Wedding pt 3 (Honeymoon)

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A/N: So I'm doing this cos' you should know by now, I LOVE FLUFF! So yaaaasss! Fluff!


Ben traced a hand over Tom's soft, hot skin, sliding his fingers into Tom's warm hand, a beer in the opposite hand, passing it to Tom who took a sip and passed it back, keeping his eyes focused on the road. Ben leaned across the console of the car and kissed Tom's neck, "We're married... I actually married you." Ben muttered against his skin. He let out a small chuckle and kissed at the crevice of Tom's neck. Tom grinned, pushing him away softly, "Dammit Benedict. If you make me crash my Jaguar on our wedding night..." Tom laughed out, Ben unlaced their fingers and placed a hand on his thigh, kissing him again, "Then keep focused." Ben mumbled, squeezing his thigh slightly before letting go and returning to his seat, sliding their fingers together again. He rubbed circles into the back of his hand with thumb, listening intently to the silence.

Tom pulled into the airport, taking another sip of the drink Benedict passed him, "We could get in so much trouble for drinking and driving." Tom felt the cold drink pass from his fingers, leaving wetness on his fingers, "Yeah I know right? It's fun to break rules sometimes, prince charming." Ben mocked playfully, the way he always did when Tom said something that sounded innocent and good-y. Tom rolled his eyes, "It's not my fault. It's a habit. Despite the amount of stuff you rubbed off on me, I still like to not do illegal things." He put the car in park and turned it off, the engine stalling immediately, he looked over at Ben, his eyes catching the light, making them gleam in the dark car. Ben let a small grin creep over his face, watching Tom match it, he let out a laugh and Tom mimicked until the two were both laughing at nothing, which happened to be normal for them. Tom placed a kiss on Ben's lips, his lips greeting a smile as he reached up to take his head in his hand. He pushed his hair out of Ben's eyes with his thumb, pulling him closer despite Ben pulling him the opposite way.

Ben snaked an arm around his waist and pulled him closer, making Tom unbuckle his seat belt and climb over the console and into his lap. He clambered over his seat, breaking the kiss for seconds to get comfortable. Ben wrapped his hands around his waist, his hands doubling over each other due to his rather small size, "I love you. " Tom muttered across his lips. Ben felt chills crawl down his spine with each word, shivering just slightly. Tom pressed their lips together, his tongue finding its way into his mouth and exploring every corner like it was the first time.

He could taste the beer on his tongue, knowing it was probably on his own, listening to the soft words that fell from Tom's mouth, "I love you so much. So much." Ben muttered back in reply. His tongue brushed up against Tom's lip before his teeth found his bottom lip. He could hear Tom's breath shorten for a second as his hands fell onto his hips, "Ben..." Tom let out softly. Benedict slipped a hand under his shirt and kissed his jawline, Tom pushed him off with more assertiveness, "Ben. We have a flight, you numpty." Ben let out a small laugh and retracted to the seat. Tom pushed the door on his side and climbed off his lap, tumbling to the ground and onto his knees. "God you're such a mess! I can't take you anywhere!" Benedict joked, hopping out of the car and picked Tom up off the ground. Tom laughed, "Like I'm that drunk! I just tripped." Ben kissed him softly, his hand pulling him in softly, "I didn't say you were drunk." He whispered to him.

Tom nudged him, "You sly bastard. See this is why I married you because you keep me straight." Benedict let out a solid chuckle, staring up at the night sky, "Well... Not straight, but I do my part. Plus we help each other, otherwise who knows what kind of fashion disaster I would wear out.." Ben crouched down in front of Tom, patting the ground to signal for him to climb on his back. Tom crawled on his back with ease, wrapping his legs around his waist, his hands wrapping around his neck.

Benedict trotted quickly with his new load to the aeroplane sitting empty for their arrival on the tar mat. Tom laughed as he bounced up and down, clutching onto his own wrists to keep a strong grip. When they got to the plane, their bags pre-packed into the large jet, Ben let Tom climb off of his shoulders, " You look so good tonight. You keep making me fall in love with you even more each I see you." Tom muttered, his hands running down the fabric of his husband's suit. He looked down with a small blush, "I just love you a lot. I love you so much and I am still processing the fact that you love me too because it's kind of a big thing for me." Ben moved closer to him and lifted his blushing face, "Well don't ever doubt it my prince, I love you so much. You are the best thing to happen to me and I constantly thank God I have you." Ben placed a soft kiss on his lips, it was short and sweet, his heart still racing from the days events.

"I really hate to interrupt, but, there's a flight coming in, in like five minutes!" A lower voice called out. Ben broke the kiss and took Tom's hand instead, his hand warm yet not sweaty. He pulled Tom's hand up to his lips and kissed their interlocked hands before walking, his breathing beginning to slow.

Ben sat down at a small booth like set up in the back of the plane, stretching his legs across it underneath and propping them on the opposite bench. Tom pulled his shoes off and placed them by the end of the table before crawling onto Benedict lap, his legs curling up just barely. Ben wrapped his hands around Tom's waist and pulled his head to his chest, kissing his forehead. Tom listened to his heart through his chest, listening to the dull thud, feeling his warm skin pressed against his cheek. Benedict stroked his hair softly and listened to the silence, his thumb spinning around the gold band on his ring finger, "I can't believe I married Tom fucking Hiddleston. I mean like the amount of time and effort that went into talking to you for the first time and asking you out, I won't even talk about our first kiss. It was the worst kiss I have ever forced on someone. God, did I ever appologise for that?" Tom grinned at him, staring up at him with big his bright green eyes, "You did appologise, three times, you looked like you may cry but really it wasn't that terrible. I mean I was more focused on, 'Oh my God yes. He finally made a move. He's kissing me. Oh my God what should I do with my hands, is he waist or am I? His hands are on my waist. Oh god. Yes. I am kissing Benedict. His mouth is- really fucking soft.'Then I was thinking about it being a bad kiss. That was when I knew too. I knew when you kissed me and then appologised. I knew I was going to marry you because I was in love with you.

Benedict let out a small laugh and placed a hand on his stomach, "Tell me." Tom said quietly, "Tell you what?" Ben replied, "Tell me what was going through your mind. I want to know." Ben chuckled nervously and looked up. "Mostly, 'Okay Benedict, don't screw up. Is he leaning in? Or is that me? His eyes are closed, that means it's okay, right? I haven't kissed a boy! How would I know? Okay just like a regular kiss, okay hands, don't just let them stay there, hands. waist. Okay good. Oh my God is he okay? Did he moan? That was really hot. So hot. So, so very hot. You really like this one, don't screw up!'." Tom let out a laugh loud enough for the pilot to hear, "You mean to tell me I was your first boy kiss? Also I didn't moan... Just to add." Ben shook his head to signal no, "No. There was a moan, it came from that massive adam's apple, it was really attractive and long.

"Was not! I don't just moan! Also you're avoiding my question, was I really your first boy kiss?" Ben rolled his eyes, "Yes... You were. I mean like a real one, not drunk or acting. Also... It was a moan. It was so a moan." He mimicked the sound from memory and replayed it from his own mouth. Tom shut his eyes to hide the roll, "Shut up and kiss me." Tom said, sitting up to meet Ben's lips.

*** At the hotel***

Tom stared at the room for a second, taking in the massive suite with a huge bed sat in the middle, "Only the best, my king." Ben cooed, kissing down Tom's neck. Tom felt shivers go down his spine as he turned and ran from him and sat in the bed. Benedict let out a small laugh and sat on top of his lap, taking his neck with one hand and his face with the other, he pushed his small form down onto the mattress and kissed him harder, his knees now on either side of him. Tom dug his nails into his back and pulled on his shirt. "I love you." Ben muttered before continuing to kiss him, "I love you." Tom managed to get out before pulling Ben down on top of him.

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