Breaking up

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A/N: After a hard break up Benedict helps Tom get over the person he dated to find out it was a guy.....

"B-Ben?" Tom sniffled into the phone, trying to pull himself together, "Hey! Tom! Are you okay? You sound terrible! Shit... I said that aloud didn't I?" Benedict face palmed from his side of the phone, his eyebrows furrowing together, "No. No it's fine. Just can I come over? I just got dumped in the worst way.... I don't wanna be alone tonight." Ben covered his mouth as he pulled a drink from his fridge and covered his mouth before he remembered Tom couldn't actually see him. Benedict placed the bottle on his kitchen island, "Yeah. Come on over now." Tom sniffed again and proceeded to thank him profusely, "Shhh. You don't need to thank me. Please just come over." Benedict hung up and put his phone on the counter.

It took about two point five seconds for Ben to realise he needed to go make himself presentable. He ran to his bathroom and splashed cold water on his face and pulled out his toothbrush.

He tugged on a hanger to retrieve a shirt before realising it wasn't even his, it was Tom's. He sighed with a small chuckle and placed it carefully back on the hanger. He cocked his head back and rubbed his forehead, "Okay, Benedict. Shirt. Which shirt." He had never been particularly great with style and the thought of having to look presentable for anyone made him sick. He closed his eyes and thought for a second an reached out a blind hand, his fingers dragging against the cotton shirts before he landed on one he figured would probably work. It was his grey t-shirt with a stencil like black pattern on the front, he put on his comfiest pair jeans.

By the time he had begun to comb out his matted inky curls he heard a knock at the door, "shit." he mumbled. He looked at himself in the mirror, his reflection seeming slightly different from before, "COMING!" he called, his voice echoing through the flat. He fixed his hair part and ran his fingers through his hair for the third time before opening the door.

Tom tried to muster a smile but all that came out were ugly sobs, "Oh come here. Come here." Benedict pulled him in close and ran his fingers up his back, "Oh love, what did she do?!" his tone turning a bit angry. Tom didn't reply, he just hiccuped and tried to swallow the lump in his throat. Benedict pulled him in the door and shut the door behind him without breaking the hug. Tom stepped back and rubbed his eyes, "It was awful... I mean.... I feel so dirty and I hurt so many people but I didn't even notice until I hurt myself..." Tom covered his face and started to sob again. Ben went to his kitchen and turned on his kettle, putting two tea bags in separate mugs. He let the kettle start to boil as he took Tom's hand, leading him to the couch. He sat on his own couch, crossing his legs beneath him so he could fit sideways to look at Tom.

Benedict stared at him for a long time, watching tears cascade his cheeks, he didn't dare break the silence in respect for Tom. After his tears had begun to subside, the sobs becoming quieter and turning into just little hiccups Benedict broke the silence, "You wanna tell me the whole story? Start to finish? I didn't even know you were actually with someone. This serious" Benedict thought about the last time he and Tom had spoke about relationships, Benedict had beat around the bush of having a vague crush on him and asking Tom if he was dating anyone.


Benedict looked at Tom's pale blue eyes in the TV's glow, smiling, a genuine, happy, giggly, blushy smile. Benedict looked down and looked at the smudges of ink on his palm.

Just ask him. Just do it Benedict.

Of course the words referred to the fact that he needed to ask Tom something. He had developed a painfully awkward and large crush on him. From what he could see Tom seemed to be reviving and giving the flirtatious comments that Ben gave.

He rubbed his thumb over the dark blue ink and met Tom's eyes again, "Uhm. Tom. I wanted to ask you something." Tom raised an eyebrow at the sudden seriousness of Ben's facial expressions. Benedict swallowed, his heart thudding so loud he was sure Tom could hear it, Benedict gave a nervous laugh and then approached the subject. "So are you seeing people?" he asked him. He tried swallow the tension. Tom's face lit up and he looked down, a smile spreading on his face. Tom rubbed his own forearm and turned pink, placing his tea on the table to his right. "Actually. I suppose I can tell you this. Uhm yes. Yeah I am." Ben plastered a smile to his face as his heart shattered inside him. The overwhelming urge to cry filled him and he bit his lip, "Oh." Was all he could say at first, "For how long?" He felt tears swarm up in his eyes, stinging his tear ducts.

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