Chapter 2

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There I stood, looking at two of my ex-boyfriend’s best friends. They stood there looking at me with the same expression that I held. Pure shock. I looked at Amy and then back at the boys, I was so confused. It was obvious that they had to do something for work. But didn’t they just get back from tour? As I was over thinking everything, the boys had made their way over to me.

“Hey. It’s nice to see you, Y/N,” Louis said. He held out his arms and I walked into them giving him a hug.

“It’s nice to see you too, both of you,” I said, giving Niall a hug as well.

“How are you, love?” Niall asked. I looked at both of them and they looked like they could use some sleep.

“I’m good. How are you guys? Isn’t it really soon to be back in the studio?” I asked. The laughed and nodded their heads

“Definitely, but we need to promo this new album,” Niall smiled. We talked for a few more minutes about tour before I decided I needed to go.

“It was nice talking to you guys, but I really need to get to work,” I said, giving them a weak smile. I really enjoyed catching up, I missed them. I didn’t realize how much I missed all of them until now, I don’t know why I cut ties with them when Liam and I broke up.

“Okay, we need to get to the meeting,” Niall said. We said our goodbyes and separated ways.

 I made my way into the studio I was working in; all I could think about was Liam. I wanted to see him, I wanted to see if he looked good, I wanted to know if he was happy. I had to admit, seeing him would make my day.

Liam’s POV

I had been the first one in the conference room, I had waited at least twenty minutes before Lou and Niall finally walked in the door. They had been talking about something, but when they walked in they automatically stopped. Strange. I didn’t think anything of it as they sat down.

“Haven’t seen you guys in so long,” I joked, sarcastically.

“Yeah, man. Been too long, we need to go get some drinks soon,” Niall said, being serious at the end.

We talked for a while and I wondered where everyone else was, and if Y/N was anywhere around here. I stopped myself when I started to think about her. Just then, I heard someone say her name, I looked up and saw the other two staring at me.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“We, uh, saw Y/N when we walked into the building. We talked to her for a bit, but she had to get to work,” Niall said. I looked at the both of them; they were being serious so I knew it was true.

“Oh. How is she?” I asked, nonchalantly. I didn’t want to sound desperate.

“She seemed good. You okay? You look pale,” Lou said. I was about to answer, but in walked Zayn and Harry. They just saved me from answering a question that I really didn’t know how to answer. Was I okay?

We all talked and caught up, from the things we missed within in the last two days, and finally the officials came in and we got the meeting started. We all talked about what we needed to do in order to get this album promoted.

I had been so excited to get this album out to the fans and it was a great feeling to know that we had helped so much in the writing process. Some of it was written around the time that I had broken up with Y/N, so inspiration came easy.

The song that stuck out the most to me was Half a Heart. I didn’t have any part in writing it, but when we recorded it I felt such a strong connection to it. Mostly because it reminded me of her, she was the half of me that was missing. My fault.

We finished the meeting and we got to leave. We had all our plans and schedules made up, it was going to be another month before our break officially began. We had already promoted in America, but there was so many other places we needed to go.

 As I walked out of the room I ran into someone, I quickly apologized and looked up. Right in front of me was the girl I had let go of. She looked just as beautiful as ever. We both looked at each other, shocked to see each other. It took us a couple seconds to process that we were right in front of each other. She shook her head like she was getting out of a daze.

“Hey, Liam. How are you?” she asked.

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