Chapter 8

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Liam’s POV

As I made my way back, I couldn’t help but think about the non-awkward moments we’ve shared since we got on the flight. Holding onto her hand as we took off, and her not shaking me off, was amazing. It was like there was still a spark there when we touched. When she fell asleep on me I couldn’t contain the smile that was on my face. Having her so close to me made me so happy. Listen to me, I sound like a girl. It doesn’t matter though, she’s worth every minute of my sappy thinking.

I walked up to one of the attendants that was sitting in her designated area.

“Do you have any food?” I asked, as she got up off of her seat.

“Yes, we do. We have chips, peanuts, sandwiches, and all these,” she said, opening up a cabinet that had all of mine and the boys’ favorite snacks. It was definitely not usual plane food. I looked over everything in front of me and picked a few things I knew y/n would like and some things for myself. I grabbed a couple water bottles and thanked the attendant before walking back to my seat.

She was sitting there fixing her hair, probably fussing over the way it got messed up while she slept. I looked at her for a moment before I actually went and sat down. She looked up at me and I held out the things that I had grabbed.

“Which ones do you want? I just grabbed a bunch of stuff,” I said. She went and grabbed everything I got. “Hey, share,” I joked, with a smiled.

“Sorry, I thought it was all for me,” she said, smiling. I laughed at her as she handed over some of the snacks.

“No. Go ahead. I can get some more,” I said. She smiled and opened up a bag of cookies, popping on into her mouth. I handed her a water bottle and she accepted it.

“So… How are you?” I asked her, hoping not to sound awkward.

“Good. You?” she asked, covering her mouth because she was still eating.

“I’m alright, I guess. Just tired. You know?” I said. She nodded not wanting to talk with her mouth full. It’s not like she hadn’t done it before.

“That sucks. You guys should get a break. I know how tired you used to be on your breaks and stuff,” she said, casually.

“Yeah. But I’m excited the new album is out. Have you heard all of it? I mean the ones you weren’t apart of creating?” I asked. She nodded and turned to face me with a smile on her face.

“Yeah! It’s so good! I told you guys it would be a great album! The vocals, the lyrics, and especially the new sound are all amazing!” she said, happily (hahaha). I smiled because she had been a huge fan before she started working with us. She had always shown how supportive she was.

“I’m glad you like it!” I said, smiling.

“Wanna know what my favorite song is?” she asked, smiling even wider than before.


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