Chapter 3

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As I was walking down the hallway, to take some stuff to one of the managers, I accidentally ran into someone. I heard him apologize and I instantly knew who it was, Liam. I looked at him after I gathered myself together, my heartbeat increased and I felt like I wouldn’t be able to speak. I turned to face him and we just stared at each other, shock overcoming our facial features. I finally worked up the courage to be the first one to speak. I shook myself out of my confusion and opened my mouth.

“Hey, Liam. How are you?” I asked, nervously. I really didn’t know what to say. He rubbed the back of his neck, a clear sign that he was uncomfortable. Well so was I.

“I-I’m good. You?” he asked. I nodded before answering him.

“Good, good. I have to go, I need to go talk to some of your guys’ managers.” I said, excusing myself with a smile. That smile automatically faded as I walked away from him. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was ready to jump out of my chest.

I walked into the room that all had the managers still sitting around the table.

“Good morning, y/n. I trust all is well?” one of the men asked.

“Certainly. I was told that you guys wanted to see me,” I stated, fake smiling. I was getting really good at fake smiling.

“Yes, we were wondering if you wanted to go on the promotional tour with the boys. Would it be something you would consider doing?” another man asked. He was quite blunt.

“What would I be doing exactly?” I asked. I usually worked in the studios with the producers, but they also had me doing a bunch of other jobs too.

“Be the promo tour manager, get them to the places they need to be on time and just keep them in line. We think you would be a good fit, you work really well with them. If you would like to do it, come to us with an answer within the next couple days. The boys, and you if you want to, leave on Friday.” he said.

“I will think about it and let you know,” I said, thanking them and leaving.

I walked out of the room and thought about what he said ‘you work really well with them.’ That was only because I had gotten along with all of them, so well. Now it would probably be awkward.

 It was a great opportunity to get to go with the boys, but I was worried about what mine and Liam’s past relationship would do to our work relationship. I had a lot to think about, but right now all I could think about was the awkward conversation we had earlier. I still can’t believe we ran into one another.

*2 days later*

I walked into the building ready to give my answer to the boys’ managers, I knew that it was a bad idea that I wanted to go but I need to get out of London for a while. I went into the office and asked to speak with one of the managers. I sat in the waiting area of the managers’ offices, within a few minutes I was in one of the rooms. I took a seat as Michael motioned for me to do so.

“So y/n what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today?” he asked with a smiled. He was one the managers I had spoken to the other day.

 "I wanted to come and say that, if the offer still stands, I would like to go with the boys on their promo tour,” I said with a smile.

“That’s great! I was hoping you would, you are a great fit for this job! I will get you all the information later and you will have a meeting with us and the boys tomorrow to get everything squared away.”  I nodded and thanked him before walking out of his office. I didn’t know what I was thinking accepting their offer, it was only going to hurt me in the end like always. I just felt like I missed Liam and I wanted to see what would happen. I was risking all the progress I made to go on this trip.

Liam’s POV

I was sat outside my apartment, the chilled air giving me a refreshed feeling. I looked out onto the city and saw all the cars and people floating about. I had been very frustrated with myself the last couple of days, ever since I saw y/n. She had talked to me, nicely at that. If anything I thought she would’ve blown me off or told me to get away from her. I messed up big time with her and I truly regret it. I wish I could’ve said more to her, I wish I could’ve spoken to her for just a bit longer, but I didn’t get a chance.

I was thinking for a while, lost in my thoughts of her. I didn’t know how long I had been outside, but I felt myself shiver and I realized how cold it had gotten. I got up to inside when I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the ID and noticed that it was management. I sighed and answered.

“Hello,” I asked, kind of rudely. I was really in no mood to deal with them.

“Liam. We have a meeting set up tomorrow around 1 in the afternoon. You guys will be going over the schedule once more with the person who is going with you guys. So please be on time,” he said.

“Alright. I’ll be there.” I said. Great another meeting, I swear we never get breaks.

“Bye.” he said, hanging up.

I walked inside and went to make myself some tea, I really felt like I froze outside. I finally warmed up and settled on my sofa, ready to watch some television. I really needed to get out more, actually I didn’t really want to. It gave me more time to think. But then again I didn’t need more time to think, it was all I was doing lately.

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