Kiss Me In The Rain

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I have no plan where this is gonna happen. I'm going with what comes in my head.

Ben winked at Tom from across the small space between them and Tom blushed and looked down, popping a peanut M&M'S candy in his mouth. Benedict grinned a large goofy grin before striding over to Tom, watching his boyfriend mime pulling him over with a rope with a crooked smile and a cocked head. Ben wrapped his long arms around his waist and kissed his neck, "Mmm, I love you, Tom." Ben mumbled against the soft skin on his neck.

Tom gave a small chuckle, pulling his head away and a frown flickered through Ben's eyes and over his mouth, but it was soon replaced when Tom placed his hands around his neck and kissed him softly, "I love you too, Bean Head. Besides I think I have enough marks on my neck from you, no need for more. Thank God for faithful makeup artists and high collared shirts." He joked Ben smirked, "Sorry about that, you just look absolutley amazing in low bedroom candle light with your shirt off and neck cocked back." Tom rolled his eyes, "Yeah but they make you look like the dominant one, and we both know that when the pants come off you become a beautiful twink bottom who can only whimper." Tom smirked sarcastically back.

Ben bit his gum, "This is true." he replied and Tom just smiled in reply.

"God, save it for after hours! We have a movie to finish." a sarcastic voice cried to them, Benedict was quick to send a glare his way and Tom scolded him, "He's right, Bee.


Hours after everyone else had gone home, Ben and Tom were still in Tom's dressing room, sitting on the floor cross legged and talking. Nothing important was really said, some jokes were passes and multiple, 'see that's why I love you' s were muttered and followed by, 'and when we get married!' s with promises of what they would grow to forget by the time they got married.

The rain pounded on the roof of the building and Ben looked up before he stood, putting a hand out for Tom to take. He pulled him up with ease and pulled him close as they walked, "What are we doing?" Tom asked, turning towards him with a quixotic face, "It's always been a dream to dance in the rain with the most beautiful person on Earth! Although in my young brain I figured you'd be wearing a dress with long ginger hair, but hey, love happens and now you're in sweat pants and my T shirt, equally as compelling, if I may say." Ben answered as he pulled the door open. There was a moment where they stood under the awning, staring out into the pavement, now soaked as the rain poured down in heavy sheets, covering the entire city in water. Flooding was inevitable but why not enjoy it as it lasted.

Ben ripped Tom's arm along with him, hopping around in the warm water pouring all around them. Tom laughed, dancing around him, their arms linked at the elbows.

Ben would continue to make faces at his lover as they danced until Tom grabbed his waist and pulled him flush against him. He smiled at him, his mouth shifting closer to Benedict's but their lips did not touch, "May I have this dance?" he asked softly, barely audible over the rain and Benedict nodded, uncertain of how he could have just fallen more in love with the man who held him close.

Tom let his hand find the one who regularly held it in the spaces between his fingers and curled them together, swinging his hips to an imaginary tune that Ben matched. His head eventually fell to Ben's shoulder as they danced to the still hard pattering beat if rain.

Not even ten minutes later the two were kissing each other chastely, which lead to a more passionate affair between them. Ben pushed a hand to Tom's waist, pushing him back and pinning him against the lamp post, stroking his cheek before trailing both hands around his waist snaking them around him and pulling their bodies flush.

"Oh." Tom sighed softly against his lips, moving his arms around his neck. Ben let out a soft moan, his breath warm against his lips. He leaned his forehead against Tom's, pulling his lips away, "You are so beyond beautiful to me." Benedict muttered, "I love you beyond words," Tom rolled his eyes, "You goof, you're such a romantic, I love you too.


Benedict pulled Tom away from the light post, his breath uneven and ragged, his heart beating at an unnatural rate. Tom looked hurt, "What are you doing?" he asked softly, making Ben smile, so overjoyed with cheesy stupid love filling his head he thought he may be unwell, "You're soaking wet, we're going under the awning so you don't get a cold," Ben replied, rubbing his arms to create warmth through friction Tom looked up at him through his eyelashes, his face bleeding sarcasm, he knew what Ben wanted, "You just wanna pun me against the wall, don't you?"

Ben opened his mouth to reject but closed it again quickly and settling for a nod, "Yeah, you're so hot that I just wanna prop you up against a wall. With Consent as always!" Ben mumbled back, eagerly dragging him under the awning. Tom laughed, "Mmm." he responded, walking up to the wall and standing against it. Ben stared at him for a second before dragging a hand to his leg and pulling it upwards, "My beautiful." he repeated over and over, Tom's legs wrapping around Ben's waist, his back pressed firmly against the wall.

Ben pressed kisses to his neck, biting and nipping at the skin between traveling up to his mouth, "B-Ben, stop it." and Ben removed his head immediately and Tom shook his head, "I just meant to go slow, . No nasty foreplay, be soft and love me like you always do." whispered with a low voice into the shell of his ear.

Benedict pressed softer kisses up to his chin, moving up and greeting his mouth happily, he tasted like chocolate and he smiled, thinking back to the candy he ate not only on set but in his trailer as well. Ben's tongue swirled over his bottom lip, keeping his hands anchored around his waist, Tom opened his mouth eagerly, letting Ben's tongue caress his mouth.

Within minutes they were back to square one, going too fast to remember individual moments, but Tom no longer cared. Their breaths were heavy against each other's lips, pulling away only to meet eyes. Benedict's fingers traveled slowly up his inner leg with soft touch, "I love you." Ben muttered, his head falling to his neck as he bit into the skin. Tom let out an elongated moan, pressing his head back against the wall, "Ben can we just- can we go to our trailer? Cos I think we should go back to our trailer." Tom barely managed to get out, feeling flustered with the man against his neck.

Ben let out a small chuckle, "Of course we can, besides, I would hate for you to get a cold in this weather." he answered cooly and Tom felt himself swoon.

A\N: yes this is shitty, I know. I'm sorry!!! More later and other shit blah blah .blah!Also thanks for reading!! I love you! yes you! Also cute shirt and nice butt!

Have a good week!- your favourite asexual who hates her own writing! <3

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