it's been a while....

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A/N:EEEEEYYY BEEEN A WHILE! Anyways! I'm getting on that wedding part duece but for now here is a random pure fluff shot based on the gifs you will find if you click the little permalink thing. <3 has a nice day!

Benedict stretched his arms out a bit an crossed his legs, in desperate need of a good stretch. He had been sitting for what seemed like hours and his boyfriend wasn't giving any breaks soon. Not that he couldn't move if he wanted to, if he actually wanted to stand and leave he could but due to the fact that Tom's hand was placed carefully over his own for the first time and he wouldn't want to offend him, he stayed put. They'd only been dating for a little over two days and one hour, (and thirty-six minutes if Ben remembered exactly.) but they had held hands, but never as a couple... Not as an official one, it felt nice though, almost like a constant flow of sparks and electricity. Their fingers weren't even laced, it was just Tom's awkwardly placed over Ben's, but it felt like a message, "He's mine." in a way.

Ben's legs throbbed from sitting so long and begged to get some blood flow to them, he could barely take it, "Uhm, Tom. I'm going to stretch my legs." Ben whispered to him, Tom lifted his hand quickly and smiled, "Oh. I'm so sorry! I forgot you've had to sit all day. I'm sorry." Ben let a small smile spread on his face as he stood up, placing a small kiss on Tom's cheek for good measure.

He could feel his legs start to give way underneath him, but he dared not let them win. They felt like sparks going through his legs, and not the kind he was used to, or wanting, from Tom. Ben put an arm on Tom's chair to steady himself for a moment, "You okay, d-Ben?" Tom stuttered a bit. He wasn't exactly used to being in a relationship, and he wasn't quite confident that Ben was okay with adoring pet names. Ben nodded and crossed his legs, making him to appear to be on an angle, "Fine, love, just fine." Tom let a small blush fill his cheeks and he looked down, "I mean if I can call you that." Ben sputtered out quickly. Tom shook his head yes, "As if I could care." Ben collected himself quickly, "I think I'm gonna come with you." He looked around the set for a second, it was his first time directing and for what he had expected it was going quite well, "Hey guys! Let's take 10- actually... Make that 15!" Ben smiled and stood a little straighter, placing a hand out for Tom to take.

The actors on set nodded and walked around, some getting drinks and snacks that had been placed around the open room. Tom slipped his hand into Ben's and placed his head on his shoulder, sighing deeply, "My head hurts." he said in a tired voice, closing his eyes for a second. Benedict squeezed his hand, "Oh. I'm so sorry. Hey we'll be going home soon though, right?" Tom let out a long breath, "Yeah. I suppose so.".

Tom pulled Ben around a turn, "I wanna discover stuff." he pleaded like a child, Ben smiled, "That sounds fun." Ben walked down the seemingly endlessly connecting corridors with Tom, talking about anything that popped into their head. It was nice to just be alone, not that they weren't alone at their home, but here there were more things to do and say where as at home it was more dinners, sex, and movies. Being at home was always just a different aspect of their relationship.

Tom rubbed the space between Ben's forefinger and thumb in a comforting way that was pleasant to remind him he was there. "Can I- I mean- may we- Er- shall we...." Tom's voice cracked with his nervous question and he swallowed in hopes to restart it, "Kiss? Why do you ask? We happen to be dating right? We do normally these things right?" Tom shrugged and looked down, "I know- I'm just so awkward." Tom replied hastily. Ben smiled, "Well asking makes it less spontaneous and cute." Ben put his hand into Tom's hair and pushed the fringe from his face, wrapping an arm around his neck, leaning in slightly, Tom smiled and stepped backwards, leaning back against a wall and putting both hands on Ben's neck, tucking one hand into his collar. Ben felt shivers travel down his spine, taking in Tom's eyes that seemed to be an even more vibrant shade of blue despite the fact that his pupils now took  up most of the space in his eye's iris.

   Tom closed his eyes and connected their lips sending flashbacks of their first kiss into Ben's mind.

       *** FLASHBACK ***

   Tom looked- or rather stared at Ben's lips for an eternity, drowning out what he was actually saying. Something about some poet that he couldn't care less about at the moment, all that was on his mind were what it would be like to connect their lips. They were so large and plump like something out of- well movies- which happened to be exactly where they had been- a movie set. He had just decided to stop by for the evening after shooting the final scene he was in that Tom was directing. "You know what I mean, Tom?" Ben blabbered on, Tom nodded monotonously. Tom closed his eyes for a split second and then connected their lips,  in a swift motion he clambered closer to Ben. Benedict's eyes were wide for a second and then closed them, kissing back. His hands were up in the air for a second in shock but then he laid them on Tom's waist. "Sorry. I-I- I uhm. I just was- I don't know what got into me." Tom swallowed hard and turned a deep shade of red in the dark nearly unlit room. Ben looked down, "I think I might have enjoyed that actually. I-I should probably tell you now, I'm gay ...."  Ben tried to play it off like it was nothing, his low voice filling his ears.


   Benedict's fingers crept up Tom's shirt, caressing his spine, pulling his hair lightly with his opposite hand. Tom broke the kiss, "Ben. I love you but... This right now.... No hands up shirts... It's making me..." He swallowed and looked down in a bright blush, "You do realize, I'm a guy too, I get it. We can wait until we're home to do anything drastic. Are hands on your waist okay? Or is that awkward or simulating?" Tom coughed, "No. That. That's fine." Tom blushed. Ben placed his hands on his waist,  leaning in again, "Oh shit- uhm. Sorry guys. I didn't mean to interrupt you. But- Breaks over." A voice called from behind them. Ben sighed quietly and looked at Tom mustering a smile. Tom blushed, "Yeah. Coming. You didn't bother us." Tom looked at Ben and snorted a small giggle which Ben retaliated. 


    After a few more hours of working they had finally arrived home, Ben's tie was already off and in his hands to symbolize his readiness to just relax. The air seemed thick like something should be waiting for them. But alas, nothing was there in Tom's apartment, "Couch?" Tom asked before heading to the fridge and pulling out two drinks,  he raised them up and made a face to ask if he wanted one, "Yeah." Ben answer before sinking into the couch. He watched Tom saunter over to him and sit sideways on his lap, the small of his back against the arm of the dark blue sofa. Tom rested his head against Ben's chest, "I think I'm in love with you. I know that it's only been a couple of days, and you don't have to say you love me.... But I think- I think that you might be the best thing to happen to me, and I think that I love you." Tom said quietly. Benedict didn't respond at first, he just sat and then his lips began to move again, "I think you may be the best thing to happen to me too. I know I'm in love with you." he said after what seemed to be forever

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