I'd love for you to meet my parents.

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A/N: Short fic description:

Ben and Tom have been together for 3 months now and Ben has invited him to meet his parents (and as it turns out a whole shit ton of family who showed up on suprise), as Ben feels they should know about the fact that he's gay before they take their relationship any further. However as the weekend comes to a close and Ben still hasn't said a thing, Tom finds out he's never exited the closet.

Jesus that sounds like a corny movie..... Someone tell Ben and Tom.... Also, as always, shit ton of fluff....


   Ben's eyes flung open to the chirp of his alarm, his breathing already heavy, today was the day... The day he'd tell his parents, now that he and Tom had been together for three months, happily. All domestic bliss until today that was, he had no idea what to expect from today, today was not going to be a good day, no matter how great it started off. 

  He could hear Tom's soft, and frankly adorable yawns as he stretched his arms just barely, still keeping them fitted across Ben's slender,toned, form. He kissed Ben's ear softly and muttered the same thing he had since the first time they slept in the same bed, "I am still very much in love with you." he said softly, he watched a blush carefully find its way across Ben's cheeks, the same way it had the day before, and the day before that. Nearly every day, except for the days they spent seperated, which was usually weekdays, Mondays and Wednesdays where Tom had to work early in the morning. 

         "I am still very sure I am in love with you." Ben responded softly, the night before's sleep evident in his groggy, low voice. Tom placed a hand over Ben's hand and laced their fingers together, using his other hand to prop himself up, "So I get to meet your parents finally! For your birthday tomorrow. Isn't this exciting? Gah! I'm really excited." He placed a receptive kiss on Benedict's neck, craning his neck just enough to kiss his lips without having to sit up completely. 

   Ben smiled and kissed back, pulling Tom onto his chest and putting a hand in his messy morning curls, now a shade of  dark black from the previous film he was in. Tom pulled his mouth away from Ben's and layed a hand on his chest, his legs on either side of him, "I want to go there so very badly with you, all the time, every morning, every evening, I really do but we agreed not to do that until I've met your parents." Tom said softly, feeling Ben's heart through his shirt, listening to the unsteady beat. Ben groaned in frustration, "Please? Please. I love you so much. We're gonna see them today." 

    Tom bit his lip, "Come on, get up, let's just get ready and deal with the weekend, we have the rest of our lives to do that." Ben grabbed Tom's wrist as he tried to stand, pulling him down to meet his face, "There's no time like the present. " Tom looked away from Ben's gaze, a frustrating blush painting his cheeks. "No come on. We're doing so well. If you want it that much do it to yourself, or eat a raw potato."  Tom joked. Ben kissed his jawline, now turned away from him, "Come on baby. Just this once."


    Nearly an hour later of seducing and undressing had unraveled before them, Tom giving in all to quickly to the slightly smaller man's kisses. His head laid on Ben's bare chest, his hand on his stomach, "God damn." Tom said quietly, biting his lip, the frequently passed events still creating memories in his head. 

    "See. I knew it'd be worth it. Just once. Plus when you're staring up at me like that, god... You're so submissive. Like you've never had sex with a guy." Tom didn't answer for a while, instead he studied his heartbeat, the way it was slowing down. "I haven't." Tom said quietly, sitting up just barely.  "You haven't what?" Ben asked, staring into his abyss like eyes, "Had sex... With a guy that is... I've had it with women before, a couple of times..." Tom stared at Ben's face for answers to a question he hadn't asked, how does this effect you? Ben smiled, "I feel special now. Like I took your man sex virginity. Why didn't you tell me before? How was it, in comparison to recent sex." Tom blushed slightly, "Uhm. Nice I guess. Fulfilling.... Very good. I haven't felt like that in a long time so I suppose that's good... Like since my first time.. The last couple of times I don't think I was satisfied.."

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