*sighs* request. Mpreg.

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A/N: As requested by a lovely anon, I was reluctant at first but now as it is a Friday night and I'm bored as hell.... Here it is... If you're reading this person.... Hi... Here you go... Please come off of annon... Your message via tumblr was very sweet.... <33 PS: Also doing this because I told you I'd do every single request..... So....


Approximately a year and a half after being married and after begging and pleading and crying and kissing necks and getting down on knees Tom had finally agreed to have the one thing that Ben had wanted for as long as he could remember. A Baby. That was, of course before either of them knew what they were getting into, the moods, the pain, the loss of sleep for the both of them, before the kid was even born.

There were countless numbers of nights where Tom would wake up in the middle of the night and just sob about anything, there was one night where Tom shook Ben awake and sobbed into his shoulder for a straight two hours. Ben just petted his head softly and muttered the nicest things his half awake brain could think of, "But what are we even going to name the child? We are so unprepared. Oh my god, I am going to be a terrible father." Tom sobbed into Ben's bare chest, his sniffles ringing out into the bedroom. Ben would shake his head and kiss Tom softly, "Oh nonsense! You'll be perfect. I love you so much." Ben tried to help.

That wasn't even the worst of the moods.


Tom stretched his legs out and curled his toes, rolling his swollen ankles, Tom frowned and tried to look past the bubble of- child on his body, "You're not even born and you're beginning to get on my nerves. I can't even read my books or text." Tom growled. He picked up the book and then placed it down again, biting his tongue, "I'm sorry Daniel I didn't mean it. I look forward to you a lot just- you cause a shit ton of pain. You keep me up at night and I don't even know why you can't sleep. You haven't met the world, the world sucks, maybe that's why I was so reluctant to have you... Cos' the world- the world is ugly and mean and it's gonna be hard, but you have two loving fathers who will always be here for you. Then one day, when you're very old like me, you'll meet someone who makes you you wonder why you doubted the world. Maybe that person will be a girl or maybe you'll marry a boy like I did. Or maybe, when you get out you'll decide you should have been a girl, and we will accept you for that. Call you Danielle instead. It's all okay. It'll all be okay. I'm gonna love you your whole life, no matter what. That much I promise to you."

Tom let a couple of stray tears fall down his face, a side affect of pregnancy, he went from anger to being upset in less than a minute and he couldn't explain why. He wiped his eyes with his tears and laughed lightly, "Also. I am super emotional and cry over some of the stupidest shit. But only sometimes." Tom licked his lips and ran his fingers over the stretched, raised, scars.

" I now have proof that you're so cute when you don't even try to be." A voice called from behind him, his lips close to his ear and his voice low. Tom jumped and screamed, turning around quickly to glare at a grinning husband. Tom sighed, "Damn it Benedict! Don't fucking do that! You scare the living shit outta me!!" Tom yelled, his temper moving across his spectrum again.

Ben frowned and wrapped his hands around Tom's neck, kissing his cheek, "I'm sorry baby. I wanted to surprise you." Tom moved away from his touch, "Get off." He groaned at Ben, crossing his arms across his chest.

By now Ben was used to the mood swings, frequent yelling, and shrugged off touches, dealing with them had become apart of daily life.

"You don't know how much I had to deal with today. Then you come in and scare me like that! I swear to god I hate you!" Tom yelled in frustration, tucking his knees up to his stomach. Ben swallowed and nodded slowly, "I'm sorry, Love. I really am, do you want me to give you a back rub? I'm sure you're sore and hurting from the baby, let me make this up to you. Then we can watch a movie or something okay?" Tom quickly broke out into hysterics- tears stinging his eyes and making his nose turn a bright red. He sniffed in attempt to bring himself together but he just began sobbing again, "I didn't mean it! I am in love with you! I love you so much! Please- please don't ever leave me, I know I can be very difficult- but please just- let me have another chance. Don't leave me Benedict. I love you.

    Benedict smiled at him, kissing his cheek softly, his large lips placing soft touches on his skin, "I would never do that to you. I am so very in love with you. I don't know why you'd think I'd ever leave you. I love you and I always will." Tom stared down at his golden wedding band that they both had, watching the small stones glimmer in the light of the room. He nodded, wiping the final tears that had slipped down his face away.

    "Has Daniel said anything new today?" Benedict asked, slipping a hand over Tom's stomach, Tom shrugged, "He kicks when I sing to him. I think he likes it." Tom answered softly, Ben moved his thumb in small circular motions, "It's kinda weird to think that- he is gonna come out of that. Like.... Our child. I'm gonna have a child... I can't believe we'll be parents....Finally I get to be a dad." Ben moved his hand up, a grin spreading across his face, he looked down at Tom, erupting into light giggles, "We're gonna be parents!" Ben rested his head on Tom's shoulder.

     Tom reached a hand up and placed his hands into Ben's hair, ruffling the mop of black and messy curls that had fallen in his face. Ben opened his eyes and stared at Tom and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, his mouth stuttering at first as if it was his first time again. 

   Tom sighed softly at the touch and moved his head back, "Yeah. A couple of weeks.... Wow... Are we ready?

   Ben smiled softly, "Of course." He answered, greeting his lips to Tom's.  Tom's hand found the back of his head and neck, pulling him down across the back of the couch, Ben's fingers flickered across his chin, lifting his chin upwards. "Maybe we should stop. I don't want us to have to deal with unnecessary issues for right now with the baby." Ben said softly, moving his lips against Tom's and resting his forehead  against Tom's. The silence was patient between them, "Yeah. That's for the best. Thanks." He answered just barely above a whisper. 

*** Later that night in bed***

    "Ben." Tom said softly, calling over his back, "Ben." He repeated when no one answered. He groaned, a sharp pain hitting his hips, "Fuck." He said quietly. "BEEEENNNN." He heard a quick shuffle and Ben sat straight up, "Are you alright? Is the baby coming? Do you need something? Are you bleeding?" Tom shook his head, "No. I'm okay. The baby is- okay I think... Just pain." Ben nodded and smiled, falling back on the pillow, his eyes fluttering shut in the darkness. "Beeennnnnn..." Tom called, just over a whisper, his voice trailing off. Ben opened his eyes quickly and looked at Tom, "Hmmm? I thought you were okay..."  Ben whispered back. Tom lifted his arms up, "Come warmth. I'm practically freezing." Ben smiled, placing a small peck on Tom's mouth quickly, "I love you." He answered. He wrapped his arm just above his stomach and pulled him back to greet his body. 


A/N: Expect a more normal fluff later... Love you all... Sorry for the long fucking wait. If you read my Johnlock story (Finally Falling In Love) There will be an explination as to why I am not updating or if you follow it should be posted. <3 Thanks so much for reading and feel free to prompt me, comment, like and message me. <3 Loki love!

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