Chapter Seventeen

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Finally. It was all done with. The annoying 6 AM wake ups, the strict rules, etc. All of it was done. It was my last day here and some of the girls I had grown close to were crying as they hugged me goodbye. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting emotional too. After I said my goodbyes to the staff and the other girls, I walked outside where my parents and Andrew were waiting outside their car. I practically ran up to them before I hugged them. This place had really changed me and I found myself more happier. My treatment wasn't over, I would still see a therapist and nutritionist weekly. I wasn't fixed, but I was better.  

Jack couldn't pick me up because he couldn't get off of work, but he said he'd see me right after his shift ended. I was a little afraid to see him again, because I hadn't seen him since he dropped me off. 

The moment with my family had been emotional, and we must have just talked for ten minutes before we even got in the car. My dad even hugged me and said he loved me for the first time in a long time. The car ride was full of catching up. Andrew was in his senior year of college, so he could only stay for the day before leaving tonight to go back.  

I spent the whole day with my family at our house. We had watched movies and played board games just like we used to when Andrew and I were little kids. I felt nostalgic and I really did truly feel happy.  

It was getting late and Andrew had to leave. We said goodbye to him and he hugged me rather tightly for a good minute. It was nice that all of a sudden I was much closer to my family. 

I got a text from Jack saying that he was on his way, and I got really nervous. I told my parents I was going to wait outside for him and since he would be driving me to his place, I hugged them goodbye and thanked them for everything.  

I walked outside and leaned against the front door. It was the middle of October, so it was a little cold, even with the sweater I was wearing.  

After five minutes, Jack's car pulled up. I ran up to the car before he could even get out. When he did, I hugged him so tightly and crashed my lips on his.  

"Marley! I missed you so much," He said in between kisses. 

"I missed you too!" I said, and of course I was getting emotional. 

"Hey, stop crying. I love you," He said before kissing me again.  

"I'm just so happy to see you again," I said. 

"I am too. Come on, get in the car. It's cold out here," He said sweetly before pecking me on the lips one more time.  

I got in the car and so did he. I pulled the seatbelt over me and instantly grabbed his hand. We would always hold hands when we were in the car.  

On the way to his apartment, I told him about some of the other girls and just things there. I told him it was very difficult but I kept his promise that I'd keep fighting. He smiled at me as I went on and on. 

When we got to his apartment, he held my hand when we got out of the car and led me through the door and up the stairs to his door. With his free hand, he took his key and unlocked the door before opening it. When we were inside, he shut the door behind him and immediately crashed his lips against mine and held me close to him. He threw me up against the wall and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He began lifting up my shirt and that's when I got uncomfortable. I didn't like my body. I thought it was repulsive, to be honest. I had went from ninety-two pounds to one hundred and twenty-four pounds. I try hard to accept it, but I'm just not comfortable with it yet.  

"Jack, wait. Stop," I said, interrupting the kissing. 

"Why? What's wrong? Am I hurting you?" He asked, loosening the grip he had on me. 

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