan said.

I was looking at Jake who was still in shock Emerald shoved him a little in the shoulder and then he seemed to recover from his shock.

"What made you smile?"He asked.

"I don't know."I said but I knew what made me smile.Sam.Wait why am I smiling because of him?

"It's good to see you smile after so many years."He said smiling.

Everybody on the table got back to eating and chatting.I was still biting my chocolate bar blame goes to my slow eating habit.

"You look beautiful when you smile."Sam said beside me.

"Thank you."I said I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks I looked away to hide it.He chuckled beside me and I immediately knew that he saw it.

"Alice?"Emerald called me from across the table.

"Yes?"I asked.

He smiled sweetly beside me"What did you get me for friendships day?"He asked and Jake who was sitting beside him flicked his head.

"It's supposed to be a surprise you know that right?" Jake said while Emerald just rolled his eyes.

"I got you what I got for everyone else."I said.

"Oh come on we know that."Emerald said.

"Wait how would you know that?"Sam asked butting in.

"For the last three years she gives the same gifts to everyone."Emerald said in a duh tone.

"Even I want to know what is our gift this time."Erina said excited and beside her Austin chuckled at her excitement."Your gifts have always been the best ones."She added.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Sam staring at me I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.He just shook his head in amusement.

"Hey guys check it out."Chris whose had was dug in his phone all the while said suddenly.

"What?"Phil asked.

He showed his iphone to Phil who was sitting across him."Someone has made this page on the social media which has all the gossip of our school someone just posted a picture of Sam and Bethany together sitting in the classroom with a caption'the famous couple of school are back together.Finally.You know what the interesting thing is that this page has been made today itself and has gotten way too much followers."

Phil was sitting just beside me and I caught a sight of the picture where Bethany is leaning on Sam's shoulder.It was taken in our English class today when I offered my seat to Bethany.There side faces were only visible in the photo.

I don't know why but I suddenly felt angry on Bethany.Was I jealous?Oh no that can never happen.Never.I just shook my head at that.

"Like hell we are back together.She's very irritating and clingy.No way I'm going to get back with her." Sam said.

"Who's the admin."Evan asked.

"Unknown."Chris answered.


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