Chapter 22

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The ride back to the hotel wasn’t as ‘hot’ as the scene back at the beach. I think that it was a heat of the moment type of thing, I felt like I was rushing him and that’s definitely not what I wanted. We held hands as we passed by the busy streets of Miami. I liked all the lights coming off of the stores and restaurants that were around.

“So, back to talking about you moving back in. When can you?” he asked, smiling. I knew he was eager to have me move back in right away, but I wanted to make sure everything with my current living establishment was taken care of first. I meant what I said when I said that I didn’t want to pay for it if I wasn’t living in it.

“Babe,” I whined. “I know you want me to move in right away, but I don’t think my lease is up for another few weeks. I don’t want to pay for it if I’m not living in it and I can’t break the lease.”

“I understand, but what if I had a plan?” he asked. I looked at him and waited for him to continue, I was willing to hear him out. “I stay with you while you wait for your lease is up, if that’s okay with you of course.” He has the biggest smile on his face and I already knew that it was going to fade once I spoke.

“It’s the same as me going stay with you before my lease is up. You’re going to be wasting money on a place that you’re not even sleeping in,” I sighed. I sounded so stubborn, but it was the way I felt. Money wasn’t scarce between us, but it still wasn’t worth wasting.

“You know,” he said, running his hands through his hair and sighing angrily. “You’re really making me feel like you don’t even want to live with me. I have done everything I can to get you to take me back and trust me, but you still seem to have some sort of guard up. You just agreed to moving back in, but now it sounds like you’re back out.” His words hit me, like I said I was already feeling bad and now I felt worse. “I already pay for that place while I’m on tours, it can be just like that while I stay with you. You know what just forget it.”

“Liam I-“

“No I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” he said while glaring at me. I pushed back against the door of the car and let him be, he was really mad. I didn’t mean to get him mad, but I was telling him the truth.

The car was silent as we drove the rest of the way back to the hotel, it was awkward. We got to the hotel and Liam jumped out, I thought he was going to leave me to fend for myself through the paparazzi, but he didn’t. He held his hand out for me to reach for and I took it, we tried our best to look as if we hadn’t just fought, but it was quite hard.

Once inside the building he let go of my hand and walked to the elevator, I guess that was that. The ride up to the floor was just as silent as the ride to the hotel. I really wanted to talk to him, but I didn’t want to piss him off more than I already had. I knew how he got when he was mad, he would get irrational and start to curse under his breath. To be honest it was hot when he got mad, but not when he was mad at me.

We got off of the elevator and walked to our room; he opened it, and let me in first. I went straight to my suitcase and got out my pajamas. I changed in the bathroom and came out to see him lying in the bed on his phone. He looked like he had cooled off a bit, but I didn’t want to risk anything.

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