kiss me under the moonlight sky

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I have wanted to write this for a while and just never did.... but here it is!

summary: going to an independence day celebration in America! lots of fluff and a bit of angst!


Benedict pushed his body through the crowd, drawing a sharp breath inwards as someone gripped his lower back, he turned swiftly to reprimand the hand but was greeted by a face who he knew he couldn't pass judgment upon. Tom's eyes sparkled in the setting sun, their blue turning an almost vibrant grey. Benedict let out a sigh of relief, "You scared the shit out of me, I have been touched by so many today I fear I caught all 7 of the deadly sins without a proper trial!" Tom chuckled at him, taking us hand in hopes they wouldn't lose each other as they searched for their blanket they shared with others.

Tom gave his hand a quick squeeze, just barely clapping it, Benedict smiled, turning his face you the right and  facing a mob of people to hide the innocent and frankly inconvenient blush that crept over his cheeks. He continued to look away when he laced their fingers together, his hands sliding slowly into the spaces between Tom's long fingers.

"You're speaking so natively and high classed British , I fear your love for America is thinning, am I wrong, Benedict?" Tom called over the crowd, playing into his dialect and possibly leaning into Ben too much. However neither seemed to notice or mine, "I'm afraid your deduction skills are impecable, for one to be surrounded by such candour people who openly flaunt their own ignorance to the world's issues wears my patients to the bone. That and I watched the classic The Importance Of Being Earnest on my cellular device last night, causing me to slip into a formal English accent." He chuckled back.

They turn left and find their seats after a small stretch of scattered blankets, the smell of fried chicken and other frying diabetes causing snacks fresh in the falling sun air. Benedict sat down first, leaning back on his elbows and stretching out his legs, Tom sat beside him, ignoring the given space he could have taken an settling against Benedict. Ben glanced over at him, smirking to himself and looking at the orange and pink clouds.

Tom shuffled his body backwards and laid his head all the way back, flat on the hill, and reached his hand down, placing it next to Benedict's, his fingers spread wide so they brushed against his. Tom briefly thought he had heard some of the cast scoff at their state, a few muttering things such as, "When are they just gonna get it over with and fuck already?" followed by snickers of agreement.

'It's my god damn plan, but it's not that easy.' Tom thought.

Benedict inched his fingers closer as well, but said nothing, staring away into the mob of red, white and blue with a small eager flash in his eyes. Scarlett Johanson, one of the few of his former Avengers colleagues who had shown up, threw a cherry Tom to catch his attention. Tom turned to her, moving his hand away from Benedict's in embarrassment, she rolled her eyes clasped her hands together to motion for Tom to take Ben's hand. Tom shook his head no, a hot blush creeping over his already sweating face, "Take his god damn hand you wuss!" she mouthed, throwing her hands up.

Tom shifted uncomfortably, thinking on it.

He turned away from Scarlett, lying back on the ground, he glanced at Benedict, now occupied with music, his headphones in. He thought for another second before he took Benedict's hand with a smile to himself. Benedict laced their fingers together and passed him a headphone with his free hand.

The music wasn't anything special, though it varied drastically from classical rock to the soundtracks of the famous French play, Le Misarblés.


By the time sun had finally gone down and the fireworks for celebration finally began, both men were practically entangled with each other, fingers laced together, heads pressed against heads, and no space in between them. They had somehow managed to get even closer than before, which seemed bear impossible. This and they both continued to undress each other with their eyes, sending glances at each other before looking away when the other caught on. Benedict couldn't help but stare at his perfect profile, enchanted by his eyes and lips.

The fireworks flashed bright colours into the sky, sound filling the lost hum of people. They stood in respect as the others around them had, their grip on each other's hands never failing.  Tom caught Benedict's gaze for the first time that night, and he smiled a bit, squeezing his hand tighter.

Neither looked away for a long time, the fireworks muddling into the background as the world disappeared around them.

Tom moved into Benedict, not daring to make a move further than that, his gaze not faltering from his lips. Benedict licked his lips, knowing Tom was watching, "May I kiss you?" Benedict whispered, moving his hand up to Tom's face, Tom glanced around their group, noticing not to many were paying attention to what they were doing, or anything but the fireworks. Tom swallowed nervously, turning back to Benedict's gaze, he nodded, "Please." he replied.

Benedict leaned in until their lips hit, not moving for a few secobds, but soon they found a familiar rhythm to move to as if the kiss were a dance. Ben sighed softly against his lips and Tom couldn't help but smile, which only led to them both smiling as they attempted to kiss. Tom pulled away, looking down with the same grin, "Sorry," he tried to say, but Benedict shook his head, "No, it's my fault, I can't help but smile when I see you, I suppose kissing you is no different." Benedict said over the fireworks, catching Tom's chin, "That came out really cheesy didn't it?" Tom laughed with Ben. Letting his grin fade, Tom captured Ben's mouth again, allowing Ben to lift him a few centimeters off the ground.

When placed in the ground again, both hands firmly placed on either side of Benedict's face, continuing to kiss him with ease now. The tip of his tongue swiped against Ben's bottom lip eagerly entering his mouth.

The fireworks around them sped up and Benedict thought for a moment they were still in his head, the bright colours forming heart and star shapes in the starry black sky.

They broke apart when the fireworks ended, "Ha! You fucking idiot, told you they'd kiss tonight, pay up." Scarlett said, punching Jeremy Renner in the arm so hard he stumbled to the side. Jeremy sighed heavily, pulling out three 20 dollar notes, "Keep the change." he muttered sheepishly. Scarlett squirreled it away in her back pocket, crossing her arms with a smirk.

Tom let out his classic Loki like laugh, "Did you make bets on my ability to make a move?" Tom scoffed, Benedict coughed awkwardly, "Yeah, and you won me 60 bucks." Scarlett smiled. Tom just turned to Ben, "They placed bets on us!" he choked. Benedict grinned, winking at Scarlett, "So they have.

Tom kissed Benedict again, drawing away just as Ben began to deepen it, "Mmm, more later tonight?" Tom said in more of a question than a statement, "So that makes the chances of having Happy Separation From America day sex very high?" Ben growled into his ear "Very high..." Tom answered.

"God bless America." Benedict heaved in a hardy fake southern accent, "God bless America!" Tom repeated eagerly.

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