Sing me something sweet.

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A/N: So since Ben & Tom can sing I thought it'd be cute to have Tom sing Ben a Bon Iver song called I Can't Make You Love Me. (Bon Iver is Tom's fave band) whilst he's sick...... (PS: If I forget to link the song remind me.....)

Ben sneezed and sighed, a stinging pain in his throat replacing the need to sneeze. "Ow." he managed to groan out, his voice hoarse and strained. He grasped his throat, rubbing his tonsils up and down for some sort of temporary relief that didn't come. He picked up his phone and looked through his most recent messages, all from last night, all Tom. He was tempted to text him again but he didn't want to come off too needy or attached.

What they had was special, foreign. It was far more than any friendship, yet so far from the title they both so deeply craved-together. It was obvious to everyone else that it was bound to happen, but on the inside of the relationship they were both so blind. They held hands, sat on each other's laps, told each other everything, Benedict even had kissed him, twice. He apologized right after, leaving Tom's apartment. Then they played it off like nothing happened, but there was no denying, especially when they had both equally been pushing in lips, placing hands where ever they found bare skin. Then he just left, embarrassed.

He didn't want their first kiss to be something he apologized for, he wanted to be sure. He was sure. He knew what he wanted. But what he didn't know was if Tom did. So he waited.

***flashback (cos I love writing these so they're in every one of my hiddlesbatch fics. Sorry.)***

   Ben felt Tom's arm wrap around his shoulder as he had hundreds if times when they watched movies together. He closed his eyes for a second as Tom's fingers ran their way up and down his arm, all the way to his neck and back down to almost his elbow. Ben smiled, at the touch, scooting closer to Tom so he could put his head on his shoulder. Tom let his head rest on top of Ben's mess of natural curls. His fingers slowly crept into his hair, pulling lightly at the hair, something he hadn't before. It felt so natural. The way his hands could just lightly play with his hair without hurting his overly sensitive hair follicles.

   Not much prattle exchange between them for a while. The silence was nice though, it didn't loom over them, it just felt comfortable. Benedict leaned into the soft touch numbly, without a thought, much like a cat. Tom chuckled softly and began to pry at another section of fluffy curl. As soon as he had Benedict let out a loud, deep throated like moan in pleasure.

Tom's hand faltered slightly but he didn't move it, watching Ben turn a deep, bright shade of red. He placed a hand over his mouth, his hands forming sweat already, "I- I didn't mean to do that. I- oh my god. I just-." Tom chuckled at his faltering words and began to pry at the same place where he had earned the moan from. Ben's eyes shut as he held it in, "You can hold them in. They're really hot though." Tom teased him. Ben turned an even more impossible red, feeling the heat on his face fill to his toes, "Like, your voice being so low and hearing that- turns me on." Tom said as sarcastically as he could to cover up the truth in it.

       Ben let out a real laugh, letting his posture sink so he sat with his head on Tom's chest before letting it fall to his lower thigh and knee, "Oh I bet it did." Tom's hands fell back to his hair, "I'm serious." Tom continued. Ben sat up, letting his body shift its way to Tom's lap. Benedict stared into his pale blue eyes for a couple of moments, watching the way the telly's glare flickered over them, "Kiss me." Ben whispered, Tom didn't respond at first, he just nodded in a nervous and shallow way. "Okay." he replied, making sure his voice didn't come out as a croak. Ben lifted a hand to Tom's chin, pulling him in and lifting his face to meet his owns. The kiss felt too short but if you had been a spectator you would've seen it was longer than what it had felt. His mouth fitting perfectly to Tom's, melting into his chest, letting himself block out all other sounds and sensations but the ones he felt.

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