MPREG AGAIN! *screaming*

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A/N: AYE LOOK I'M UPDATING THIS AGAIN! Maybe have 2 updates with almost no space between them this week!!!!

Okay also this as written as a series of flashbacks as they talk in an interview!

  "So what was the delivery like? As you can imagine we re all very eager to hear about your children!" The interviewer piped up, inserting her question between Tom and Ben's banter of compliments. Tom looked back at her and let out a small laugh, "Hell. It was Hell." He joked. He thought back to the night that had happened give or take six months past. His figure already returning to him, his abs pocking out through his thin shirt. Ben looked at Tom for a second, his arm stretched across the back of Tom's shoulders protectively. "Was it Hell for you, Ben?" The interviewer asked with a small laugh, "Oh no! I mean he delivered and I just held his hands. I mean it couldn't have been easier, I just felt so bad for him." Tom smiled at Benedict and rested his head on his shoulder for a second before sitting up again, "You numpty. I squeezed his hand hard enough he cried!" Ben rolled his eyes playfully. He let his hand falter on his shoulders, running his fingers over his shoulder and neck to relieve pain. Tom thought back to the night of question and smiled, the pain seemingly imaginary and unimportant to remember now.

       Tom stirred around in the sheets, finding it extraordinarily difficult to find a way to sleep. He let out a quiet enough groan of defeat that he thought Ben wouldn't wake up. He hated when he woke Benedict up, he needed sleep as well, he felt terrible knowing that he'd probably sit up soon and ask what was wrong and kiss him softly back to sleep.

   As if on cue Benedict arose from his sleep and removed his hand from Tom's waist under his swelled stomach, "Hey. Shh shhh. Are you alright? What's wrong? Do you need anything?" Tom shook his head quickly, "No. I'm fine! Go back to sleep I didn't mean to wake you up!" Ben normally would have laid back down after giving him a light kiss but this time he could tell something was wrong. Tom clenched the sheets in his fists and let out a loud scream, "Holy shit!" He exclaimed finally after the pain had let off just barely. Ben stared at him with wide eyes and swallowed nervously, "What's wrong? What was that? Are you alright? I'm gonna dial 999 for an ambulance, okay?"  Tom nodded quickly and let Ben climb away to grab his mobile. Tom grasped the sking on his stomach and let out another softer scream, "Hey can I get an ambulance over here?" there was quiet for a second befor he shouted his adress and hung up. 

      Benedict climbed back next to him and kissed his neck softly, "It'll be okay. Do you think you're going into labor?" He cooed, brushing the wetting hair on his face out of his eyes. Tom nodded and cocked his head back, letting out a small whimper, "It hurts! Baby make it stop! It hurts!! Please!" He plead, scrunching into a small ball. Benedict took his hand and squeezed it softly, "I wish I could. You know I would if I could! This will be done soon! No more tummy that you hated, no more pain, no more throwing up!"  Tom tried to nod at the thought but he just clenched his eyes shut. 

"I just remember a lot of screaming from him and I tried really hard to help him but it's not like there's a lot I could've done, which made me feel terrible." Tom smiled at his words and patted his hand, "Oh babe. He always says the cutest things. Sometime I think he's lying!" Tom laughed turning to the awing questioner. Tom thought about pressing a kiss to his cheek but decided against it, thinking it be unprofessional. 


          The whole of the ride over had been nothing but inconstant screaming, which had finally seemed to cease when they had got to the hospital. Ben grasped Tom's hand and kissed it, "Hey. It's okay... I'm right here. Right here." Tom nodded finally and tried to open his eyes to face him, "It hurts! Please! Make it stop!! Please Benny! Do something!

"I'm trying. I'm so sorry." Ben continued to answer as they rolled him into the hospital. Tom tucked his legs up to his chest as best as he could, trying to stay quiet. 


"I can't really express a lot of the stuff that went on, however all I can say is that it was so worth it. I mean just see them... They are the most amazing things on the face of Earth." Ben nodded in agreement to Tom's words, crossing his legs to get more comfortable. 


Tom held the child close to his chest, looking from the child in his arms and the child in Ben's arms, "We had twins! Holy shit." Ben let out a laugh and bounced up and down to subside the child's crying. Tom tried to contain the tears in his eyes, however to know prevail, he wiped off a stray tear with the back of his hand and laughed, "I still can't control my emotions!" . 

     "Have you two picked names?" A rather chirpy female doctor asked them, "Oh yes I do believe we have." Ben answered for Tom who was drifting to sleep. He looked at the small baby girl, "We agreed that we would call her Danielle Sage and we're gonna call him Daniel James." Tom let out. She smiled and cooed at their choice, "Oh that's so adorable!!" She walked out of the room after that, only to return with birth certificates after a few minutes. 


"So yeah that's how we figure out their names. We thought we could give them names that if they wanted to change when they're older... You know if they decide they wern't born the gender the should be. Which we would both support, I think that's an important thing, support your children." He looked to the camera during the last sentence, as if Tom was directing the quote to the audience.  Benedict nodded at Tom again, "Well thank you so much! I am so happy for you guys! Congratulations again!" and with that they were cheered  off stage. Benedict walked off stage and pulled Tom to his lips, pressing them together like he hadn't kissed him in months. Tom wrapped his hands around his waist and pressed a light peck to his lips twice before muttering, "I love you too." he let out a small chuckle. Benedict pecked his lips again, "I'm so proud of us, we're gonna be great parents." Tom nodded quickly in agreement before pressing their lips together.

_____________________________________________________________________________A/N: *sings* THE ENDING OF THIS WAS ABSOLUTE SHHHHIIIIITTTT! sORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAYS, someone asked me on pt 1 to name the baby Danielle (I'm sorry I can't for the life of me remember your account cos I only saw the comment once! so comment below and I can dedicate this to you! <3) after them! So I did that! I hope you all enjoy this!!!

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