7. That makes three! Its spreding

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Lissa and I were talking in my room, cracking jokes, laying on my bed throwing blue berries at each other when we herd a tap on the window. Our heads shot to the window. After a while we decided to ignore it and go back to talking.

"So then Marcus-" we were interrupted by yet another tap on the window. Lissa and I both turned towards each other and touch our finger to our nose while we tried to say 'not it' first. I've never been a fast talker so I lost meaning I had to go see what was making the racket at the window. I groaned and rolled off the mattress dramatically falling on my back. Lissa snickered. Satisfied I got my point across I got up and opened my widow.

On the other side was Jake with his tong peaking through his lips while he aimed a pencil at my window. He seemed surprised to see me. He grinned sheepishly and put the pencil on his desk. Then he did something I wasn't expecting. He climbed from his window to mine.

When he reached my floor he pulled me into a hug pushing my face into his chest. I turned to Lissa who was still sitting on the bed. I made a face which asked her what I do. She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to hug him back. I slowly reached my arms around his midsection. When I turned back to Lissa she was making a kissy face. I felt a blush raise to my face. Satisfied, Lissa crawled behind us and slid out of my door.

"How are you feeling?" Jake asked pulling himself away from me. After he pulled away from our hug I was a little cold. He was very warm and the autumn air caused goose bumps all over my skin. I shrugged.

"I'm okay." I admitted. Nothing really hurt in the first place I think they over reacted sending me home. He beamed at me.

"I want to apologize." He told me. I looked at him confusion written all over my face. "I was kinda the reason you got hit. You see Tiffany was... Pursuing me and when ever she flirted with me I would change the subject to Lissa's cousin who was coming to the school. I guess she's kinda bitter." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I knitted my eyebrows.

"It probably did help that you were a girl. A pretty one at that." He told me. A blush was sent up to my already naturally red cheeks. The same happened to Jake. He cleared his throat.

"Well I'm just gonna go now and... I'm-i'll see you tomorrow." He said scurrying to the window where he came from. I was still a little dazed but I manage to speak.

"Hey Jake?" He turned to me. I offered him a half smile. "Thanks." He seemed satisfied and smiled at me before climbing back to his window. I walked over and shut the window and the blinds after catching a glance of Jake grinning like a mad man. I laughed silently and turned back to my bed where Lissa was already seated, also grinning like a mad man. I jumped when I saw her.

"You scared me-"

"He thinks you're pretty!" Lissa screamed. I lunged and covered her mouth. Foot steps came pounding up the stairs. Nancy popped her head in the door obviously hearing Lissa. I rolled my eyes. My mom would have done the same thing. Lissa and I walked over to the bed sitting down causing the blueberries to spill. Lissa and I patted on the sheets indicating for her to come over.

"Jake thinks Addi is pretty! he said it." Lissa said excitedly. Now Nancy grinned too. That makes three. It's speeding like a disease!

"He so likes you."  Lissa squealed. I rolled my eyes for about the millionth time.

"I've known him for what? A day-"

"Actually you've known him sense Saturday making it three days." Nancy interjected.

"Oh your right my bad. A whole three days! He must be in love with me." I said sarcastically. Both Nancy and Lissa gave me a disapproving look. I snorted and chuckled a little. It was moment like theses that made me realize how alike they were.

"Look guys he called me pretty. It was probably pity sense he claims he caused the vicious volley ball attack by rejecting Tiffany. I'm not the type of girl guys chase after. They mostly just stroll past me casually." I explained. They both rolled their eyes siamotainously which made me laugh again at their similarities.


The next day everyone was talking about the volleyball incident. Frankly I hated the attention. I've never been one for attention and never will be. Chem with Marcus was pretty fun. I sat with him today and we watched cat fail videos the whole time when we were supposed to be taking notes. I honestly couldn't care less about what ever the teacher was saying. I was already a month ahead in all the subjects so I had nothing to worry about. Math we had a bit of home work but I managed to do it all when the teacher was explaining what to do. Then I let lily barrow my notes.

After math was gym. I've never been a big fan of gym. I don't like sweating in public which makes me sound like a total priss but it's true, I generally don't like the gym teachers, and I don't like the games we play. Sure I'm a dancer and athletic but for the amount of money schools use for sports, the gym program really sucks. My dad had complained to the school board multiple times about the gym teachers in my old school.

I was greeted by Jake at the door of the gym. Today we would be doing yoga. I was okay with that I guess, it sure was going to be boring though. I've never been one to sit still. I rolled my mat out and sat down. Jake slid his mat next to mine and sat so he facing me. He smiled at me and I offered a small one in return. The gym teacher began giving instructions for different poses but no one was doing them sense it was so dark in the gym that you couldn't even see your own hand. The gym teacher insisted the dark lighting 'set the calming mood'.

"So me and the twins were going to go to a movie tomorrow sense it supposed to snow a bunch and it's probably going to be a snow day. Any way they told me to get you and Lissa to come. So what do you think?" He whispered. I bit my lip.

"I'm sure Lissa would love to but i don't think I'll come." I responded the last thing I wanted to do was drive in snow day conditions to go see a movie. Jake pouted.

"Awe come on Addi." He begged. "Addi bear." I chuckled at his god awful nick name. He looked at me expectingly leaning towards me anticipating my answer. I remained silent blighting my lip trying to find a away to get out of it. When I couldn't, I agreed.

"Yes! That'a girl." He celebrated. I couldn't see them but I knew everyone had turned their heads to us. I laughed a little over the fact I knew he was embarrassed.

"That was peer pressure my friend." I pointed out.

"I know."

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