Everything Changes

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Chapter Ten: Everything Changes.

                  ...ما قمت بإخفاء في قلبك قراءة في عيني

(What you hide in your heart is read in your eyes.)


We are leaving for Dubai today. I woke up in the morning for fajar prayers and Adam was not in the room. I wonder where he went...

I couldn't fall asleep after my prayers so I decided to read the Quran. Adam came into the room an hour later it was about seven o'clock and I had already finished reading the Quran.

"Assalam alaykum," he greeted me.

"Walikum Salam," I replied.

"I am from the mosque with  father," he said while putting his keys and wallet on the dressing table.

"Alhamdulliah," I said in my heart. He came and sat on the sofa where I was sitting. When he sat I immediately stood up. He held my wrist and pulled me back to sit. I didn't even look at him.

"Why don't you look at me when I am talking you to you?" He asked seriously.

"I don't know," I replied still not looking at him. Which annoyed him.

"Halaat can you stop this, It's rude..." he said.

I decided to look at him and he too stared at me. Our eyes meet and I noticed his stiff face and his dark brown soft hair well styled, his perfect face and mesmerizing eyes starring at me.

"Halaat go get ready the flight is at nine am," he ordered still looking at me. I got up and didn't say a word. I took my outfit from my suitcase and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I than wore my long floral skirt and my white top and got out of the bathroom. Adam was still on the sofa, in his on world I could describe.

I don't know why I feel so sad, it feels like his emotions affect me too. I know his not one for emotions but I know something is wrong.
I started combing my hair and I noticed Adam on his phone with his eyebrow raised.

"I avoid looking at you because I see many mysteries that I want to solve and I am afraid you have read my heart desires one to many times," I said while combing my hair. I observed his face, he remained silent and I too. After I finished combing my hair. I saw his reflection from the mirror, he stood behind me.

"I have passed by many eyes, but I only get lost in yours. I can't help if," he said. When I heard the words that came out of his mouth I instantly became thrilled. Staring at his reflection from the mirror our eyes meet and I got lost for a moment. Ugh why does he have to be so charming... He surely is my bittersweet.

I wore my hijab and went out of the room, I knew if I stayed any longer he would make my cheeks turn totally pink. I headed downstairs I found the whole family at the dinning table.

"Assalam alaykum Halaat," my mother in law said immediately when she saw me.

"Walikum Salam," I replied while smiling.

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