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This fanart ( ˘ ³˘)❤ (Credits to kkumri)

This fanart ( ˘ ³˘)❤ (Credits to kkumri)

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*sighs dramatically*

Not revised

A disgruntled Yoongi lay in the bed between two hybrids. Taehyung on his left and Jimin on his right, both cuddling into his sides.

And both currently squeezing the life out of him.

The hybrids were bickering about 'who could hold hyung the tightest' and 'who could hold on the longest'.

Yoongi grunted when Taehyung gave a particularly strong squeeze, the hybrids arms wrapped around his lower belly. Jimin had his arms wrapped around Yoongi's neck and his legs were flailing around underneath the covers as he tried to squeeze Yoongi harder.

The elder just stared up at the ceiling, feeling slightly grumpy because it was 12:04 at night and he should be sleeping right now. After eating and watching another movie, he had to practically drag the younger boys to brush their teeth and force them into their pajamas.

The way Taehyung was currently squeezing his lower body made it feel like his bladder was gonna burst.

Yoongi sighed and wiggled in the hybrids' arms, trying to free himself so he could go to the bathroom. The younger boys squealed in delight thinking Yoongi was playing with them.

"Guys-- no, let me go." Yoongi grumbled as the boys tangled their legs around his torso,"I need to use the bathroom!" He cried out pulling at the bundle of limbs that held him down.

"Me too!" Jimin said ears perking up as he looked at Yoongi. "Me three!" Taehyung giggled as he let go of Yoongi and began to slowly climb off the bed.

"Hmm... Of course." Yoongi said, rolling his eyes but climbing off the bed anyways. Jimin followed suit, bouncing on the bed excitedly and jumping onto his hyung's back. Yoongi groaned but let the kitten wrap himself securely on his back.

He stumbled over to a struggling Taehyung and held his hand out for the pup to grab. Taehyung smiled gratefully and wobbled to his feet.

"I want a piggy back ride too, hyung" the puppy whined tugging on Yoongi's PJ shirt. Yoongi huffed, feeling Jimin start to slide down slightly. He bounced the boy on his back and re-ajusted him higher up.

"Ok, ok, you'll get one on our way back." Yoongi puffed out and began walking to the bathroom with the kitten on his back and the puppy clinging on to his forearm.

Once the they arrived to the bathroom, Yoongi lowered Jimin on to the floor and flicked the lights on. Jimin squeaked as the cold tile made contact with only one unclothed foot because, like always, he was missing a damn sock.

Here Kitty, Good Kitty- Yoonmin/CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now