I feel like writing a bunch of fluff.... So... *puffs glitter at you* FLUFF!

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A/N: them... Waking up... After sexy times that night..... Much fluff very emotion so cute.. Wow.

Benedict stretched his arms out, taking in a deep breath that he held before letting it out, he closed his eyes for a second and yawned before realizing he wasn't alone, he opened his eyes again to meet Tom's. He swallowed hard, "Hey." Tom said slowly, sitting up. Ben's breath hitched, "I- Uhm... Hey." Benedict said shyly, not completely sure if he should appoligise, get up and get dressed and run, or do what every last part in his body wanted to do, which was hold him close, kiss him and cook him breakfast. Tom smiled at him, a small blush creeping up into his cheeks, "I- I had- uh- ehehe enjoyed last night." Tom said triggiering a flashback in Ben's mind.

*** flashback to previous night*** (to end of italics)

Ben pushed Tom against his couch and pressed his lips to Tom's, he could probably fake being drunk if he needed to. He didn't though, he thought he'd have to just appoligise in the morning and make up a story of how he'd gotten absolutley smashed before he had called Tom over to his place, but Tom was pushing back, kissing back, putting his hands on Ben's neck. His nearly freezing fingers dug into his back, finding their way under his blue, white button down shirt making Ben shiver with anicipation. "I've wanted this. For so long." Tom whispered, his breaths fast and hot against Ben's mouth. Ben moaned something fierce from the back of his throat, pressing against his chest and kissing him harder. Tom trailed a finger down to the small of his back and to the waist band of his tight jeans. Ben slipped a hand onto his shirt, unbottoning the top button and waiting for a response to continue. Tom grinned and pushed Ben off the couch and onto the floor. Ben's breath hitched, as Tom continued to kiss him, "I think I might be" he breathed heavily his breath nearly completely gone, "In love with you." Ben spat out, "I think I might be too." Tom said back bafore elapsing him in a kiss again.

Ben's hands found his ways to Tom's back and near the small of his back as Tom had, slipping a hand into his pants and another hand around his neck, pulling him completely down on top of him and tugging at his curly mess of hair to get the perfect sex hair that he could be proud to look at in the morning, like a memoir of what he'd done.

Ben fell onto the bed gracefully letting Tom crawl on top of him. Almost all of his clothes were now either on the couch, on the floor, or on the kitchen's island. Tom breathed in and out, his eyes looking him down hungrilly. Ben pushed Tom on to the soft sheets, "You still wanna go through with this?" Ben asked after nibbling a mark on his neck. Tom nodded quickly, "With everything." Ben grinned cheekily. He stood and fumbled to turn on his iPhone, playing his already planned and created playlist.


Tom huffed as did Ben, flopping down by him, "That was the best-" Tom's eyes were wide and he blinked , "I've had in a long time." Ben chuckled, "Ahuh." He confirmed.

Tom stood up and ran his fingers through his hair, "I uhm... I mean... I- do you want me to leave?" He slipped on his pants and was about to put on his shirt and trousers, Ben stood, "No-no!" He almost shouted, "I mean, let me make you breakfast. Please." Tom grinned, "I'd love to stay for breakfast!" Tom blinked a couple times. "What do you want?" Ben looked down at himself and blushed, "I uhm... I suppose I should put on my boxers huh?" Ben bit his lip, and leaned down to put on his pants, "I've obviously already seen you naked... I wouldn't dream of it." Tom flirted, Ben turned a deep shade of red and held back a chuckle.

"I think I oughta be a little civilized, I've seen paparazzi at my window, hate to have naked photos of me all over the internet. " He shivered at the thought, Tom laughed at him, "Oh god... That's awful." Tom said with a slight hint of sarcasm, Ben rolled his eyes.

Ben leaned against the stove, flipping the pancake he had been cooking watching it turn a golden brown. Tom walked behind him, his feet hitting with a patter against the linolium. He wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck, "Thanks love." Tom whispered in his ear squeezing him lightly, Ben smiled and turned his head to meet his lips, "Were we both sober last night?" Ben asked with his lips against Tom's, "Should I say no to save myself?" Tom asked him leaning back, Ben shook his head 'no', "I was completely sober." Ben replied to answer his question.

Tom sighed, "I thought I'd have to lie to you. Tell you that I was drunk so we could move on from there." Benedict confessed, Tom smiled and kissed him lightly again. "Well don't worry."

* Later on ish...*

Ben was finishing up cleaning the last of the dishes. Despite Tom's protests to help he had made him sit down. Tom opened up the internet on his phone and scrolled down the latest news he could find. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped to his chest, "Shit." He breathed out, "What, babe?" Ben called from the kitchen. He had already begun thinking of pet names as soon as they'd finished breakfast. Tom stood up and walked to the kitchen, holding up the phone for Ben. On the screen of his small mobile were photos, of them, on the floor, in the couch with a large headline that read, "Tom Hiddleston caught with Benedict Cumberbatch!!! Exclusive content here!" Ben groaned at the title, "Fuck. No actually, what the fuck. What happened to privacy?!  They have to post photos of us making out on my sofa in my flat?! My home?" Ben felt rage boil inside him like a crab in a pot, his eyes turned into a vibrant blue and he narrowed his eyes. Tom looked up at him in near fear, placing a hand on his bare chest, "Hey, hey, Ben- Love it's okay- just- uhm- stay calm. It was going to happen eventually!" Ben looked down at him, his expression changing from anger to a sadder look, "God, Tom, I didn't even think about how this would effect you! Your career! God- this is my fault- Oh I'm so sorry!" Tom cut him off with a kiss, making it obvious he didn't care, "Benny. I don't care. At all. Let's just do this together okay?" Tom kissed him again, "So like- dating?" Ben asked sounding like a kid, Tom grinned cheesily- "Yes. That was precisely what I meant."

A/n: the end is shit. WHOOPS

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