Chapter 13

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The butterflies in my stomach started to flutter as Liam messaged me, a permanent smile was glued to my face. It wasn’t a date, it was just a hang out but I was very excited to spend some time with him. After the battle I had in my head, over whether I should forgive him or not, I decided that he had a valid explanation for breaking up with me. Well, at least a good explanation for me to try to forgive him. It was going to take time to get where we were before, if that’s where we want to go, but all I knew was that it wouldn’t hurt to try to work on our relationship.

The minute we stopped texting, I jumped out of bed and got ready. I didn’t want to try too hard, but then I still wanted to look good. I didn’t know what exactly what we were doing, so I put on a casual outfit. I wore skinny jeans, a t-shirt with a hoodie over it, and a pair of vans. I made my hair wavy and stuck a beanie on. It was pretty chilly outside, so I thought my outfit choice was fitting.

There was a knock at my door and I automatically assumed it was Liam, even though I told him to text me when he was ready, because Lou wasn’t here.  I walked over and opened it and there stood Liam looking pretty good. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He looked pretty hot to be honest, the snapback topped off his outfit pretty well.

“Hey!” I said, smiling at him.

“Hi. Ready?” he asked, smiling too.

“Yeah, let me grab my purse and we can go.” I let him into the room and I walked over to the couch and grabbed my purse. “Let’s go.” 

“What should we do?” he asked, as we entered the elevator. I really didn’t know, but we were in New York in the winter time.

“I really don’t know. We should do something really fun.” I said.

He laughed and looked at me, “We should go ice skating. I know how much you love that. We can go and see that really big Christmas tree they have too, then dinner.” I smiled at his suggestion. Just the fact that he wants to do something that I love and the he, I know, hates, warms my heart.

“You hate ice skating.”

“I can learn to love it. I went with you every time you asked me to last year, remember?” he said, nudging my arm.

“Yeah, but that’s because I threatened you.” I said, the memories of our first winter-y time together. There had been plenty of times where I made him go ice skating with me and if he tried to get out of it, I threatened to not kiss him for days at a time. That always got him to agree to go with me. He had caught onto the technique in no time, well kind of. He was always falling on his butt, which was cute.

“Good times. I remember I was scared not to go, so I would give in and risk getting my ass bruised. It never failed,” he said. I laughed at the look he gave me, the look of amusement.

Just as I was about to say something the elevator doors opened and we stepped out. I could already see a big security guard standing at the entrance and a crowd outside of the hotel.

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