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"Addi please! It's the championship game you've gotta wear it." Jake pleaded. I almost smiled but crossed my arms and gave a stern look instead. "Come on. Lissa's wearing marcus' and Lily's even wearing marks and they're not even dating yet. please wear mine for good luck?" He pleaded once more.

"Jake. It was cute when I had a crush on you but now your just being ridiculous. Your not going to lose if I don't wear your jacket." I told him. Jake and I were sitting on the bleachers waiting for the game to start, but not just any game, the championship game. Jake grinned.

"You had a crush on me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"We've been dating for three months Jake." I reminded him. He grinned again.

"I know but still." He leaned in and placed a long kiss on my lips while slinging the jacket around me.

"Jake." I whined. "You know I don't like public affection." I groaned. He only laughed and ran his fingers through my hair.

"But how is everyone going to know your mine?" He asked.

"Everyone already knows, remember. Bets were placed on how long it would take for us to get together." I reminded him. He chuckled.

"Right. I'll see you after the game okay? Make sure to cheer loud. I love you." He told he. I blushed. Darn it, every time.

"I love you too." And then he left to go off and win the championship game for riverbank high.

Party's still were definitely not my thing, but I made an exception for this party sense it was a party dedicated to Jake and his team mates plus it was at jakes house so I really couldn't have avoided it. I went to most of the house party's but only for about ten minutes until A) I got uncomfortable and wanted to leave B) some creep tried to hit on me and of course Jake wasn't going to let me stay or C) Jake and I left to be alone. For this party I made it to 20 minutes before running off. A new record! It wasn't hard to run away. No one was in jakes room so it was easy to climb through my window and flop onto the mattress which yes, is still on the floor of my bedroom. Just as I began to drift off to sleep I was interrupted a thud on the floor which I knew came from Jake jumping through my window. It was a familiar sound I herd pretty much everyday.

"Hey you okay?" He asked coming to sit next to me. I sat up when he plopped down next to me.

"I'm good. It just got a bit much, you know all those smells." I said scrunching my nose. Jake laughed at me and slung his arm around me followed by a small kiss to my forehead.

"So do you think you'll ever visit Canada again?" He asked making casual conversation. I shrugged and closed my eyes.

"There's nothing there for me anymore. All I need is here now." I told him. I opened my eyes and saw him grinning.

"All you need is me and we'll be okay." I snorted.

"Wow you think very highly of your self." I laughed calling him out of his cockiness. He laughed along with me before replying.

"You know its true." I grinned. Ya I did, but I wasn't going to inflate his ego. I just stayed quiet and rested my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep

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