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To say Yoongi was stressed was an understatement. He was pretty sure he was going bald. He was supposed to be composing a song with a rap, but all inspiration had left his mind, leaving him with only his unkempt thoughts.

He sighed, and stood from his office chair, running his hands through his black hair and down his face. Groaning he walked to his kitchen and pulled out a cup from one of the higher cabinets. Walking to the fridge he opened the door and grabbed the orange juice. He poured himself a glass before walking back to his study.

The sound of angry thunder could be heard and he flinched. He hated thunder, it was too loud. It was on days like these that Yoongi wished he had someone to hold. He wasn't a fan of thunder.

Well there goes a goodnight sleep.

He thought begrudgingly, now sporting a prominent frown on his face. Maybe he'll go back to the city and bunk with Hoseok. Scratch that Hoseok had those two, Jungkook and Tae, sleeping with him. He frowned once more.

He had his own apartment, and a spacious one at that in the city it's just, the thunder was something Yoongi couldn't stand staying alone for. He was currently in a small house on the outskirts of the big city, a place him, Hoseok, and Namjoom would visit when they had trouble composing. It was a perfect place to find "inspiration" according to Namjoon. He needed to ask Hoseok if he'd seen inspiration around, because he obviously couldn't find him. It was 3 am and the only thing that inspired Yoongi at this moment was his bed.

He felt inspired to sleep.

Another roar of thunder and the sound heavy rain reminded him that tonight, sleep wasn't a option. Sighing once more he returned to trying to compose a song. As he began scribbling away he heard a loud clatter come from his backyard. Startled he immediately stood on his feet.

Oh great, a murderer... Figures.

He thought with a snort. That was the only justification he could find for such a ruckus at these hours of the night. Either that or a rabid animal trying to find its next meal.

How did he know all this? He saw it in a movie once, it was always a murderer or a crazy rabid animal.

With these thoughts in mind Yoongi grabbed a aluminum bat that was resting on the wall next to the sliding glass doors that led to the back yard. He slowly slid the door open and peeked outside, rain soaking his hair, he shuddered. It was cold and goosebumps began forming on his skin as he slid out entirely. His black shirt now becoming one with his skin as it stuck to him.

"Hello?" Yoongi said loudly as he gripped the bat tighter. His back yard was surrounded by trees and the sudden flashes of lighting were only somewhat illuminating them. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket as he shivered once more feeling the heavy drops of rain now soak through his sweats and slippers. Turning the phones flashlight on he walked further in to the backyard and looked around to see if it indeed was a psycho killer with a mask.

Here Kitty, Good Kitty- Yoonmin/CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now