Letting them know.

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A/N: I'm writing this because I'm lazy so instead of writing that much of a plot line I'm pretty much making a whole shit ton of fluff of an interview that they're in together where they finally admit to being a couple. ★~(◡‿◡✿).

Ben rolled over and wrapped his arms around Tom, pulling his body closer to him and pressing a soft kiss to his neck and ear, "Good morning, baby." Ben's voice was low in his ear, vibrating down his spine. Tom laced his fingers in with the ones that were wrapped around his waist. Ben ran his unoccupied hands through Tom's messy curls before pressing his lips to the back of his head. Tom's eyes began to flicker open, and he blinked, "Hey." Tom whispered back, his voice sounding just as tired as he looked. Ben unlaced their fingers and placed them on his stomach, pushing up Tom's shirt in a simple move to access his skin with more ease. Ben placed another kiss on his neck, "Did you sleep well?" Tom asked, placing a hand over Ben's, signalling that he shouldn't start anything. Ben moved his hand up to make him feel more comfortable, knowing he wasn't going to try to do anything he wasn't comfortable with. "I slept fine, How about you?" Ben answered.

Tom sighed quietly, "I slept great, I had a dream about you... We have about two hours until the interview." Ben let out a long and loud groan, "Can we just stay home. We can make out and make love, then cuddle on the couch." Ben growled in his ear. Ben's fingers curled his fingers over Tom's chest and then he laced their fingers together again, placing another kiss on his neck, and moving to his shoulder. Tom stretched his neck but soon stopped, "I know me too, but you promised! You said we could tell them! Please baby- " Tom muttered, pushing away his hand slightly, Ben let his head fall back on the pillow and let out a small groan, "Yeah. I know I did. I'm sorry, and it's not that I don't want to tell everyone we're dating, because I waited a while for it... I guess I'm just tired." Ben's voice trailed off and he pulled his hand off of Tom, "I suppose then, we should get ready." Benedict place a soft loving kiss on Tom's forehead and nose, "I love you." Tom whispered quietly, "I love you too." Ben answered as he always had, with meaning.


Ben ran over some of the questions he thought he'd probably be asked by whoever was interviewing them that day. How do you manage it all? With your line of work? What do you do together? How long have you dated? Will you get married?

He knew the answers to all of the questions off the top of his head like a script,

We spend the nights together if one of us works, watching movies. Spend our days off together, and when one of us isn't going to be around we Skype or call/text.

Watch re runs of shows, cuddle in, make food for each other, it's kinda physical in the way that we're very touch, we like holding an hugging and we kiss and have mini food wars... Just spending couple time.

Almost 6 months but before we dated we were pretty much dating without labels. So count that it's like 2 years... Just without kissing.

Yes. I would marry him now.

He had rehearsed it already eight times between last night and this morning, making sure it ran off his tongue like it should. Tom crept up behind him, running his fingers around his waist and looking at him from the mirror, "Hello gorgeous." Ben ruffled the mop of wet and now dark brown hair. "Hey Beautiful. " The word beautiful ran off Benedict's tongue like a title reserved for the highest members of society in your group, which in his eyes was completely true, Tom was and is the most important thing in his life and he tried his best to treat him like the Prince Charming he was. Tom smiled, watching droplets of water fall from his hair in the mirror. "We are literally the hottest couple. I mean seriously. Without you I'm nothing but I have a gorgeous boyfriend whom I adore and cherish more than anything. I don't think life could get better." Benedict mentioned, not  daring to look in his eyes in slight embarrassment.  Tom pressed kisses on his jawline and cheekbones, wrapping his arms tighter to feel his warmth, "You're such a gentleman. Thy can't there be more of you? I'd find them all and keep them," Tom joked, "Yeah but I'm the only one who get's kisses right?" Ben pressed, turning his head to greet Tom's frequent jaw kisses. Tom let out a small sound of assurance and pecked his lips, "Of course. You're the only attractive one." Tom assured him, placing another kiss to his large soft lips, "Shut up, I am not." Ben retorted quickly. Tom rolled his eyes, "Well I'm going to go get dressed, you mind me borrowing another shirt, I figured I'd look nice." Ben shook his head, "Yeah, take what you want, but you look great. " Ben called as he watched Tom saunter away. 

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