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Chapter One: Halaat&life.

"Wake up Halaat. Wake up." I hear my mothers soft voice bringing me back to reality. "Halaat it's seven thirty am and you are going to be late for your first day." As I was trying to contemplate her words, I let out a yawn and a stretch, looking at the clock on the wall and that's when I realised I was LATE.

"Ummi(mother) why didn't you wake me up sooner, I can't be late on my first day. What will my boss think of me?" I said while going in my closet and choosing my outfit randomly.

"Halaat, I woke you up eshrt marrat(ten times) I think even more than that but you still didn't wake up," my mother said. I showered quickly and put on my clothes, I quickly wore my abaya and scarf and went down stairs. "Halaat come eat breakfast, breakfast is very important," my mother advised.

"Ummi I can't eat please I am very late," I complained.

"Haha Halaat the sloth of the house, she's forever sleeping, if she's not sleeping she's eating. Ummi do you pay Hala to be lazy all the time?" my younger brother teased. Hala is my nick name that my brother gave me, when he was young he couldn't say Halaat properly and ended up calling me Hala.

"Shut up Hussein," I said seriously. Hussein is younger then me by seven years. He is an irritating and annoying teen who has opinions on everything. Literally.

"Hussein stop teasing your elder sister. Halaat at least drink tea," my mother insisted. I drank tea as fast as I could, even though the tea was hot but I managed to drink quickly. I grabbed some pastries and hugged my mum. She prayed for me a dua ( prayer) and I left as soon as I said ameen.

I got into the car and first things first I switched on the air conditioner, it's always hot in Kuwait. I started driving, and I noticed the time on the digital screen and it was eight o'clock, and I had to be there by eight twenty. I don't know if I'll make it, it's a long distance from my house.

I decided to drive faster than usual, I didn't want to get a bad impression from my boss, on my first day. I don't know how I'll manage to explain my lateness. What will I say?
that I am a sloth and I like sleeping. Ya Allah ( oh God ) help my brother Hussein, I started laughing. At times Hussein's jokes are actually funny. But I never make the mistake of encouraging him, he gets a big head when he is praised a lot.

I finally got there after twenty five minutes, looking for a parking spot. I notice one, far from the building I am working in. I am so going to be late. It's already eight twenty five, and with the long walking distance between the parking lot and the building. I am going to be extremely late .

Did I mention, I am going to work at a huge firm and I am the new assistant marketing director. "Ya Halaat, why did you have to be so late. I am not surprised if I get fired before I even get started." I said to my self. I graduated from the University about a year ago. I can't believe it, the first day of my real job and I am late.

I was trying to convince myself that I was going to be okay. Positive thoughts only I told myself,  trying to trick my brain. I got into the building and the first words that left my mouth were 'Bismillah', I knew if I still had my job it was fate being friends with me today.

I got into the elevator and I went to the fourth flour where I was appointed when I was hired. I got into the elevator and my heart, started throbbing. My first real life job and here I was standing in the elevator nervous and late. When I finally reached the fourth floor, where I was going to work at. The elevator doors opened and my brain seemed to be intimidated by the busy place and busy people.
I got out the elevator and the most embarrassing thing happened. My abya got stuck between the elevator doors. I stood there like a complete fool. Luckily I wore a closed abya. My abya was being pulled up by the elevator.

I tried to push the buttons, but it was too late, the elevator had already gone up. I tried my best to pull it out but I couldn't. I stood casually trying not to act like a complete fool. Luckily the elevator went two flights up and came down. As soon as the elevator doors opened, my abya was realised and I lost my balance and fall on the guy who was coming out of the elevator.

The stranger managed to catch me, before I fall. His strong arms, held my waist and lifted me up. I couldn't help it but notice his perfect bearded jawline, pink plumped lips and mesmerising grey eyes that I could look at forever. Suddenly a silence fell and it was as if, we were the only people in the room and it was almost perfect until I realised I was in another man's arms a stranger, not even my brother not anyone to me.

In my religion Islam it's forbidden, for a man (a guy who can marry you) to touch you or even look at you in the wrong way. And for a women it's the same not allowed to touch a man who is not her father or brother. It's causes fitna ( temptations/ rebellion against the Islamic rules), it has many meanings but temptations will fit best with my situation.

Ya Allah ( oh God) I said and jumped out of his arms. The busy people in the busy place, all stopped and looked at the scene in front of the elevator. After the stranger gave them one glance they all went back to work, he has a stiff structure, he looked like a business man a business man who doesn't take crap. His mysterious and furious grey eyes, made me curious.

In my head I was only repeating Astagfirullah( May God forgive me.) I said it about thirty times before I could utter a single word to him. Even when I finished, my words couldn't be combined. Every sentence I thought of just didn't make sense to me. Where was my brain when I needed it?

Luckily he too didn't want to say anything, he lowered his gaze and walked away from me. Alhamdulilah( Thanks God). After my embarrassing moments. I decided to go find the boss's office so I get to know where I will be sitting and who I will be working with. I started wondering around not knowing where to go.

"Assalam alaykum,"a feminine voice said. I looked besides me and a tall, beautiful, Emirati looking lady approached me.

"Walikum Salam," I replied.

"My name is Jamila, can I help you?" She asked while smiling.

"Na'am (yes), I am looking for the boss's office. I was hired as the new assistant marketing director," I replied.

"Follow me," Jamila said. I followed her. Jamila lead me through series of hallways while talking about the company, until we got there. I fixed my scarf and abya before I entered, after my quick fix up I knocked on the door and a manly yet soft voice answered.

"Udkhul (enter)." I entered the room only to find the grey eyed stranger, reading some documents.


My first story, yay. I hope you love it. Find out what happens in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading.xx

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