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Jimin didn't know how to feel.

Not only had this lady interrupted their special time together, but according to Yoongi, she would be staying with them for tonight.

Yoongi didn't specify his relationship with the pretty girl, just that she was a friend in need of help, and who was Jimin to question him? So the kitten stayed silent, but had a strange weight in his heart because he knew better than to believe she'd only been a friend. The way she would look at Yoongi said differently, the way Yoongi would look at her; like only someone hurt by the person they once loved could look.

Jimin felt like puking, his nerves were a mess and the girl, Mina, seemed ok. Although Jimin didn't like the way she gave him a calculated look down when she first saw who else was behind the door.

Her pretty brown hair and dainty figure gave off an aura of elegance. It made Jimin feel intimidated, like he couldn't measure up to her because he was clumsy and messy with round cheeks and; not a girl or fully human for that matter.

The hybrid was currently moving all of his plushies into Yoongi's room. Mina was going to sleep in Jimin's room since he never really slept there anyways. Jimin didnt mind it very much so Yoongi asked him to take all of his plush toys out of his room and place them on their shared bed.

The kitten looked at his reflection  again, hand reaching for the satin collar on his neck. He sighed shakily, wishing he could just stop his rampant thoughts.

The door creaked open and Yoongi peeked in. His gaze shifted from Jimin to the mountain of plushies on the bed.

"Looks like we'll have plenty of company at night," he joked, slipping in and standing in front of the boy. Jimin smiled weakly, trying to ignore the heaviness in his chest.

Yoongi noticed the boys stiff smile, he frowned and pet a soft black ear.

"I'm sorry Jiminie, I know this isn't how you wanted to spend our day together." He hugged the smaller boy tightly and kissed his forehead. Jimin inhaled the elders fresh scent and relaxed against the warm hug.

"It's okay, as long as you're here..." He murmured against Yoongi's chest.

The raven haired laughed lightly, bumping his nose against Jimin's head.

"When'd you become such a smooth talker, hmm?" Yoongi squeezed the kittens hips and kissed his cute button nose. Jimin giggled and looked up at the elder, eyes crinkling happily when he grinned.

Here Kitty, Good Kitty- Yoonmin/CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now