Le Birthday!~

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A/N: It's not to had to see where this is going :P


Tom smiled as he pulled Benedict into the cold London air allowing the strong stench of the city to fill his lungs, Benedict chuckled, "Happy Birthday Ben!" Tom cried out into the night as he pulled him along behind him into the restaurant where he reserved a table. Benedict rolled his eyes playfully, trying to keep up with Tom who had clasped onto his hand tightly. "Slow down!" Ben pleaded as he laughed even harder sticking out his tongue, Tom stopped and let him catch up only to open the door for him. "You first." Tom said as he pushed Ben into the golden light room, Ben glanced back at him, "You- TOM! No I couldn't you didn't!" Benedict said stepping back into the cold again in awe, it was only the fanciest restaurant he knew of. "Dear God Benny! I already paid for a table don't waste it!" Tom said taking his hand lightly whilst Benedict gaped at the golden room that had a chandelier made of diamonds hanging from the ceiling. Benedict fiddled in Tom's grip for a second making Tom blush, realizing he had just grabbed his best friend's hand. He dropped Ben's hand and let it fall at his side as he nervously walked to the a lady who waited to seat them, Ben frowned at the loss of contact but not for long as a thought flickered across his mind just like the grin that was now on his face.

He walked closer to Tom and placed a hand close to his so that when he walked it swung and hit Tom's in a playful way. Tom laughed at Ben as he starred at his feet, Benedict let out a small sigh of defeat before giving into his attempt of flirtation and going straight for a more... Forward approach, he looked at Tom and took his hand again, but instead of in a friendly way he laced together their fingers making it obvious he liked the way their hands felt together. Tom's hands were cold and bony as he brushed his thumb on the space on Ben's hand between his thumb and fore finger, Benedict smiled slightly and moved even closer to him, "Your hands are cold." Benedict pointed out hoping some of his heat would go to his, "I'm sorry, want me to let go?" Tom asked, almost before he finished Ben stopped him, "No! I just er I mean. Didn't you have gloves?" Ben asked looking down as Tom smiled slightly, "No I didn't." Tom replied looking at Ben with a smile in a slightly flirtatious way. "Well you could've used mine." Ben replied meeting his gaze, Tom chuckled and looked to his left to see faces buried in menus, "Your table boys." The lady almost hissed as she layed down a menu for both men and let them take their seat in the fancy booth. "Thanks." they muttered at the same time, Ben broke his grip and sat down across from him. "I wouldn't dare use your gloves Ben." Tom pointed out as he picked up the menu and grazed down it deciding on a small steak. Ben laughed to himself, "You're to humble Tom." Ben muttered as he looked at the menu. "Sorry-" Tom started, "Don't- Don't apologize, it's refreshing to see every once and while. Plus it's uh- it's erhm sweet. Ya know." Ben said cutting him off, Tom blushed slighty as a smile flickered on his lips for a longer period of time than usual. "That's really nice of you to say." He whispered in reply looking around everywhere to avoid an awkward gaze with Ben.

After a few minutes a waiter appeared at their table giving them her name and asking them for their selections. "Hey, how are you doing tonight? My name is Lisa and I'll be serving you tonight.Can I start you two off with a drink?" The lady asked her voice indicating she was not from England but rather from the sounds of it, the Deep South of America. Tom smiled at her but let Ben go first, "Hi Lisa! Can I just have uh, I'll have- just water." Ben said having a hard time making up his mind. Lisa, the waitress, scribbled it down quickly and turned to Tom, "We'll both have wine actually." Tom said smiling at her. "Okay then sounds good!" She replied scratching out the water and writing wine (x2) on it instead. "So what can I get you two to eat?" she asked looking at Tom this time to go first. "I'll have the steak, medium well please." He stated looking at Ben immediately after to catch a glance of his eyes. Ben smiled at him slightly, "I'll just get the same." Ben said deciding against the healthy salad he wanted before.

Tom slid his hand onto the table taking Ben's playfully secretly admiring how they looked together. Ben smiled at him as a chuckle formed in his throat and escaped his mouth, his voice low as he thought about the way Tom was looking at him. It made him feel like a little boy again, the way Tom made butterflies erupt in his stomach when he laced together their hands and played with his hands like his heart.

The waitress soon brought them out their drinks telling them that their food was on it's way. Ben snapped from his trance and bumped the lady slightly causing her to spill red wine all over Tom's front. Ben grimaced at himself before apologizing profusely to both, "Oh God! Oh Tom I've ruined that suit! it looked so good! Oh gosh I'm so sorry I hit you mam!" Ben stuttered as he leaned over to help Tom dab out the stain, "Why don't I take you to the bathroom and help." Ben muttered as be mentally cursed himself. "Yeah okay." Tom replied as he got up, Benedict pinched his own arm as he trailed behind Tom cursing the day he was created so clumsily.

   Ben tugged on his shirt again ever so slightly as he put the warm moist cloth to the bottom of Tom's shirt. "It's okay Ben! Stop apologizing! it was an accident I have other suits!" Tom plead after Benedict sent out his at least four hundredth apology. Ben pursed his lips for a second, "Fine, but just- just, answer me this." Ben started wishing e had stopped before, "Now don't- let this change stuff just- are- uhm, do you like me Tom? Like in a non friend way?" Benedict blurted out looking up at him knowing he had no choice to take back what he had just let out. Tom stepped back slightly and breathed in sharply. "I uh-" he stopped not knowing how to answer, "Er I-" he stuttered wanting to tell him yes. Yes, Yes a thousand times over! His mind screamed yet he stayed silent. "Just- Was this a date?" Benedict asked easing off a little tension as he stood making perfect eye level with him. "ER- Uhm-." Tom continued to stutter, "If you say no, it's okay." Benedict said grasping onto his own arm before thinking differently and taking Tom's hand instead. "I just need to know if this is anything." he said motioning to them tapping his own chest and Tom's. 

   Tom stood for a second feeling heat return to his hands and really through his own body, he straddled his legs then brought them together switching around nervously, "Just- it won't change things right? Cos' I can't- I can't help it or anything- I just- I would- ." Tom replied finally taking the time to get lost in Ben's eyes. "I do, I-I- I don't know when I started to but I just I like you a- I and you can't- you if you just play with my hands and stare at me and you. I- you can't say that this is nothing. I know you'd be lying because you take my hand and you protest to me taking away my hand and- just. It wouldn't be fair." Tom said taking a step back to lean on the bathroom counter. Ben smiled at him an took a step forward, he put his hands on the counter closing him in, "So this? It makes you go, insane?" Ben asked smirking, Tom rolled his eyes playfully and pushed on his chest. "Stop exploiting me." Tom pleaded as he blushed ferociously, Benedict smiled, "I'm not." Benedict replied cheekily. "Yes you are." Tom said having no where to place his hands, "Oh shut up Tom! Just kiss me!" Ben replied with an eye roll as he leaned down to kiss Tom. Tom happily leaned up taking his neck and pulling him down. 

     Benedict eventually broke taking a step back, "That wasn't my suavest move." he said smiling, "It didn't need to be." Tom replied with a slight smirk. "I- I've really wanted that." Ben muttered quietly. Tom smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss like a peck, "Happy Birthday." he whispered taking his hand and lacing it with his own, "Very happy." Ben replied without a second thought as they began to walk out, wine stains still all over Tom.

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