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*cries softly*

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*cries softly*

Ok so first of all I hit 1k. WHAAA!??
thank you guys soo mucchh :')

Also this fanart though 👍

(Credits to owner)

Not revised

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Jimin felt hands grip his thighs and push them apart, his head snapped up to see Yoongi placed in between them. Large, pale hands held on tightly to the peach colored skin.

"H-Hyung wha--"

The question died in his mouth when the elder smirked, bowed his head, and proceeded to kiss in between his legs. Jimin shuddered at the feeling of wet lips against his sensitive skin, goosebumps rising where they made contact.

The younger attempted to squeeze his legs shut, the touch of such private skin foreign to him. Yoongi's grip on his thighs tightened as he pushed his legs even further apart. Jimin whined high in his throat, feeling somewhat exposed despite still having his little sleeping shorts on. A soft tongue pressed against his flushed skin, riding higher and higher up until it reached the hem of the small shorts. Jimin cried out at he sensation and squirmed once more. The elder grunted, evidently displeased.

"Be a good kitty."


Jimin awoke with a sharp gasp, body thrumming with electricity. He tried making sense of what had just happened, his still disoriented mind replaying the last words he'd heard in his dream.

'Be a good kitty'

He was sweaty and out of breath, the echoes of his dream resonating within him, in between his trembling legs.

The kitten noticed that he was curled up against Yoongi, gripping tightly onto his shirt. The morning sun filtered in through the windows, warming his already hot skin.

Jimin let go of the elder, scooting back to create some space, and then he felt it.

He was wet.

Jimin squeezed his legs together and felt the slickness in between. He instantly sat up, alarmed.

Did he pee?

No, it smelled too sweet for it to be that. He was suddenly very aware of the two sleeping males laying on the bed. Yoongi was snoring slightly, while Taehyung was at the other side of the bed with a foot on a pillow and another on Yoongi's stomach. Jimin quickly got off the bed, feeling the wetness crawl down between his thighs.

Here Kitty, Good Kitty- Yoonmin/CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now