I probably shouldn't be writing right now... This'll make no sense.

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A/N? If you read my other works I kinda feel bad for you cos' I always think of Hiddlesbatch before I think of Johnlock, or Destiel.... SOOORRRYYY!!! I just love to write this! So I hope you guys like this! It's really fluffy and stuff.... Also I did one like this, but I'm doing it again completely different! 


Benedict pressed his lips to Tom's and backed away from his body, "Why are you shaking?" he asked softly, Tom met his eyes when Ben put his hands on his upper arms, "Am I shaking? I guess I'm just cold." he tried to let out a laugh but it sounded like a honk. He kicked the dust on his doormat with the toe of his shoe and looked up at the light that hung over his head, focusing on the fluorescent instead of the stars that spotted the mostly cloudy night. Ben opened his mouth to respond but closed it again quickly, "So are we just gonna stand out here, or?" Ben tried to lighten his tense mood. Tom just nodded in reply, to busy with his thoughts to give a proper answer. 

     When Tom turned the latch he stared at Benedict for a second before saying, "I just want you to know that I love you a lot." Benedict smiled at his words, the same blush that Tom had recently identified as his, 'I can't take compliments.' blush. Ben nodded, "Yes well, I love you too. I love you very much, you know that. Are you feeling alright?" but Tom didn't respond. He opened their newly shared flat door and stood back to let him walk in. 

Rose petals peppered the floor along with candles on a pathway that lead to blank white wall, Tom brushed his hand over a small projector and turned it on. Pictures of the two of them together lit up the wall, pictures of hands being held over sand and on couches, flashes of kisses on cheeks and mouths, and photos of their shamelessly public taken 'selfies'. Benedict covered his mouth with his hand, "Oh- oh my God, Tom are you?" he didn't finish his question as he was too caught up in staring at the screen in front of him. Tom reached into his coat and pulled out two cans of Coca-Cola and handed one to Benedict. Benedict let out a small laugh at the can and looked down, a red blush that matched almost to the can filling his cheeks. The bottle read:

Share a Coke with your fiance?

With a question mark written in black marker, the writing obvious that it wasn't  printed on the bottle. Benedict let out a laugh and he sniffed back tears, nodding as if it would save his life. Tom got down on one knee, slightly delayed, and pulled  out the other can from behind his arm and showed the other can to him, around the tab on the top of the can was string that attached a ring to the can with a knot. The can in his hands read:

Will you marry me? 

Tom ran a tongue over his lips in thought, "You know better than anyone that I'm terrible at speeches, so I didn't even try to write this down. So if I start to stutter and cry it's not for any other reason than the fact that I can't public speak for the life of me. I can't say anything else but the fact that I love you. I love you more than life, which is stupidly cheesy but I mean that I would so much rather go through the most long and agonizing death than wake up one day without your arms around me and lips pressed to my neck. I don't even want to imagine that, I'd much rather imagine my death, because that's what you do to me. I don't think I knew what love was until you kissed my lips. So I want to know, Benedict, Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch, my life, my addiction, my heart.... Will you marry me?"

  Benedict continued to nod his head, wiping the corners of his eyes and looking upwards to hid the tears in his eyes, "Oh my God yes! Yes, please! Right now! Lets go to a chapel, let me marry you right now." Benedict sputtered out, Tom slipped the silver band around his left hand's ring finger and stood up to his height again. Benedict wrapped his hands around his neck and pressed his lips on to Tom's, both bodies shaking terribly with excitement. He pecked his lips over and over again, the same passion slipping into each kiss. 

 Without warning for Benedict the lights turned on and people appeared around him, mostly those he knew, some he only recognized as Tom's friends. He cupped a hand over his mouth and listened to them shout "Surprise!" in unison. Benedict let out a small chuckle, "Oh my- Shit, Tom. You did this. You- I love you. I love you." Benedict couldn't say anything else so he just repeated those words to the man beside his waist. 

Tom linked their fingers together behind their back and raised their hands upwards and shook the conjoined fists. They both grinned wide eyed grins and Tom let out a roar, "I DID IT!" He said triumphantly. Many snapped photos on their phone and others continued to record along with the main camera set up just behind the door. 

    They chattered amongst the people in their apartment and glanced around to talk to the next person, Martin (Freeman) came up to them next, taking Tom's hand and placing another on his shoulder, "You've really picked a good one. You take care of him!" Tom laughed and nodded, still buzzing with excitement. "Will do, Martin, will do." He managed to get out, Martin changed his gaze Benedict and nodded, "You are very lucky to have him, he loves you very much. He called me three months ago and has been calling me weekly for advice on how to plan this. He never shuts up about how beautiful you are. Amanda sends he kisses, as well as the kids but they had to stay home, Grace is having company. Which isn't important, what is, is that this one right here is very dedicated to little details that most people don't pay attention to. Congrats to you both, I'm so happy for you." 

With that Martin gave a light hug to the both of them, moving his head to Tom's ear and said just above the noise, "You're gonna get laid tonight." he joked, winking. Tom let out a chuckle, his face turning red at the thought of others knowing the details of his sex life. Benedict patted his back, "Eh get outta here." Benedict said to his comment. Martin nodded and continued to mingle with the small associates around the room. 

   Tom turned to Benedict when Ben tapped his shoulder unneeded due to their close vicinity, "What'd he even say?" Ben laughed. Tom just shook his head, "He said I'd defiantly be getting some tonight." Tom stopped, "Which is crazy because I'm not like entitled to sex tonight..." he covered up. Benedict let out a laugh, "You and your politically correct comments, of course your getting some tonight."  

A/N: Yay for fluff! Why yes. I did just reuse an Idea I already wrote. 

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