Ben after the dentist

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A/N: I think you'll like this one. *bites lips* I hope!
Triggers: none (unless you like smoke Nitrous Oxide)
Summary: I'm sure you've all seen SOME form of someone on Nitrous Oxide, AKA laughing gas. If not, look up David After The Dentist. That's like this. Except Ben and Tom were fighting and it's fluffy and cute!
"Hey, Ben, what's up?" Martin said in his normally, good mood tone. Ben sighed, ruffling his curls, "I have some dentist work that has to be done, do you think you could come and get me and drive me back when I'm done?" he could hear the smirk in Martin's voice, he hated asking for favours from him, knowing it meant he'd have to return them. Martin shrugged but Ben didn't see that, "Don't you have a boyfriend to do that?" he pestered with a chuckle. Normally he would have felt more tolerant to Martin, after all they were best friends... However had he not spent the past thirty minutes chewing at Tom for the request who responded with, "I don't really want to deal with this right now." Well, not to his request, More or less. More towards the fight that the subject had lead to just like other discussions ended the past three weeks.
"He's busy." Benedict answered after some time. Too emotionally shot to go into detail, "Oh shit, mate, you're in the dog house aren't you?" he could hear Martin clasp a hand over an open mouth, "That came out way more insensitive than I planned it to." Ben let out a sigh, "No you're right. Just can you come get me at 10 Am from the dentist?" "Yeah sure!" and with that the phone call ended.

Ben laid on the couch, sucking in a breath like one that came out after a good sob, but he resented it, falling asleep instead of finishing his thoughts on his and Tom's row.
Benedict tried to stand to walk out of the dentist's pale yellow room and to the car where Martin waited. A nurse quickly helped him keep on his stumbling feet, watching him laugh like a girl with a high voice, staggering like a drunk man. He patted her head, "Thanks. You're my best friend." He said to her and she smiled, wincing at his hand running down her face.
She helped him to the car and Ben flopped in, almost falling out as soon as he had managed to get in. Ben gave her a forty pounds in a series of notes and she handed it back, "Okay. Thanks, I'll put it to good use." Benedict said, showing the thin stack to Martin with a Cotten ball- filled mouth. Martin laughed and nodded at the lady, pulling out of the car lot.
Ben made car sounds almost the whole way home before he forced Martin to pull over at the petrol station, "I need to get pie. " he said blankly. He handed Martin his whole wallet's contents, including coins and his ID, "Get me one?" The shorter just laughed, seeing no harm in doing so and so he walked in an bought a "Fresh baked"- more like baked weeks ago, frozen, heated up, and packaged- half pie and handed to Ben. Ben giggled at the object in his hands, pulling it close and rocking it. "Thanks brah!" Ben said leaning against Martin. He laughed, "Yeah, Okay. We're almost home and I gotta go, the dentist said to get some rest, all right?" Ben shook his head extravagantly and waited for the car to stop before stumbling out of it and to his house.
Ben shoved as many candles as he could find into the pie, proud of the work he had created. He looked at his phone and picked it up, tapping Tom's name to call him.
Tom picked up after five or six rings and Benedict cheered, "Tom! Tom! you gotta come over here I have a surprise for you!" he slurred out. He heard a shuffling against the phone, "Are you still on that laughing shit? Or have you lost all your sense and gotten drunk again? I thought we talked about your problems, Ben." Ben let out a dragged out 'hmmm' in thought, "I got drunk at the dentist I think. I guess they put me to sleep with liquor. It was in a mask. Just I made Tom a pie. have him come here quickly!" and with that he dropped the phone, not bothering to pick it up, guessing the phone call ended.

Tom arrived approximately twenty minutes later in a tight t-shirt, casual jeans and well fitting men's Vans. Ben looked him up and down with a sloppy, lopsided grin, "You're here! Hi! Why did you come over?" Tom knew then it was the laughing gas. He gave a small smile, forgetting about their quarrels and focusing on how long it'd been since he saw a smile like that, "Because you called me, remember?" Ben almost fell over, flinging a hand to his mouth, "Oh. Yeah, okay." He said through the space in his fingers.

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