Wedding PT 1

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If you read my destiel one shots you'll see I put up a wedding story, if not y'all should go read it. Anyways! without any more blabber here is a one shot of them getting engaged! Loki love!

Benedict paced back and forth in his flat, occasionally getting down on one knee to practice. He stared down at his watch, five more minutes until he'd have to leave to pick up Tom. He could feel his stomach churning with each shallow, heavy breath making him feel like he may just throw up. "Keep it together Ben, he's your damn boyfriend, you guys have been together since War Horse!" he huffed out. Nearly every last fibber in his being said to cancel everything and run, but there was one little nerve in his body, louder than the rest that screamed to man up and ask him. He sighed and stared at his watch, "Show time." he squeaked. He bent down one last time and held out the ring, "T-Thomas W-w-William Hiddleston, will you please do me the honours of being my beautiful husband?" he shook his head, crumpling his hair in his fingers and stood up, "The worst he could    say is no...." he breathed.


Ben took his time walking up the steps to meet Tom, he was almost studying each and every step. He tucked the small velvet box in his jean pocket and continued with more speed up the steps, breathing heavily.

"Hi love!" Tom smiled, inviting him in for a second, Ben smiled nervously and hugged him, "I apologize for the mess." Tom mumbled as he broke the hug and continued into his bathroom. Ben looked around the near spotless flat. Ben looked down at his shirtless form, "Sorry let me just grab my shirt." Ben nodded and followed Tom to his room, "How have you been? I mean, I talked to you yesterday, which also, I apologize for being busy to not be able to see you but you know...." Tom turned to Ben and smiled his normal grin, his teeth showing like Ben loved. He had told him too, he said he only wanted to see his smile if it looked like that. Ben sat on Tom's bed, sinking into the  royal blue comforters, placing his hands behind him to prop himself up, "Boring I suppose. Nothing really happened. I really missed you." Ben teased, standing up. Ben put his hands on Tom's waist and pulled him in, swaying back and forth, Benedict leaned up a bit and kissed Tom. Tom put his arms on Ben's neck and swayed with him, kissing him  in a way that felt so familiar, like home.  "You're shaking." Tom pointed out, Benedict shrugged, "Am I?" Ben swallowed hard, Tom raised an eyebrow, "I love you." Benedict whispered to change the subject, Tom kissed him lightly, "I love you too. Are you okay? You're being so... Strange." Tom spoke. 

            Benedict shook his head, "I'm sorry. I've just been thinking that I'm so very- VERY lucky to have you. I think I take you for granted too often, so I want you to know, I love you so very dearly. I love every bit of you." Tom kept his eyebrow in it's place but smiled, "Oh, babe. I love you too. I always have and always will." Benedict kissed Tom, the same sparks that had been there the first time he had kissed him filling his mouth and falling down his spine. Each time he kissed him he felt like it had been far too long since they had kissed and his body begged for just a little bit longer like a small child.


   Ben slipped a blind fold over Tom's eyes, pulling him out of the car, Tom's feet stuttered under him and Ben grabbed him, "Oh god. I'm so sorry! Are you alright Baby?! I-" Tom put a finger on Ben's cheek, which he thought was a mouth, "Shh! I'm fine I'm just clumsy!" Tom clutched onto Ben's arm, "So whats up with the leading me into a field? Are you planning to kill me? Cos I just wanna know in advance ya know. So I can prepare myself."  Tom joked.

Benedict lead Tom to a spot in the middle of an abandoned field, the only thing that was there was the small table Benedict had set up the previous day, where he knew no paparazzi would follow and no fans would either. Their relationship was no secret but sometimes it was nice to be alone, especially for something like this. They could finally just be alone, breath in the air, not be surrounded by people begging for autographs and pictures and the rest of the London city. Benedict sauntered behind Tom and untied the blindfold, his fingers trailing over Tom's eyes for affect. 

         Tom gasped and covered his mouth, a couple of tears falling gracefully off his cheeks, "Oh- Oh my God. Oh my god- Benedict- Ben- Did you do this? Oh- I can't believe you!" Tom stuttered with a dry mouth. Ben smiled nervously, "I know it's a little- it's a little over the top but I- I dunno'!" He stammered back. Tom moved close and took Ben's face in his hands, pressing their lips together, "I love you so fucking much! Why would you do this! You are too perfect! I couldn't ever ask for someone more absolutely perfect!" Benedict blushed a deep red and looked down, his heart staring to race. 

     Benedict looked at Tom for a few seconds, taking in his face, "Well actually. I- I have to ask you something that I've wanted to ask you since I first met you." Tom covered his mouth again, "Benedict are you-" he didn't even finish his sentence before it was answered. Benedict got down on a shaky knee, breathing in a deep, "I- I- Uhm- God I knew I'd do this-" Benedict started, Tom just closed his eyes, a full grin stretching over his face, nearly reaching his ears, "Uhm, Thomas William Hiddleston, my first boyfriend, and frankly, the first person I can remember loving like this- or ever. I met you on the set of a movie, in 2010, from there we shared 'platonic cuddling' as you called it on my couch until one night I kissed you- which I thought would be the end of our friendship but ended up being the best thing I had ever done. I remember from there I had tried to play the kiss off like nothing had happened because I was nearly as terrified as I am now that you didn't like me like you do now. So I avoided you on set until you came up behind me and slipped your hand into mine, which I know must have been sweaty and gross, and said that I looked sad and that you wanted me know that you had a fun time the night before.... From there we went on our first date to Fire Stone and then went back to my place and I used all the nerve I had worked up to kiss you. Yeah that was scary for me.... I think something about you makes me nervous unlike I have ever been in my life because I don't get scared around people or any girls I was with. Anyways, you put your hand on my waist and from there we began a long four year relationship and I have never stopped feeling that spark and jitters in my body whenever I kiss you or hold your hand. So I'm kneeling here before you and saying- Thomas William Hiddleston, I want nothing more in this world than to share more firsts with you, more kisses, more hand holding and more nervous times, and more cuddling on the couch and nights where I stay up till 3 am on the couch talking to you about anything and everything and pretty much just every day  with you. So Thomas Hiddleston, my love, will you marry me?"

   By this point Tom was a sobbing, smiling mess that sniffled and giggled. When Benedict pulled out the ring Tom just nodded his head like an idiot, bobbing up and down with force, "Oh god yes. Yes I'll marry you! I- Oh Benedict!" Ben slipped the silver ring onto his shaking finger, "Stand up so I can kiss you!" Tom insisted, wiping the tears from his eyes. Ben stood and wrapped his hands on Tom's waist pulling him in so quickly it was almost painful, he smashed their lips together sloppily, Tom forced Ben's mouth open with his tongue letting his tongue slip into his mouth exploring the already familiar mouth. When they broke Ben had started to cry too, "G-Gah. I don't even know what to say to you right now. I feel like I'm in a daze right now. I- you're so perfect! You've made this whole thing and- oh the ring is so beautiful! You are beautiful- so beautiful- Oh I could just die right now and be 100 percent happy." Tom stuttered with each word through his elated sobs. Benedict stopped his words with another kiss, "I love you." He whispered, Tom giggled, "I love you too."

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